Myth II 1.8.1 Public Beta 2

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Re: Myth II 1.8.1 Public Beta 2

Post by punkUser »

Shad wrote: but in latest 1.8.1 beta build 432 screen messed
What's you're DPI setting in Windows curiously? ("change the size of text, apps and other items")
Shad wrote: Problem #2:
In both version,with automatic window mode, game doesn't start in fullscreen (only menu and lobby). So I need to alt+enter every game.
That's what the automatic mode is supposed to do. If you want it to go into full screen you'll need to set it to your screen's native resolution in settings. Is there a reason you are reducing the resolution to 1280x720? Performance? Indeed if you're pressing Alt-Enter you're effectively resizing it to your native resolution anyways, so there's no reason not to set it up that way directly in settings.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.1 Public Beta 2

Post by Shad »

punkUser wrote: What's you're DPI setting in Windows curiously? ("change the size of text, apps and other items")

That's what the automatic mode is supposed to do. If you want it to go into full screen you'll need to set it to your screen's native resolution in settings. Is there a reason you are reducing the resolution to 1280x720? Performance? Indeed if you're pressing Alt-Enter you're effectively resizing it to your native resolution anyways, so there's no reason not to set it up that way directly in settings.
1. Using native 2560x1440 and 125% change size
Screen is ok in 1.8.0. but seems like twice smaller then 720 in 1.8.1

2. Resolution make big difference in mything. 720 is way much better then 1440.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.1 Public Beta 2

Post by punkUser »

Shad wrote: 2. Resolution make big difference in mything. 720 is way much better then 1440.
I think you may be misunderstanding the change here... presumably the reason you are saying lower resolutions are "better" is because of either a) performance - which is unlikely these days on any semi-modern system or b) the size of the UI elements.

If it's the latter reason, there are changes in the latest patch to address this and scale up the UI appropriately. Thus you should give native resolution a try and see how it works for you. At the very least it's another piece of information.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.1 Public Beta 2

Post by Shad »

punkUser wrote:
Shad wrote: I think you may be misunderstanding the change here... presumably the reason you are saying lower resolutions are "better" is because of either a) performance - which is unlikely these days on any semi-modern system or b) the size of the UI elements.

If it's the latter reason, there are changes in the latest patch to address this and scale up the UI appropriately. Thus you should give native resolution a try and see how it works for you. At the very least it's another piece of information.
It's not about performance and UI size. I play some time in native and don't like it.
Game much more comfortable for me in low res (mouse speed&accuracy, units response etc).

I have latest patch btw.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.1 Public Beta 2

Post by Melekor »

Shad wrote:Hello !
Using windows 10 and 2560x1440 monitor.
Hey Shad, thanks for the reports.
Shad wrote:Problem #1:
I play with HD resolution (1280x720) on WQHD monitor.
Works fine in 1.8.0 build 427b.
If you set your pixel zoom level to 100%, things should be exactly as they are in 1.8.0.

Pixel zoom can be adjusted via the window menu (right click on the titlebar or on the taskbar icon). See this screenshot: ... php?id=627
but in latest 1.8.1 beta build 432 screen messed
I see what you mean. The problem here is that pixel zoom is being applied at a non-native resolution, giving you a double zoom effect. We could change it so that the zoom level is multiplied by a factor of (resolution/native resolution), at least when "use windows settings" is selected. I will make a note about considering this for the final.
Shad wrote:Problem #2:
In both version,with automatic window mode, game doesn't start in fullscreen (only menu and lobby). So I need to alt+enter every game.
This is how automatic was designed to work, however perhaps redefining automatic as "automatically fullscreen when in gameplay" makes sense. For someone who does not want fullscreen when in game, windowed already behaves that way so it seems like this change would be stricly an increase in functionality (am I missing something here?). I will make a note about considering this for the final as well.
Shad wrote:It's not about performance and UI size. I play some time in native and don't like it.
Game much more comfortable for me in low res (mouse speed&accuracy, units response etc).
You could try increasing your mouse speed so that the cursor moves roughly as fast in native as it does at 720.

Other than that I don't see any reason why a lower resolution would be better, at least objectively speaking. The resolution has nothing to do with "units response".
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Re: Myth II 1.8.1 Public Beta 2

Post by Myrd »

Thanks everyone for helping test the public beta of Myth II 1.8.1. We've now release the final version of 1.8.1 with many changes as a result of bug reports and feedback from the betas. More details here: ... f=2&t=6974