Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
By the way, what is plate?
It's all bitmaps from a collection combined in one image? So I possibly can just upscale a whole plate and import it back?
And a collection is a combination of bitmaps united by purpose and one palette for the whole collection? (Just like Thief/Dark engine with its fam paletted textures)
It's all bitmaps from a collection combined in one image? So I possibly can just upscale a whole plate and import it back?
And a collection is a combination of bitmaps united by purpose and one palette for the whole collection? (Just like Thief/Dark engine with its fam paletted textures)
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Definitely an improvement over the original game. Tested Farmhouse collection.
Also found how to use Oak, how to mass replace and mass rename.
Now building is brought to overall terrain detail maps quality
Need to test alpha textures now.
P.S. I think I'll do TFL mod for Myth 2 first cause I didn't played first game (second game I didn't played too
Also found how to use Oak, how to mass replace and mass rename.
Now building is brought to overall terrain detail maps quality
Need to test alpha textures now.
P.S. I think I'll do TFL mod for Myth 2 first cause I didn't played first game (second game I didn't played too

Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Interesting. You're right that building is a much more significant improvement than the windmill. I guess it's a bit hit and miss with this stuff.
We didn't release anything so far.I found only iron tagset for this. Am I missing something? Or I need to look for another mod? Are every characters are present in such way or some 3D models were lost?
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Could you please tell me how I can see what collections are used on the map.
I'd wanted to test first map of the campaign (crow bridge) but don't know what collections/monsters I should upscale
I'd wanted to test first map of the campaign (crow bridge) but don't know what collections/monsters I should upscale
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
I tried upscaling plates, it doesn't really work correctly. You need to manually redo all the alignment and it's more time consuming than upscaling them and reimporting them in bulk and reorganizing them in Oak.
That being said, I think with the right settings, upscaling would be totally viable for basically everything that doesn't animate (with the exceptions of special effects, which seem to work pretty well with upscaling).
That being said, I think with the right settings, upscaling would be totally viable for basically everything that doesn't animate (with the exceptions of special effects, which seem to work pretty well with upscaling).

PSN: Jon_God
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
In 1.8.1 or below there is a hidden command to dump the tags. As you are loading a map, hold shift+space, and a text file will be created in your myth folder.Akven wrote:Could you please tell me how I can see what collections are used on the map.
I'd wanted to test first map of the campaign (crow bridge) but don't know what collections/monsters I should upscale
It was accidentally removed but I am bringing it back for 1.8.4.
Here is crow's bridge:
Code: Select all
301 crows bridge, Count= 507
[-1, 2432] collections, !cba ~ Internal Control Bar
[-1, 92556] collections, isb6 ~ Internal Experience Icons
[-1, 106848] collections, !sba ~ Internal Status Bar
