Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

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Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by el_sapo_guapo »

So when I start a new game, everything looks great. Full screen and beautiful... after I save my game and load/or revert to last saved game, it puts the "resolution" down on the lower left part of my screen. Hard to explain in text I guess. I've tried changing the preferences to different resolutions and it still does the same thing. The ONLY thing that prevents the problem is turning it off of OpenGL... but then the game looks like crap. Not sure how to upload screenshots on here... Anyway, hoping there's an idea/solution out there?
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by el_sapo_guapo »

Also, I should say that I've tried running the game in "windowed" and "fullscreen" mode... same problem.
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by Melekor »

You didn't give any information that might help with troubleshooting. Operating system, hardware, version of myth you are running. Posting your myth_log.txt would be good as it automatically answers some of these questions.

General advice for graphics related issues is to update your video card drivers.

Uploading screenshots can be done via the "upload attachment" tab under the input box when you are making apost.
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by el_sapo_guapo »

Yes, I guess it would help to know the details... I'm attaching my text_log, but I'm running a Macbook Pro with OSX 10.15.4

Also, I have further narrowed down the problem as well. If I "Start A New Game" from the main menu, (I've been starting The Fallen Levels; Crow's Bridge and also vanilla Soulblighter; Willow Creek) everything is full screen and fine. Then when I "Save Game" and then load/revert to that save, it "shrinks" my screen and puts it into the bottom left corner. Can't be fixed unless I basically force quit the whole program.

BUT... if I load up those same save states from the main menu, like "Saved Games... Continue Game...", it won't screw with my resolution. Works great. And and no matter how many times/different saves I load it continues to stay normal.

This makes me think that maybe it has something to do with the little journal/narrator screen before the level...? I dunno. So, I guess I found a work-around but it's a little bit of a pain in the ass.

Thanks for any insight you may have.
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by Melekor »

I see, you are on a very new version of OSX.

It's quite likely you are running into a bug specific to that version, we had at least one other user report something similar: ... f=9&t=7318

Check out the video linked from that topic. Can you confirm your issue is the same? Our mac dev wasn't able to repro it yet, but maybe your description gives some insight.
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by el_sapo_guapo »

Tried to click on the link you provided but i'm not authorized to view it.
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by Melekor »

el_sapo_guapo wrote:Tried to click on the link you provided but i'm not authorized to view it.
Sorry about that. I've added you to the private testers group, try it again now.
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by Myrd »

Can you provide a myth_log.txt after you reproduce the issue?

The one you posted doesn't seem related.

For example, mine looks like (the issue doesn't repro for me):

Code: Select all

Scanning for OpenGL devices...
	Found 1 to use
	ATI Radeon Pro 460 OpenGL Engine | ATI Technologies Inc. | OpenGL 2.1
Initializing sound with OpenAL...
OpenAL: Loaded OpenAL library 'libopenal.1.18.2.dylib'.
OpenAL initialized successfully with output device 'OpenAL Soft'.
Running OpenGL 2.1 at 2560 x 1440, 144 Hz (VSync ON)
Starting mesh "Willow Creek"...
Using 1.8.3 gameplay...
OpenGL: Initialized with TexCacheSize=512, ErasePreviousFrame=0, MaxAnisotropy=8, MSAASamples=1, UseDepthTest=1, UseMipMaps=1, UseNPO2Textures=1, UseShaders=1, UseLightmapBlendingShader=0, UpdateCMapChunked=1, UseCMapTiles=1, UseAppleClientStorage=1
Loading saved game "New Saved Game" ...
Running OpenGL 2.1 at 2560 x 1440, 144 Hz (VSync ON)
Starting mesh "Willow Creek"...
Using 1.8.3 gameplay...
OpenGL: Initialized with TexCacheSize=512, ErasePreviousFrame=0, MaxAnisotropy=8, MSAASamples=1, UseDepthTest=1, UseMipMaps=1, UseNPO2Textures=1, UseShaders=1, UseLightmapBlendingShader=0, UpdateCMapChunked=1, UseCMapTiles=1, UseAppleClientStorage=1

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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by nasuhoney »

Hello! Sorry to bump an old thread. I've been playing Soulblighter and keep running into this exact issue, and made an account after seeing someone else was talking about it too.

I'm running the game on a 2013 Macbook Pro, with High Sierra (10.13.6).


This screenshot is from last night. The issue only happens when I revert to a previous save or restart the level from the pause menu. I would just deal with it and continue playing in the quarter-size screen, but it's almost completely unplayable. Clicking on any part of the screen seems to correspond with a completely random part of the game, almost like an uncalibrated cursor. Pretty much the only thing to do is force-quit.

I'm not sure if I've uploaded the right thing with the text log, but this was from after I force-quit the game earlier. I think the text log also shows that none of the cutscenes are loading for me (it managed to play the intro cutscene when I first launched the game, but it crashed immediately after playing it. Now I'm unable to watch any cutscene at all, including replaying the intro).

Also I apologise in advance for my save file names lol.
Edit: Realised my text log was for a few hours of gameplay lol. Managed to replicate the issue on my first try, so I updated this with a more concise log.

Code: Select all

2022-02-13 20:38:46  
Myth II |iUniversal|p Build 454 (64-bit) running under MacOS 1096 (Intel) ----------------------------------------------
Loading poweruser.txt... not found.
DEBUG: Updating monolithic tag cache:
	Initial count: 14
	Number removed: 0
	Number added: 0
	New count: 14
DEBUG: Adding 13 monolithic tags:
	small install
	medium install
	large install
	international small install
	international large install
	Patch 1.2
	Patch 1.3
	Patch 1.4
	Patch 1.5
	Patch 1.8 Interface
	Myth II Interface (800x600)
	Patch Templates
Scanning for software devices...
	Found 1 to use
Scanning for OpenGL devices...
	Found 1 to use
	Intel HD Graphics 4000 OpenGL Engine | Intel Inc. | OpenGL 2.1
Initializing sound with OpenAL...
OpenAL: Loaded OpenAL library 'libopenal.1.18.2.dylib'.
OpenAL initialized successfully with output device 'OpenAL Soft'.
Warning: Unable to find cutscene 'prologue.smk'.
Loading saved game "wowo" ...
Running OpenGL 2.1 at 2560 x 1600 [HiDPI] (VSync ON)
Starting mesh "Relic"...
Using 1.8.3 gameplay...
OpenGL: Initialized with TexCacheSize=512, ErasePreviousFrame=0, MaxAnisotropy=8, MSAASamples=1, UseDepthTest=1, UseMipMaps=1, UseNPO2Textures=1, UseShaders=1, UseLightmapBlendingShader=0, UpdateCMapChunked=1, UseCMapTiles=1, UseAppleClientStorage=1
Running OpenGL 2.1 at 2560 x 1600 [HiDPI] (VSync ON)
Starting mesh "Relic"...
Using 1.8.3 gameplay...
OpenGL: Initialized with TexCacheSize=512, ErasePreviousFrame=0, MaxAnisotropy=8, MSAASamples=1, UseDepthTest=1, UseMipMaps=1, UseNPO2Textures=1, UseShaders=1, UseLightmapBlendingShader=0, UpdateCMapChunked=1, UseCMapTiles=1, UseAppleClientStorage=1
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by Myrd »

I see you're using Myth II 1.8.3. Can you try updating to 1.8.4 and see if the problem still exists? I think I might have fixed this in 1.8.4.
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Re: Screen res shrinking after loading saved game

Post by nasuhoney »

Oh! I think that did it! I wasn't able to replicate the problem at all after updating. Thank you so much! Checking for an update probably should've been the first thing I did aha
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