Even Graveyards Die

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Even Graveyards Die

Post by vinylrake »

I've renewed the Mythgraveyard.org domain for another year so the site will be around until at least next Aug (2016), but I haven't decided what I'll do with the site after that so now is the time to start copying stuff on the graveyard which you can't live without. You have at least a year, so that should be plenty of time.

If there's something you think is in the graveyard that you want to save but you can't find shoot me an email and I'll let you know where it is - if I have it.
Jon God
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Re: Even Graveyards Die

Post by Jon God »

:( Let me know what it costs to keep it alive. I might be willing to try to throw a couple bucks your way next year.
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Re: Even Graveyards Die

Post by vinylrake »

Jon God wrote::( Let me know what it costs to keep it alive. I might be willing to try to throw a couple bucks your way next year.
Jon, thanks for the offer but it's not really a question of money anymore. And as I said, I haven't decided what I am going to do, so who knows? maybe I'll renew the domain and get a burst of inspiration and find some more dead Myth content to republish. Not likely, but stranger things have happened.

I only mentioned the possibility that the site might be going away next summer in order to give the few people who might care, a head's up so they have time to copy anything they want from the site.
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Re: Even Graveyards Die

Post by DarthRevan555 »

Jon God wrote::( Let me know what it costs to keep it alive. I might be willing to try to throw a couple bucks your way next year.
Insert text here.
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Re: Even Graveyards Die

Post by Industry »

Hey Vinyl,

I concur with Revan and JonGod. But more emphatically. I will pay for it to stay up. Or if you are uninterested in even the administrivia, want a clean break from the distraction or what have you let me know and I'll pay to have it mirrored somewhere. Aside from all the content and nostalgia, the Graveyard itself is quite a iconic part of Myth to me. Around far longer than most of the sites it has preserved.

P.S. The post title would make a great name for a map.
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Re: Even Graveyards Die

Post by Monkey »

Thanks for giving us the heads up. Most things have just quietly passed away with no explanation.

I'm also appreciative of people wanting to step up in case you do decide to step down from the helm.
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Re: Even Graveyards Die

Post by vinylrake »

I hate when websites I use regularly or stupidly thought would be there forever disappear. But it's a good thing I wasn't archiving content back in 1998-early 2000's, I don't think they made consumer hard drives large enough to hold all the myth sites and content that was around back then.
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