[-1, 633092] collections, baie ~ internal dialog elements
[-1, 1733420] detail maps, 30cb ~ 301 crows bridge
[-1, 2199346] collections, ligh ~ lightning
[-1, 2504994] string lists, innn ~ internal netgame names
[-1, 2505209] string lists, innr ~ internal netgame rules
[-1, 9192744] detail textures, fore ~ 400 forest1
[-1, 16902752] detail textures, JGG4 ~ JG - Grass (1)
[-1, 23414432] detail textures, JGM3 ~ JG - Moss (1)2
[-1, 25540732] detail textures, JGPE ~ JG - Plain Concrete (1)
[-1, 25797052] detail textures, JGPF ~ JG - Plain Concrete (1)2
[-1, 37062168] detail textures, JGSJ ~ JG - Sand (6)
[-1, 42346744] detail textures, JGS> ~ JG - Stonepath (1) Large4
[-1, 43134312] detail textures, JGS2 ~ JG - Stonepath (2)
[-1, 43418804] detail textures, JGS4 ~ JG - Stonepath (3)
[-1, 62924120] detail textures, diru ~ dirt2
[-1, 64046468] detail textures, eart ~ earth1
[-1, 70561208] detail textures, watj ~ water5
[0, 64] formations, info ~ internal formations
[0, 63664] collection references, fir' ~ ch00 fir'bolg
[0, 65968] collection references, dwrh ~ dwarf (red hat)
[0, 74032] collection references, ghol ~ ghol
[0, 78640] collection references, sowb ~ soulless (white banner)
[0, 80560] collection references, thmy ~ thrall
[0, 88240] collection references, wara ~ warriors (red and white)
[0, 116096] ambient sounds, amco ~ amb cb out
[0, 123072] collection references, bate ~ barn textures
[0, 135360] collection references, crbt ~ crows bridge textures
[0, 143424] collection references, fate ~ farmhouse
[0, 155328] collection references, inte ~ inte
[0, 168768] collection references, pump ~ pumpkins
[0, 182592] collection references, tote ~ townhouse textures
[0, 186432] collection references, vill ~ villager
[0, 215696] ambient sounds, amka ~ amb katydids
[0, 217168] ambient sounds, amri ~ amb river
[0, 217424] ambient sounds, amsm ~ amb smoke
[0, 217808] ambient sounds, amtr ~ amb treefrogs
[0, 218256] ambient sounds, rabi ~ random birds1
[0, 218320] ambient sounds, ra01 ~ random birds2
[0, 218576] ambient sounds, racr ~ random crows
[0, 220560] ambient sounds, ravi ~ random village
[0, 230056] collection references, l1_s ~ 01 scenery
[0, 294184] collection references, basc ~ basic scenery
[0, 304936] collection references, dwar ~ dwarf
[0, 305704] collection references, dwnt ~ dwarf (not-tinted)
[0, 312616] collection references, inme ~ internal monster effects
[0, 316072] collection references, kefc ~ key for cave gate
[0, 329128] collection references, soul ~ soulless
[0, 332200] collection references, teef ~ teleportation effect
[0, 337192] collection references, wate ~ water
[0, 1323878] local physics, bosr ~ bottle smoke rising
[0, 1323942] local physics, ca2g ~ cave 2 gate effect
[0, 1325414] local physics, smri ~ smoke rising
[0, 1325670] local physics, teis ~ teleport in swirl
[0, 1325734] local physics, teos ~ teleport out swirl
[0, 1330278] local projectile groups, araf ~ archer arrow flaming explosion
[0, 1330662] local projectile groups, chsm ~ chimney smoke
[0, 1336294] local projectile groups, soga ~ soulless gas (large)
[0, 1336422] local projectile groups, sogs ~ soulless gas (small)
[0, 1336678] local projectile groups, taef ~ tain effect
[0, 1336806] local projectile groups, tein ~ teleport in
[0, 1336934] local projectile groups, teou ~ teleport out
[0, 1340646] media types, wate ~ water
[0, 6700155] local projectile groups, dwbs ~ dwarf bottle smoke
[0, 6700667] mesh effect, sace ~ satchel charge explosion
