(P.S thanks to Jeoku by suggestion of the OBS video game recorder)
Sir Mauriac's Tale
Mauriac was a leader of men from his birth. Born into the royal family of Covenant he served as Prince regent during King Alric's adolescence, even though he himself was not that much older.
After the destruction of his city, he took up arms and vowed never to retreat again. Yet, at the battle of Grimace Point, he was the only survivor, as his men were destroyed by none other than the Ghol Fang Grinder.
Mauriac wandered the wilderness, unable to come to terms with his lost honor, until he reclaimed it by destroying Fang in the Ermine. Rejoining the Legion in the 17th year of the war, he immediately volunteered for a virtual suicide mission to Covenant to recover the Total Codex. In short, Mauriac survived, and recovered the Codex. He was Knighted Shortly After. Deemed 'too valuable' for front line duty, Mauriac, now known as Sir, was placed on supply detail, way behind the front lines. And so our story of his exploits for the remainder of the war begins...