Divinity Original Sin-2 shows what might have been

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Divinity Original Sin-2 shows what might have been

Post by Donjas »

I have never obsessed over a game as much as Myth-2, 20 years later I still do because there is not a single game released since which can be called a spiritual successor to Myth. For a time the Men of war series on WW2 kept me entertained and that is the closest I believe any game has come to the gameplay mechanics of Myth-2.

The medieval fantasy setting and the rich storyline is unique to Myth and so I am back to it and enjoying the numerous wonderful mods.

Still I wonder how a Myth game should look like in the modern era. I think Divinity Original Sin-2 is the answer. Of course it is an rpg but the ability to use the environment and the incredible graphics gives me a chance to imagine.

A myth game which looks like Divinity would be just WOW.

I believe there was another Kickstarter game inspired by Myth called deadfall. It failed, I looked up the game on steam, it looked like Myth but that is not a compliment. Graphically it looked too much like myth, as if the last 20 years never happened.
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Re: Divinity Original Sin-2 shows what might have been

Post by Deceiver »

Yeah Unfortunately, deadfall didn't make it.. they basically finished the game but I believe they ran out of money which is a BIG BIG shame because they did something great. I would have purchased it if it was finished
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Re: Divinity Original Sin-2 shows what might have been

Post by Donjas »

Deceiver wrote:Yeah Unfortunately, deadfall didn't make it.. they basically finished the game but I believe they ran out of money which is a BIG BIG shame because they did something great. I would have purchased it if it was finished
I am sad that Deadfall could not be released but also somewhat relieved. I saw gifs of the gameplay on Deadfal’s steam site. The graphics looked very outdated to me and there was a cartoonish neon lights look to it.

I want a Myth successor to have state of the art graphics, that way we will attract new folks to the game.
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Re: Divinity Original Sin-2 shows what might have been

Post by Pyro »

I think you all meant Deadhold. Deadfall is a mod for Myth2.
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Re: Divinity Original Sin-2 shows what might have been

Post by Eddaweaver »

It'd be nearly impossible for a game in the Myth format to have state of the art graphics from a small team with the complexity of game graphics nowadays. I don't think most elaborate possible graphics is the thing, it's about relatability and storyline. New Bungie can have hundreds of marketers, lootboxes and graphics artists which they use to dump visuals on gamers so they don't have to bother with coherent storylines. But yes I agree there were issues with Deadhold in graphics/storyline from what I saw of it.
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