Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

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Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by jason_ac »

I noticed 2 things that seem to be missing:

1) The demo page:
Has links for the updater, but is missing several things that are found on
such as the Mac Classic updater, detail textures, and the Fear/Loathing guides.

Meanwhile, the demo page references Gate Of Storms, but the updater page doesn't.

Maybe the demo page should just point to the updater page? And add GoS to the updater page?

2) I've found no Mac system requirements on the site, the 1.8 readme, or the help.pdf. Might be good to have on the site, so people know which Mac download to get, and in the docs, so people know if a download they have on their HD is compatible.

What are the requirements anyway? The OS X version is...Intel only? OS 10.4 & onward? And the Classic version is...PowerPC only? OS 9? Earlier? OS 10.0-10.4?
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by jason_ac »

Also, might be good to have the updater page tell the Windows & Linux system requirements too. Unlike Mac there's only 1 download to choose...but how will people know whether it's good for their [possibly old] system?
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by jason_ac »


Anyone know the answer? What are the requirements? The OS X version is...Intel only? OS 10.4 & onward? And the Classic version is...PowerPC only? OS 9? Earlier? OS 10.0-10.4?

And the Windows requirements?
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by Melekor »

Theoretically, the requirements are the same as when the game was originally released. The actual ram requirement might be larger now, iirc the box says 64 MB, but it might need 128 to run properly with our expansions. (Edit: that is referring to the original campaign, of course newer plugins may have higher requirements)

The windows build supports all currently existing versions of windows starting from windows 95.

I don't know the OS version cutoffs for the mac builds, but classic = PPC, and universal is intel+PPC.
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by jason_ac »

Melekor wrote:Theoretically, the requirements are the same as when the game was originally released.
So for Mac, in theory that means as far back as System 7.5.

Who does know the OS cut-offs?

In Mac-speak, Classic = "any OS before OS X", so sounds like your Classic build would be for OS 7.5 through 9, under PowerPC, and your OS X build would be for OS 10.0 or later.
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by vinylrake »

jason_ac wrote:...Who does know the OS cut-offs?

In Mac-speak, Classic = "any OS before OS X", so sounds like your Classic build would be for OS 7.5 through 9, under PowerPC, and your OS X build would be for OS 10.0 or later.
Not that simple.

Older versions of OS X ran on PPC hardware AND Intel hardware - several versions of OS X ran on both PPC and Intel hardware.

OS X ran on G3 and G3 (and I assume G5) PPC Macs up through v 10.5.
(with diminishing support for slower clockspeed machines and certain models in 10.3 and 10.4)

OS 10.6, which was announced in 2009 was the first Intel only version of OS X.
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by jason_ac »

vinylrake wrote:Older versions of OS X ran on PPC hardware AND Intel hardware
I know. 10.4.4 was the 1st consumer-available version that ran on Intel. And 10.5.8 was the last version that ran on PPC. But Melekor is saying their OSX build is universal for PPC & Intel. If accurate, then what I wrote is correct, it should be fine for all OS X. Unless we get more details that it requires a certain processor or OS version level.
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by Pyro »

The Tain description for 1.8 Mac Classic says the following.
This is the Mac Manual Installer for Myth II version 1.8 for PowerPC Macs running Mac OS 8.6 - 10.3. If you are running a newer version of Mac OS X, please get Myth II 1.8 (Mac OS X).
Myrd would be the dev that would know other than Mac users that are running older Mac OSes that could go one way or the other.
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Re: Missing info & links on Magma download pages?

Post by jason_ac »

Pyro wrote:The Tain description for
LOL, I never thought to look for it in the Tain! That info should go on these pages, and in the readme's
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