[0, 6767263] monsters, dwar ~ dwarf tfl
[0, 6771359] monsters, fifm ~ fir'bolg (flameless)
[0, 6780575] monsters, ghol ~ ghol tfl
[0, 6820511] monsters, soul ~ soulless
[0, 6832799] monsters, thmy ~ thrall tfl
[0, 6834847] monsters, vill ~ villager
[0, 6844063] monsters, wam1 ~ warrior tfl
[0, 6850655] objects, arot ~ archer object (tfl)
[0, 6850847] objects, arro ~ arrow
[0, 6851167] objects, bava ~ basic vapor
[0, 6851231] objects, bavs ~ basic vapor small
[0, 6851423] objects, booy ~ body object x.6
[0, 6851487] objects, booz ~ body object x.7
[0, 6852191] objects, dwbo ~ dwarf bottle
[0, 6852255] objects, dwbu ~ dwarf bottle unlit
[0, 6852639] objects, dwot ~ dwarf object (tfl)
[0, 6852767] objects, dwsc ~ dwarf satchel charge
[0, 6853087] objects, ghob ~ ghol object
[0, 6853215] objects, heob ~ head object x.9
[0, 6853407] objects, inob ~ invincible object
[0, 6853471] objects, inox ~ invincible object x.75
[0, 6855839] objects, sldm ~ slow descending monster
[0, 6856159] objects, soob ~ soulless object
[0, 6856863] objects, tfdb ~ tfl dorf bottle basic vapor
[0, 6857055] objects, thra ~ thrall
[0, 6857311] objects, viob ~ villager object
[0, 6857695] objects, wamo ~ warrior m1 object
[0, 6861407] projectile groups, fiap ~ ch00 fir'bolg arrow pieces
[0, 6861919] projectile groups, fibo ~ ch00 fir'bolg body
[0, 6862431] projectile groups, fihi ~ ch00 fir'bolg hit
[0, 6862943] projectile groups, fipe ~ ch00 fir'bolg peices
[0, 6864991] projectile groups, dwbt ~ dwarf body (tfl)
[0, 6866015] projectile groups, dwpt ~ dwarf pieces (tfl)
[0, 6866527] projectile groups, dwsc ~ dwarf satchel charge explosion
[0, 6867551] projectile groups, dwch ~ dwarven chute
[0, 6868063] projectile groups, dwpa ~ dwarven paratrooper
[0, 6871135] projectile groups, ghbo ~ ghol body
[0, 6877279] projectile groups, tfdb ~ tfl dwarf bottle explosion
[0, 6877791] projectile groups, thbo ~ thrall body
[0, 6878815] projectile groups, thmi ~ thrall myth i entrance
[0, 6879327] projectile groups, thmh ~ thrall myth1 hit
[0, 6879839] projectile groups, thmp ~ thrall myth1 pieces
[0, 6881375] projectile groups, wamc ~ warrior m1 body
[0, 6881887] projectile groups, wamp ~ warrior m1 pieces
[0, 6887263] projectiles, fiar ~ ch00 fir'bolg arm
[0, 6887519] projectiles, fias ~ ch00 fir'bolg arrow
[0, 6887775] projectiles, fiab ~ ch00 fir'bolg arrow (broken)
[0, 6888543] projectiles, fikn ~ ch00 fir'bolg arrow tip
[0, 6889055] projectiles, fibo ~ ch00 fir'bolg bow
[0, 6889311] projectiles, fidc ~ ch00 fir'bolg dead body
[0, 6889567] projectiles, fidb ~ ch00 fir'bolg dying body
[0, 6890847] projectiles, chff ~ ch00 fir'bolg flaming arrow
[0, 6891103] projectiles, fihe ~ ch00 fir'bolg head
[0, 6891359] projectiles, file ~ ch00 fir'bolg leg
[0, 6891615] projectiles, fipu ~ ch00 fir'bolg punch
[0, 6891871] projectiles, fito ~ ch00 fir'bolg torso
[0, 6893919] projectiles, dwat ~ dwarf arm (tfl)
[0, 6894175] projectiles, dwbf ~ dwarf bottle fireball
[0, 6894943] projectiles, dwbp ~ dwarf bottle piece
[0, 6895199] projectiles, dwbq ~ dwarf bottle piece contrail
[0, 6895455] projectiles, dwbu ~ dwarf bottle unlit
[0, 6895711] projectiles, dwch ~ dwarf chute
[0, 6895967] projectiles, dwdc ~ dwarf dead body (tfl)
[0, 6896223] projectiles, dwdd ~ dwarf dying body (tfl)
[0, 6896991] projectiles, dwht ~ dwarf head (tfl)
[0, 6897759] projectiles, dwlt ~ dwarf leg (tfl)
[0, 6898783] projectiles, dwpa ~ dwarf paratrooper
[0, 6899039] projectiles, dwpu ~ dwarf punch
[0, 6899551] projectiles, dwsc ~ dwarf satchel charge
