Myth Short Film

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Myth Short Film

Post by capital »

screenshot- 2014-08-31 20.15.49.JPG
screenshot- 2014-08-31 20.15.49.JPG (117.49 KiB) Viewed 3549 times
Myth Short Film, intro to IX Corps. ... sMovie.wmv
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Re: Myth Short Film

Post by Melekor »

Nice video, glad you've having fun with the freecam build :D

The soundtrack seems oddly anachronistic, how about something like this for the background tune?
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Re: Myth Short Film

Post by capital »

Yes it is fun to try out a new Myth POV, thank you for the trial of it. I think the free cam needs independent controls for orbit, rotate, shift Z-axis up and down. Perhaps have Q & E keys for orbit, Z & X for rotate, C & V keys for moving observer up and down vertically. Also caps lock fix/unfix should be assigned to another key since it shows the health bars when toggled, interfering with a clean viewing. Also, long term, would be good to have this in actual game play, assignable as new mode, perhaps like BC, Lmoth, etc. or perhaps some other way... so map makers can make maps tailored to a first person perspective.

Also thought of something else related, would be nice to be able to edit observer constants in real time, like hold down [shift] + [+/-] + [key] and you can up or down grade the speed.

P.P.S. Would be nice to also go backwards (rewind) a playing film.
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Re: Myth Short Film

Post by GodzFire »

P.P.S. Would be nice to also go backwards (rewind) a playing film.
Not possible.
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Re: Myth Short Film

Post by Melekor »

GodzFire wrote:
P.P.S. Would be nice to also go backwards (rewind) a playing film.
Not possible.
Actually it is possible in theory, just pretty hard to do in practice. Modern computers have enough RAM these days to save "keyframe" captures of the game state every 30 seconds or so (more often if you have more RAM), and rewinding would just involve loading the nearest keyframe (rounded down) and seeking forward a bit.

These saved keyframes could be generated by playing through the film at max speed in the background, kind of like buffering an internet video stream. Until the buffering is complete you wouldn't be able to seek beyond the frames that have been loaded.

The problem with implementing this in Myth is that not all of the game's "state" can be easily saved/loaded like that, so anything that isn't would need to be found, and recoded so it can. That's a lot of work.
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