Has Become Another GodzfIre's Whatever BS Thread

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Has Become Another GodzfIre's Whatever BS Thread

Post by GHOST® »

EDIT:: Have at it godz, this thread is all yours now, as its *all about you* anyways. I hereby Withdraw my Challenge for Legend Wins/Films. My interest in this has waned and I have much better things to do, such as scripting another annoying map, or taking out the trash, or watching moss grow.
Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Film(s)??

by GHOST® » Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:24 pm

Greetings fellow Mythers,

I never put out a challenge for beating VoD on Legendary as i figured after Mazzarins Demise, this shouldnt be *too* difficult to accomplish. However, I am curious to know if anyone has actually been able to beat VoD on Legendary yet?? Either the Desperate Measures, The Gauntlet, and A Bridge Too Far maps, in succession, or the full Valley of Despair CooP version??

If anyone has accomplished this, could you please upload your Films (renamed with your name added) for me to watch/review at uDogs Hotline please.
hl.udogs.net >> Uploads >> User Uploads >> GHOST's uploads >> Valley of Despair Films
OR if you prefer, you can email them to me here at Angloshok@gmail.com

I am particulary interested in Wins achieved while online, without the ability to save or slow things down with F1, though i'll happily watch films achieving a win on Legend offline as well.

There is no prize for doing this, though i do have an original unopened Myth Worlds and an original unopened, signed by Ozone & myself, Green Berets collecting dust that I might_be_willing to *award* to the submitter(s) of an exceptionally good Legendary Win Film of the FULL Valley of Despair CooP map. :o)

Good luck, have fun, and die well. ;o)

10 OCT 2012

Wins achieved while not online need to be using the
Magma - Valley of Despair plugin. I am not at all interested in wins accomplished via hacking ::edit::(extracting, untagging, disassembling, extraditing, unplugging, localizing, or whatever)::/edit:: VoD it into a local folder & giving your units Uber Health, ::as Godzfire recently did & tried to pass off as a legendary win.:: All such submitted films will be promptly deleted. ;op

ADDENDUM: CTRL_Plus or CTRL_Shift_Plus wins need not apply. That means you DR. ;op

12 OCT 2012
I know this can be done on Timid, as Khellek
& I, two of the arguably worst players ever in Myth,
were able to as Evidenced by this screenshot.

Now, I would look to see some Legendary Wins, or just a single one.
Are there any decent players still out there amongst you so called
Myth Whores?! Tap me at hl.udogs.net if you need an extra dorf jockey ;o)
Last edited by GHOST® on Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by GodzFire »

What's up with your UI, it's....red and yellow.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by Melekor »

That's the VoD Interface.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by GodzFire »

Now I know. I just use the normal M2 interface myself, at least most recently.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by DarthRevan555 »

GodzFire wrote:Now I know. I just use the normal M2 interface myself, at least most recently.

Turned your back on M3
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by Platinum »

This level is very annoying because it takes forever, there are continuous waves with wights, and the worst part is the TFL turning on the units. I'd say that's the most annoying aspect of this plugin. I was near coming upon the place where you can save the archers (took me 1.5 hours to get that far) and something exploded near me set off by a myrk giant throw and killed half my army. But seriously why would whoever made this have put TFL style turning? So hard to dodge and use proper pathfinding. Plus friendly fire possibility increases.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by GodzFire »

DarthRevan555 wrote:
GodzFire wrote:Now I know. I just use the normal M2 interface myself, at least most recently.

Turned your back on M3
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by Pyro »

Ghost, it seems your attempts to keep this thread about VoD itself have failed.
Platinum wrote:... it takes forever...
Well at least this guy kept it on topic. :) Platinum, perhaps don't play that map then. Play the other 3 maps which is just the first map broken into 3 parts.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by GHOST® »

Platinum wrote:This level is very annoying because it takes forever, there are continuous waves with wights, and the worst part is the TFL turning on the units. I'd say that's the most annoying aspect of this plugin. I was near coming upon the place where you can save the archers (took me 1.5 hours to get that far) and something exploded near me set off by a myrk giant throw and killed half my army. But seriously why would whoever made this have put TFL style turning? So hard to dodge and use proper pathfinding. Plus friendly fire possibility increases.
Sorry you find Valley of Despair *so annoying* Platinum. As Pyro pointed out VoD can be played in thirds, though this will do nothing about your being annoyed by the TFL turning. As an alternative, less annoying map, i'd suggest the tutorial, or most any other map that IS NOT one of mine as i have ALWAYS used TFL Style turning in all my maps since it became an option back in 1.4.x or so. . ;op

As a side note, i'm just curious, does not ANYONE read included Read Me's anymore?
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by Khadrelt »

GHOST® wrote:As a side note, i'm just curious, does not ANYONE read included Read Me's anymore?
I do. It's kind of a nervous habit.
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Re: Has Become Another GodzfIre's Whatever BS Thread

Post by vinylrake »

as i mentioned a while back, i don't *read* them, but I have them turned into MP3s using the text-to-speech function so I can listen to them on my iPod while commuting or as I am going to sleep.
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Re: Valley of Despair - Legendary Win Challenge & Films

Post by DarthRevan555 »

Pyro wrote:Ghost, it seems your attempts to keep this thread about VoD itself have failed.
Platinum wrote:... it takes forever...
Play the other 3 maps which is just the first map broken into 3 parts.

I don't know about that, playing it in 3 pieces is like a cheat, say you pass all 3, each one gives your units back so you're more likely to not care about certain ones. Also in the event of a win the player would doubt being a true winner since VoD is intended to be played in the long haul (i think)

Just the map makes it frustrating with idiot units to control for the 3 hour game.

I just finished a game.. 2 hours in I wanted to use the dwarf spec and the flaming satchel barely left his mortar and the massive explosion killed both dwarves and half the team :(

I want a full VoD win but its just too frustrating to deal with the 3 hour mesh ( Leg of course)

so... play the full mesh on normal or lower, if you want to play Leg platinum, avoid the long one at all costs :P
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Re: Has Become Another GodzfIre's Whatever BS Thread

Post by Platinum »

I beat this on Solo, using F1 and stuff. It took me over 3 hours, but for the last 20 minutes I enjoyed killing the spawning masses of waves that came from the world knot. I didn't know they kept coming until you blow up one of the pillars, but I liked how my vet arcs were mowing them down. I got over halfway (1.5 hours worth) online, then it all came to an end on the worst auto I've ever seen. I had no losses up to that point, and I knew I was going to beat it. Just some bad luck would be an understatement.

Oh, and I can upload the film of my solo win on here.
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