[0, 6899807] projectiles, dw02 ~ dwarf satchel charge (on fire)
[0, 6901087] projectiles, dwtt ~ dwarf torso (tfl)
[0, 6903903] projectiles, ghar ~ ghol arm
[0, 6904159] projectiles, ghcl ~ ghol cleaver
[0, 6904415] projectiles, ghcs ~ ghol cleaver swing
[0, 6904671] projectiles, ghdb ~ ghol dead body
[0, 6904927] projectiles, ghdc ~ ghol dying body
[0, 6905183] projectiles, ghhe ~ ghol head
[0, 6905439] projectiles, ghle ~ ghol leg
[0, 6905695] projectiles, ghsa ~ ghol sack
[0, 6905951] projectiles, ghto ~ ghol torso
[0, 6906207] projectiles, gubl ~ guts blood
[0, 6906463] projectiles, gubc ~ guts blood contrail
[0, 6911839] projectiles, soja ~ soulless javelin
[0, 6913887] projectiles, dwbn ~ tfl dwarf bottle lit
[0, 6914143] projectiles, tfdc ~ tfl dwarf bottle smoke
[0, 6914655] projectiles, ther ~ thrall eruption
[0, 6914911] projectiles, thmb ~ thrall myth1 arm
[0, 6915167] projectiles, thmf ~ thrall myth1 armor
[0, 6915423] projectiles, thmc ~ thrall myth1 axe
[0, 6915679] projectiles, thmd ~ thrall myth1 axe swing
[0, 6915935] projectiles, thme ~ thrall myth1 dying body
[0, 6916191] projectiles, thmh ~ thrall myth1 head
[0, 6916447] projectiles, thml ~ thrall myth1 leg
[0, 6916703] projectiles, thmt ~ thrall myth1 torso
[0, 6918495] projectiles, wama ~ warrior arm
[0, 6918751] projectiles, wacl ~ warrior cloth
[0, 6919007] projectiles, wamd ~ warrior dead body
[0, 6919263] projectiles, wame ~ warrior dying body
[0, 6919519] projectiles, wamh ~ warrior head
[0, 6919775] projectiles, wami ~ warrior helmet
[0, 6920031] projectiles, waml ~ warrior leg
[0, 6920287] projectiles, wams ~ warrior shield
[0, 6920543] projectiles, wamu ~ warrior sword
[0, 6920799] projectiles, wamt ~ warrior sword swing
[0, 6921055] projectiles, wamv ~ warrior torso
[0, 6923103] projectiles, wigl ~ wight's gas (large)
[0, 6923359] sounds, 06dw ~ 06 (dwarf) Whaaaaahahahahah! Oh
[0, 6953815] sounds, arce ~ archer celebrate
[0, 6974913] sounds, arpu ~ Archer Punch
[0, 7131055] sounds, dwts ~ dwarf throw short
[0, 7221901] sounds, exsr ~ explosion satchel (repeating)
[0, 7234639] sounds, fata ~ fang taunt
[0, 7377945] sounds, vo03 ~ firbolg - attack order
[0, 7393093] sounds, fige ~ firbolg-getshurtbyfriend
[0, 7416537] sounds, figa ~ firbolg-got a kill
[0, 7458129] sounds, fiha ~ firbolg-hit a buddy
[0, 7505977] sounds, fiin ~ firbolg-intheway
[0, 7550089] sounds, fimo ~ firbolg-moveorder
[0, 7568943] sounds, fise ~ firbolg-select
[0, 7584023] sounds, ghta ~ ghol taunt
[0, 7880691] sounds, in#4 ~ internal casuallties
[0, 7894181] sounds, inca ~ internal casualty
[0, 7906005] sounds, ingo ~ internal game over
[0, 7919529] sounds, innu ~ internal new units recieved
[0, 7937847] sounds, insd ~ internal sudden death
[0, 7951405] sounds, invi ~ internal victory imminent
[0, 8386577] sounds, sode ~ soulless death
[0, 8631133] sounds, vo07 ~ vo dwarf atk enemy
[0, 8657641] sounds, vo06 ~ vo dwarf atk enemy_friend
[0, 8680375] sounds, voda ~ vo dwarf atk obst
[0, 8717283] sounds, vo04 ~ vo dwarf atk order
[0, 8773563] sounds, vodc ~ vo dwarf cause death
[0, 8831441] sounds, vo05 ~ vo dwarf hit by friend
[0, 8853899] sounds, vodh ~ vo dwarf hit friend
[0, 8895261] sounds, vowc ~ vo war cause death
[0, 8925811] sounds, vowh ~ vo war hit by friend
[0, 8976757] sounds, wace ~ warrior celeberation
[0, 9194214] units, dwsb ~ dwarven suicide brigade
[0, 9195878] units, fipg ~ fir'bolg (palace guards, left)
[0, 9196774] units, ghet ~ ghol eyebiter tribe
[0, 9199206] units, sodf ~ soulless (deceiver fist one)
