Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

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Jon God
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Jon God »

Defacto wrote:I think the units and the mesh would need to support it. And sure hold down G and click to attack and stay in formation, and click on the ground and hold down F to walk and keep guys in formation. If that would be kinda easy to do and get good results sure.
Setting it in both the mesh and units might be a fair amount of work for even a 8 level campaign, with 10 units. It's kinda not the smoothest way to do this.

Anyone have a better idea?
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Defacto »

I will have to think about it. I was mostly thinking as a feature in like 1.9 or 2.0 or something, as i dout it would ever be added to 1.8 in any fashion. Since they are pretty busy with all kinds of stuff allready im sure. i guess i would rather they got to focus more on 24-32 bit colormap collection support.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by carlinho »

So I posted wwii and resurrected this plugin, the greek plug
it's basically almost 97% finished except scripting at 70%/65%...
anyone interested in helping me finish the scripting?
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by DarthRevan555 »

I can help with scripting, but depends on how advanced the scripts are. I'm barely learning advanced scripts for my Wolf Age plugin
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by carlinho »

it's very advanced, but not ultra weird
but when you finish your plug we can definitely chat, I could use some help, thanks dude!
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by DarthRevan555 »

My plugin won't be finished any time soon its converting Myth III levels to Myth II. So If any weird scripts just instructions and I'll be good to go
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by carlinho »

cool, I'll send you a PM :wink:
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by adrenaline »

still eagerly awaiting this (these?) plugin(s?) Carlinho! when?!?!
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by carlinho »

haha, sorry mate, I vanished from the myth world kinda...trapped by modern life family and work machinations...

but before I did Graydon and Darthrevan where helping me script the levels, that's all that is needed to finish and deliver...which unfortunately I don't have time to do...

If I could only create maps and models and units and they would script themselves...but it seems scripting is the biggest hurdle into new mods this days...

I'm trying to have a minute spare time to chat to Gray and see what he implemented, to see how far it is from finished, and couldn't find Darth by PM, so not sure if he's gone too...
really glad that someone is interested though!
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by adrenaline »

It's honestly the coolest looking plugin I've seen... and I'm not normally very interested in coops. The units are just really really cool... and it's rare to see cool new units without some sort of ridiculous special ability. This seems like it will be like regular m2 gameplay, with very cool units. Big thumbs up!

Any chance of throwing these units onto a multiplayer map? A big 2 team game with these units would be INCREDIBLE. Even on a conventional Bungie map like Desert, or Creep.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Platinum »

Wow this was started quite the long time ago eh? I would be heavily interested in trying this conversion out for myself. The units are so detailed it hardly looks like a Myth game and reminds me of the Total War series.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by vinylrake »

well if you like Total War you should check out the topic here about a Myth TFL conversion for Total War.
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Re: Greek Hoplites units - project on the march

Post by Platinum »

Yes thank you have seen that b4 it is very cool makes me wish for it in a new version of myth while keeping the same kind of gameplay.
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