Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by Platinum »

Well I just played it. And it's a really cool plugin, but it does need a bit of work on the gameplay. Game ended after the final wave came, and there was no ending sequence or Leonidas killing Xerxes or anything like that, which would be really awesome if you added something like that.

But the pathfinding, much like your DDAY plugin is really bad. Because of the pathfinding, it doesn't 'play' like a Myth game, it plays more like one of those other 3D battle games like Age of Empires or Empire Earth. Units moonwalk and run around if they don't have space to get through an area, and also all the units begin to auto if enemy is in range of the bow/spearmen.

Again not trying to criticize your lifes work because I think the plugin is an awesome idea and very good graphics, just my input as to what mythers like in a plugin, if you ever want it to become a successful one, aside from the aesthetics of it. :D
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by vinylrake »

Lagging is greatly reduced !!!

I experienced similar frustration with pathfinding, far too many units to micromanage (at least for ME to micromanage) effectively, everytime I looked up from battle there were a couple dozen units on one side or the other moonwalking and looking for a path to who knows where. It seemed like missle units would stop shooting and wander off for no particular reason if I didn't keep giving them new targets.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by carlinho »

great you guys liked it

1944 normandy has no pathfinding problem with units, it's pathfinding problems in the maps where all the vegetation I added marks terrain impassable...thus units go crazy and never fixed it :(

as for the greeks, well, definitely nothing perfect as you can see
pathfinding is a bit of a problem specially in this map
it has a 2 cell wide path in between the phocian wall, and tons of units gather there

I had to tweak the pathfinding radius, so units when formed didn't overstep each other. So that adds up as units go around other units and vegetation and map parameters in a dumber way.
On top of that, Myth doesn't have a formation option like other games, where units keep formations when attacking.
So the best way to avoid pathfinding problems and keep them aligned is thinking of the units not as individuals but as groups when defending / attacking.
the whole idea of greek warfare was to fight in groups, and it didn't matter if you where a great warrior, if you couldn't keep yourself in formation. As formations where everything.
thus , I think you need to look and play this plug in a different way than others.

I will try to perfection pathfinding, although I'm not a fear specialist, but still it's a minor thing if you know how to manage the units. Form them as a group, in formations, form them with inventory 0 (unarmed) and they'll run and form quickly. Then hit HOLD, and select spears with inventory 2, then micromanage the 1 or 2 that wander off. Once you get used to the units it's not a problem.

As for archers and peltasts yes, I have no clue yet how to make them better.
maybe I should give the peltasts the DO not autotarget feature so they avoid killing your own units, but then it would be a pain in the arse to micromanage them
I tweaked the attack radius of archers and peltasts before releasing and something went berzerk, cause instead of staying put on the walls and shoot at incoming enemies, they flee and don't attack...
maybe a fear expert wants to give the plug a polish...and a good scripter can create and end scene as you say...
killing xerxes would be historically un-correct
and this is just thermopylae day #1
so it ends as it is...but yes, take it as a showcase, and not as a magnificent piece of scripting. I have more than 10 maps and tons of additional units, which never saw the light because the levels are unfinished in scripting...
ah :roll: would be really nice to see them finished...either somebody else will or in another life maybe...hahaha
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by Point »

carlinho The shield guard how I suggested it is similar to what i was doing with the art of myth its just a different monster switched via inventory it uses an idle sequence with shield held up to block and the attack is just a thrust forward with the shield... unit is set to block and absorb more like the jman. so arrows would do less damage and T attack could deflect the arrow if the player was micro managing.

Monster switch could also solve your archer issue by having a mode that holds their fire to only T special. then just inventory back to the regular mode.

after a while people seem to get used to and actually like the mode switches in wava. so don't worry about putting a few more inventory modes in the greek especially if it can make fighting in formations smoother.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by Platinum »

I'm on a crappy old laptop, and I even turned detailed textures off, and it was still lagging me to hell. I can try it on my new desktop and see if it plays it fine, which it should.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by Platinum »

P.S. Finalize DDAY! (I have every single beta, and I have less than 9 gb of hard drive space left).

Oh, and units need taunt! Nazis should heil hitler, Americans should fist pump in the air or something. Same with Thermopylae, more taunting action!
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by carlinho »

And even the battles are not that big, in one of the unfinished maps had hundreds of units at the same time fighting, lagging was brutal. They say it won't on 1.8
Hopefully !
I wish there still where scripters and level designers and fear and loathing people out there, I have a new idea with Roman legionaries and celts and Germans but as this probably will never get off the ground because of that....

One thing I noticed with high res sprites, is objects tend to be smaller to compensate for relative sprite/object size...then would pathfinding be affected as well by that ?
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by luckylegs10 »

I'd be interested in a multiplayer version of this when you get around to finalizing it.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by carlinho »

Cool, great
Will try doing special units for multi where all have same stats so it's even. Will need to render color hue archers and peltasts to assign to each team
Will take a while but for the interest it showed its definitely worth it ! Cheers!
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by luckylegs10 »

Dude you are the best!!!!!

CTF would be a good one to see.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by luckylegs10 »

I made a youtube video of your Greek Plugin so people can see how much fun it is to play.

We play a little different than most people. We played for bodycount.

Video 1080P

PS, there is a zerk in one of the cutscenes prior to reinforcements.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by carlinho »

Dude, that's awesome! What we need is more chaps like you that love myth 2
Love that you posted that video and that you like the plug
I saw the video and you got owned because you went in the open against the Persian army. They script is done so if you go against them in the open the whole army attacks at once and you get surrounded

Did you use dtextures?
With dext on the map is even more alive

Thanks !!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by luckylegs10 »

Carlinho, we wern't playing to win the game. We were playing to see which one of us can get the highest body count. Hence a test of a multiplayer abilty. I hope you make this into a MP map, too.

Some ideas to make this a mulptiplyer map.

1. Body count - alow other players to control persian forces. Persians need a healer too.
2. CTF or capture the entrance.
3. King of the Hill.. or King of the entrance.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by luckylegs10 »

Carlinho, I'm down for some Achilles spartan elimination, too.
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Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Post by Point »

Ranking MeshName Plugin Count Films Submitted Difficulty Times Played Wins Avg. Duration (h:m:s) Win Duration (h:m:s) Win % Win Points Loss Points
1 Thermopylae pass. 1 Normal 111 4 8:25 15:35 3.6 31.94 1.19
2 Grave Tidings 1 Legendary 99 4 14:50 15:23 4.04 28.22 1.19
3 The Great Library 1 Legendary 68 32 15:25 21:22 47.06 1.52 1.35
4 Mazzarins Demise VI v4 1 Normal 57 4 1:34:34 1:30:30 7.02 25.97 1.96
5 Mazzarins Demise VI v4 1 Timid 50 11 1:48:48 2:13:13 22 7.58 2.14
6 The Wall 0 Legendary 44 13 7:30 9:32 29.55 2.36 0.99
7 Mazzarins Demise VI v4 1 Simple 44 10 1:59:59 2:13:13 22.73 7.26 2.14
8 Gladiators Depredation 1 Timid 40 25 1:09:09 1:21:21 62.5 1.19 1.98
9 The Baron 0 Legendary 39 18 9:09 9:13 46.15 1.15 0.98
10 The Great Library 0 Legendary 39 17 13:47 16:46 43.59 1.61 1.24
11 The Stair of Grief 0 Legendary 36 12 12:55 20:10 33.33 2.64 1.32
12 Valley of Despair 1 Legendary 33 0 23:21 0:00 0 0 0.5
13 D Day 2 Legendary 32 4 15:06 17:05 12.5 8.65 ... opMeshesSB
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