[0, 9201254] units, thfo ~ thrall fodder
[0, 9202918] units, waqg ~ warrior queen's guard
[0, 34213668] objects, l1so ~ 01 scenery small object
[0, 34213860] objects, 01sv ~ 01 scenery vegetable object
[0, 34219044] objects, 22sb ~ 22 small bits object
[0, 34221028] objects, basc ~ basic scenery
[0, 34221092] objects, basu ~ basic scenery (undestroyable)
[0, 34221156] objects, bash ~ basic scenery small
[0, 34221220] objects, bast ~ basic scenery tiny
[0, 34221604] objects, bloo ~ blood
[0, 34228388] objects, wasp ~ water spray
[0, 34228772] observer constants, obpc ~ observer physics constants
[0, 34275008] projectile groups, blel ~ bloody explosion (large)
[0, 34275520] projectile groups, blem ~ bloody explosion (medium)
[0, 34276032] projectile groups, bles ~ bloody explosion (small)
[0, 34277568] projectile groups, araf ~ bowman arrow flaming explosion
[0, 34282176] projectile groups, bufl ~ bucket flying
[0, 34295488] projectile groups, dwhi ~ dwarf hit
[0, 34306240] projectile groups, ghhi ~ ghol hit
[0, 34306752] projectile groups, ghpi ~ ghol pieces
[0, 34309824] projectile groups, inhe ~ internal healing effect
[0, 34310336] projectile groups, inhs ~ internal healing start
[0, 34311360] projectile groups, inpd ~ internal paralysis done
[0, 34311872] projectile groups, inpe ~ internal paralysis effect
[0, 34312384] projectile groups, inps ~ internal paralysis start
[0, 34313408] projectile groups, insi ~ internal stone impact
[0, 34313920] projectile groups, inse ~ internal stoning effect
[0, 34314432] projectile groups, inss ~ internal stoning start
[0, 34314944] projectile groups, inte ~ internal tain effect
[0, 34315456] projectile groups, inti ~ internal teleport in
[0, 34315968] projectile groups, into ~ internal teleport out
[0, 34333376] projectile groups, pehi ~ peasant hit
[0, 34339008] projectile groups, pubi ~ pumpkin bits
[0, 34339520] projectile groups, pubt ~ pumpkin bits tiny
[0, 34351808] projectile groups, sohi ~ soulless hit
[0, 34352320] projectile groups, sojp ~ soulless javelin pieces
[0, 34352832] projectile groups, sopi ~ soulless pieces
[0, 34353344] projectile groups, sosp ~ soulless skull pieces
[0, 34374848] projectile groups, wamb ~ warrior m1 blocked blow
[0, 34375872] projectile groups, wamh ~ warrior m1 hit
[0, 34377408] projectile groups, wadi ~ water disturbance
[0, 34388672] projectile groups, wasb ~ water splash bloody
[0, 34389184] projectile groups, wasf ~ water splash floating
[0, 34389696] projectile groups, wasl ~ water splash large
[0, 34390208] projectile groups, wasm ~ water splash medium
[0, 34390720] projectile groups, wass ~ water splash small
[0, 34391232] projectile groups, wa#1 ~ water splash steaming
[0, 34399424] projectiles, 04bb ~ 04 barrel big chip bits
[0, 34422976] projectiles, 22bf ~ 22 bucket flying
[0, 34474944] projectiles, gume ~ guts meat
[0, 34475200] projectiles, guor ~ guts organs
[0, 34478784] projectiles, inhs ~ internal healing sparkle
[0, 34479040] projectiles, in02 ~ internal hold sparkle
[0, 34479296] projectiles, indc ~ internal masonary dust
[0, 34479552] projectiles, inst ~ internal smoke trail
[0, 34479808] projectiles, insp ~ internal stone piece
[0, 34502592] projectiles, pubi ~ pumpkin bits
[0, 34502848] projectiles, pubt ~ pumpkin bits (tiny)
[0, 34512576] projectiles, sobp ~ soulless bone
[0, 34512832] projectiles, sobo ~ soulless bones
[0, 34513088] projectiles, sobj ~ soulless broken javelin
[0, 34513344] projectiles, sohe ~ soulless head
