I am trying, in every way, make a good plugin based on the game "Diablo 1". what I think is not easy

But onwards, I did a test plugin, where so known myth city Willow Creek stars as "Tristram".
I did some changes in the scenario, and I added new objects of blacksmith and farmers and witch. where were the stables, was placed tristram Cathedral, where the butcher demon, the hero must kill him. the main units of the game have been made by Paladin Maik. (I ask permission to use).

please, enjoy ... and all You to leave a constructive comments.

decreases the video sound, because it was unbearably loud.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUHIPA4 ... e=youtu.be
only illustrative, image is not part of the plugin.

ruins of an old Italian village, look at the fountain, it looks a lot like the village of tristram