jeez, i posted everywhere, sorry for being a pest
I just lost the ability to move the camera with the keys on the mac...really weird stuff
it moves tiny bits and hardly at all
yes with the mouse, didn't change any setting at all...
any ideas why?
maybe a key I pressed wrongly?
just want to make sure it has nothing to do with a bug with the plug I just posted
No way it would be a bug in your plugin. Check your controls maybe you have different settings between the two computers. Also, is the keyboard wireless? I know with a wireless keyboard sometimes some keys don't get through due to having low battery or something blocking the signal.
it must be a bug on the myth game install due to all the versions I have installed in the past 8 years...haha
I checked the settings and all seems normal...really weird,
it's a macbook pro where I have played regularly myth for 3 years...
but oh well, whatever, as long as it wasn't a plug problem whatever! I'll reinstall myth from scratch, thanks Pyro!!!!!!
Reinstalling Myth does not make much sense. You could just delete your preferences folder and it would be the same thing as if you reinstalled the game.