Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

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Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Myrd »

I'm happy to announce the release of Myth II 1.8.3, which is now available for download.

Myth II version 1.8.3 is the latest instalment in Project Magma's series of updates to Myth II. This release is an incremental update, bringing new OS compatibility, additional polishing and bugfixing, plus a few great new features.

Below are some of the highlights of the 1.8.3 update:
  • 64-bit support for Mac OS X and Linux.
  • Fixes for several Out-Of-Sync bugs when playing or mid-game joining multiplayer games.
  • Fixed the "missile unit walk bug", where bowmen, dwarves, and other ranged units would sometimes walk forward before attacking, even if they were already in range.
  • Fixed film chat display so that all teams' messages are shown (1.8.2 bug).
  • Added a "Reload" button to the missing plugins dialog, which allows newly-downloaded plugins to be reloaded without restarting.
  • Disabled loading interface tags from plugins, so that Myth's interface does not get messed up when playing old plugins that change the interface (e.g. Chimera).
... And many, many more.

Info & Download:

Full list of changes in 1.8.3: ... _1.8.3.pdf

Special thanks to all those who participated in our public betas, your feedback was essential to catching and correcting a number of severe issues.

Happy Mything!
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by GodzFire »

Maybe 1.8.4 can be solely focused on a collection of a lot of small little fixes and enhancements instead of some big major changes or additions, like Snow Leopard was for OSX. That would be a nice way to go back, look over, take care of all the little stuff that's just never had a chance to get addressed.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Melekor »

GodzFire wrote:Maybe 1.8.4 can be solely focused on a collection of a lot of small little fixes and enhancements instead of some big major changes or additions, like Snow Leopard was for OSX. That would be a nice way to go back, look over, take care of all the little stuff that's just never had a chance to get addressed.
Speaking for myself, development has to be fun if I'm not getting paid, and fixing ultra minor issues that like 1 or 2 people in the world even know exist is not my idea of a good time. (More serious issues like crashes, OOS, etc. we will always try diligently to fix if they are reported.) And if it's not ultra minor, well, there's not many of those left I think? If you look over readmes of past updates you can see that fixing small issues has always been the majority of the updates, so we should be running out of worthy unfixed bugs over time (if there are more bugs over time instead of less then clearly we're doing it wrong?)

The other aspect of this is that quite often, fixing stuff that is minor can actually take a lot more time than you might think, which makes the time:reward ratio terrible for those compared to bigger stuff.

That said I'm always open to reading suggestions for fixes just don't have high expectations :) I know you recently posted several lists of issues with the tools, and actually I agree with most of them (tools have had a lot less love than the game itself and could use some). Did you also post a list of issues in myth itself somewhere that I missed?
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by GodzFire »

- Add a damage option flag, maybe in projectiles, where an attack from a unit on the same team (player or computer) will not damage that team.

- I think it would be beneficial for someone to go back over old posts and put together a big list of stuff that has been brought up in the past few years that might have fallen through the cracks.

- I really wish I knew how to understand coding and be able to help, because I swear I would if I could. Trust me I've tried; I've taken multiple programming language courses and I've struggled through even the basic stuff. Even making sense of Loathing scripting is alien to me and a lot of the tag relationship-nature in Fear, and I've had 15+ years of looking at that. I hate that I can't understand it, so I will do my best to help do what I am able to do as time and my health still allows it.

- Could Punk or someone with access to GoS update the blue chat banner to read that 1.8.3 final is released and available?

- Bug: "Create game failed: Unable to open listening socket. Err: -5000". Occurred when I tried to host a second game using a second completely unique and separate copy of Myth 2 and using a completely separate GoS account. I'm guessing it's because Myth is looking for a specific port to use. Is it possible to make it so if it can't use that port it will look for another available port?

- Myth UI Bug: When creating a new multiplayer game, the input focus isn't properly defaulted to the Name field, so typing anything in doesn't do anything, you have to manually click in the box and then reselect everything.

- I've noticed on a few different monitors I've played on that the current joinable game font color, the neon pink, is very difficult to read and see and I'd wager it is even a bigger issue for people with color issues. Can I make the suggestion to change it to a shade of strong green, like my mockup below?
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Elfinstone »

Wow. 20 years later and the game/community is still rattling on.
Might just have to download this once again solo it through on Legendary

Myth World Cup? Still going?
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Oberon »

Both the Mac OS X Installer and the Mac Classic Manual Installer contain an Intel-only copy of Loathing. Any other Universal binary includes PPC code (or is PPC only like Myth II (PowerPC) ).
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Myrd »

Oberon wrote:Both the Mac OS X Installer and the Mac Classic Manual Installer contain an Intel-only copy of Loathing. Any other Universal binary includes PPC code (or is PPC only like Myth II (PowerPC) ).
Whoops, that was not intentional! I've updated the downloads so that it should be fixed now.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Deceiver »

Thank you so much guys. I wish I could pay you all, and buy you all beers for keeping this game going. This game deserves to live on! Thank you for keeping improving it. You guys rock!
Thank you all for keeping one of the greatest Mac games ever created, alive.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by MurderOne »

This is the greatest development ever!! Have not played this game since release!! So stoked, never found a game thi9s good. Cheers to all the hard work that went to making this live!!!

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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Khadrelt »

Are Fear and Loathing going to be 64-bit as well? I installed 1.8.3, but while the Myth app itself is 64-bit, Fear and Loathing are showing as 32-bit.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Myrd »

Khadrelt wrote:Are Fear and Loathing going to be 64-bit as well? I installed 1.8.3, but while the Myth app itself is 64-bit, Fear and Loathing are showing as 32-bit.
We don't have any plans to make Fear and Loathing 64-bit. Sorry.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Pyro »

But for a lot of the Fear side of things you can use Oak.
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by juliocpaes »

Pyro wrote:But for a lot of the Fear side of things you can use Oak.
I think it would be so nice, Myrd also make an update on OaK to improve it even more, because it's a good and important tool. :|

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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by acherontamovebo »

A question please:If i want to play to Myth II 1.8.3 Full game what i must to do?Where i can to buy or download?I have Myth II demo windows 1.8.3 but would like to have the full gaming not demo.Thank
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Re: Myth II 1.8.3 Released!

Post by Melekor »

acherontamovebo wrote:A question please:If i want to play to Myth II 1.8.3 Full game what i must to do?Where i can to buy or download?I have Myth II demo windows 1.8.3 but would like to have the full gaming not demo.Thank
The game isn't sold anymore. Your only options are to buy a resold CD on ebay or similar, or download an abandonware copy from the internet (google is your friend here).
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