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Re: Deadhold

Post by Road »

Be nice Godzfire :D

I personally was in shock when I saw the demo vids. There aren't many games that I follow this early in development but I am defiantly following this one! If anyone hasnt done so check out the site and spread the word. I know a lot of old-school mythers will be interested in this!

BTW 1.8 is amazing, the dev team did an awesome job! Miss you guys and keep up the great work!
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Re: Deadhold

Post by GodzFire »

Trust me Fisj, just trying to be careful.
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Re: Deadhold

Post by fisj »

Hey all,

We've begun the Steam Greenlight process, and need your help voting to get Deadhold approved.

Vote here: ... =315297927

For those not familiar, steam greenlight is a voting process where the community votes on their favorite games. The more votes a game gets, the more quickly the project is approved.

We're begining the process now, because it can take months to accumulate the votes to be greenlit. We're hoping to get there sooner. :)

Yes votes with your steam account are very much appreciated! Thanks all!

- fisj
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Re: Deadhold

Post by Road »

Cool, voted for and spread the news!
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Re: Deadhold

Post by ChrisP »

Wow! Deadhold looks terrific so far. I'll certainly be buying this game when it comes out. Good luck on the development - hope it goes quickly!
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Re: Deadhold

Post by vinylrake »

I really, really, really dislike Steam, but I overcame my dislike enough to log on and vote for DeadHold.

Hope the approval process goes swiftly and the development too!
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Re: Deadhold

Post by Jon God »

vinylrake wrote:I really, really, really dislike Steam, but I overcame my dislike enough to log on and vote for DeadHold.

Hope the approval process goes swiftly and the development too!
You and be both pal. Still, anything to get more attention for Deadhold.
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Re: Deadhold

Post by Zeph »


To everyone concerned about plagiarism; you can't copyright gameplay. Else the only FPS you'd only be playing is Doom for 50 years.

To everyone else and concerned people;
vote for it on the Steam Greelight page, thx

Fisj, keep up the good work this is looking VERY good! :)
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Re: Deadhold

Post by juliocpaes »

My folk,

we will not leave the Myth,

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Re: Deadhold

Post by adrenaline »

No updates for a few weeks... anything new to tell us about???
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Re: Deadhold

Post by muirthemnemilitia »

I second that. Feed us!!!
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Re: Deadhold

Post by fisj »

Sorry for the sporadic updates, we've been crazy busy!

I threw up two images to a gallery on the deadhold site:

1) Art Style:
We've started narrowing the art style for both terrain and characters. A lot of this is design based decisions, such as ensuring characters are visible against the terrain, use of contrasts and color. Working out how to use terrain materials with a larger colormap underneath that fades on pixeldepth. Myth's terrain was largely excellent at communicating passibility (certainly in comparison to modern games), and we want great looking terrain that communicates well ... ie. cake and eat it too.

2) Unit Art - Still prototype, it will all change before ship(!)
No more mannequins. Mannequins were useful, but we're getting temporary units in that act and animate much closer to actual units. Again, this will all change, but its on a better trajectory to where we want to be.

3) We now have initial blood and (bloody) explosion effects. The most excellent Fred Hooper is helping us out with our core effects.

4) Voice overs:
We're building preliminary voice overs, and have a voice actress scheduled soon for the first run on ranger sounds/phrases.

5) Character systems and AI:
We've started porting over blueprints in U4 to C++. U4 is still early adopter status, and we've been running into lots of ... how to say this politely ... goddamn painful issues with blueprint. Blueprint will be an amazing system in 6-12 months when they work out all the bugs. However, we can't wait for that, so we're in the midst of setting up more robust core unit systems. The astute among you might also wisely assume this is the source of some delay, but we're taking this iteratively, so its not a problem. :)

6) Character design and modelling:
I'm contracting some work out with some badass concept artists for three of our characters. The guy I'm working with is a friend from the industry, and he's godly. We'll have pieces coming in over the next 2 months.

We also have a zbrush artist beginning work on our "Mimic" unit. :)

7) Networking backend and server lobby infrastructure/UI:
Our programmer has been on this for the last month, and he's just switched off to adddress blueprint and c++ issues mentioned above.

Hrmm ... what else ....

We'd planned to show off our new stuff last weekend, but we had to pivot and address the blurprint issues, so everything is in a half or non working state. Hoping to have something substantial in a week or two!

-fisj (
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Re: Deadhold

Post by muirthemnemilitia »

You have staved off the wolves for now fisj. But it seems a new comet has appeared on the horizon thus we all watch with bated breath whether hero or leveler should appear.. :lol:
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Re: Deadhold

Post by GodzFire »

Fisj it would be amazing if you could get ex-Bungie employee Juan Ramirez on your team. He did the art/character designs for M1/M2.
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Re: Deadhold

Post by adrenaline »

Thanks for the update, Fisj!

A few comments:

"We've started narrowing the art style for both terrain and characters. A lot of this is design based decisions, such as ensuring characters are visible against the terrain, use of contrasts and color."

What I think is most important, and was sometimes an issue in Myth, is that each player's units stand out from one another. This was noticed mostly with mellee units in large battles, i.e. warriors, stygians, zerks, myrks, etc. It was really difficult to visually separate the armies without having the units selected.
If you could find a way to do this, it would be amazing :)
I like the solid color you have on the warrior's clothing. Keep that! With each player being a different, distinct color, this will help a lot in battle.

A idea:

different designs on each player's shields... like a family sigil kind of thing. or giving the player an option to design or choose their own sigil... that would be pretty amazing. Kind of like how each player could choose an icon in Myth... but somehow implementing that in game (again, on the warrior shields, or something).

Anyways, great work so far and keep the updates coming!
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