[0, 34513856] projectiles, sojs ~ soulless javelin stab
[0, 34514112] projectiles, sotp ~ soulless torso piece
[0, 34542784] projectiles, wasb ~ water splash (bloody)
[0, 34543040] projectiles, wasl ~ water splash (large)
[0, 34543296] projectiles, wasm ~ water splash (medium)
[0, 34543552] projectiles, wa#4 ~ water splash (small)
[0, 34543808] projectiles, wa#6 ~ water splash spray
[0, 34544064] projectiles, wa#5 ~ water splash steam
[0, 34546624] projectiles, wigs ~ wight's gas (small)
[0, 34550720] scenery, 01bu ~ 01 bucket
[0, 34570560] scenery, bat4 ~ basic birch tree
[0, 34570816] scenery, bat2 ~ basic chestnut tree
[0, 34570944] scenery, bagb ~ basic grass bunch
[0, 34571200] scenery, bas2 ~ basic small bush
[0, 34571328] scenery, bat3 ~ basic sugar maple
[0, 34581440] sound lists, inns ~ internal netgame sounds
[0, 34742090] sounds, whis ~ internal game whisper
[0, 204346028] geometries, ambu ~ ambush inn
[0, 204364323] geometries, barn ~ barn
[0, 204517180] geometries, crow ~ crows bridge
[0, 204598711] geometries, farm ~ farmhouse
[0, 204879062] geometries, town ~ townhouse
[0, 205320548] meshes, 30cb ~ 301 crows bridge
[0, 221547983] models, ambu ~ ambush inn model m2
[0, 221549830] models, barn ~ barn
[0, 221564151] models, crow ~ crows bridge
[0, 221571568] models, farm ~ farmhouse
[0, 221601937] models, town ~ townhouse
[0, 221655465] objects, bas0 ~ basic scenery 0.7 (undest)
[0, 221655657] objects, basx ~ basic scenery x0.7
[0, 221655721] objects, basy ~ basic scenery x0.85
[0, 221655977] objects, bavx ~ basic vapor x0.7
[0, 221660285] projectile groups, apbe ~ apple barrel explosion
[0, 221660797] projectile groups, apop ~ apple or potato explosion
[0, 221664381] projectile groups, babe ~ barrel board explosion
[0, 221676157] projectile groups, in01 ~ internal hold effect
[0, 221676669] projectile groups, insd ~ internal stone detonation
[0, 221687421] projectile groups, pibe ~ pickle barrel explosion
[0, 221687933] projectile groups, piex ~ pickle explosion
[0, 221688445] projectile groups, pobe ~ potato barrel explosion
[0, 221688957] projectile groups, puex ~ pumpkin explosion
[0, 221689469] projectile groups, pupe ~ pumpkin piece explosion
[0, 221695613] projectile groups, vibo ~ villager body
[0, 221696125] projectile groups, vipi ~ villager pieces
[0, 221699453] projectiles, appl ~ apple
[0, 221699709] projectiles, apap ~ apple and potato muck
[0, 221703549] projectiles, baba ~ barrel band
[0, 221703805] projectiles, babo ~ barrel board
[0, 221730941] projectiles, pick ~ pickle
[0, 221731197] projectiles, pimu ~ pickle muck
[0, 221731453] projectiles, pota ~ potato
[0, 221731709] projectiles, pump ~ pumpkin
[0, 221731965] projectiles, pumu ~ pumpkin muck
[0, 221732221] projectiles, pupi ~ pumpkin piece
[0, 221732477] projectiles, puse ~ pumpkin seeds
[0, 221740669] projectiles, viar ~ villager arm
[0, 221740925] projectiles, vidb ~ villager dead body
[0, 221741181] projectiles, vidc ~ villager dying body
[0, 221741437] projectiles, vihe ~ villager head
[0, 221741693] projectiles, vile ~ villager leg
[0, 221741949] projectiles, vito ~ villager torso
[0, 221743997] scenery, apba ~ apple barrel
[0, 221744253] scenery, bas1 ~ basic big bush
[0, 221745533] scenery, fapu ~ farm pumpkin
[0, 221757053] scenery, piba ~ pickle barrel
[0, 221757181] scenery, poba ~ potato barrel
[0, 224582373] sounds, 0004 ~ 301 bridge attack
[0, 224606029] sounds, 01vg ~ 301 good luck
[0, 225416437] sounds, 0202 ~ 301 pumpkins
[0, 225442677] sounds, 01vt ~ 301 theyre here
[0, 225472657] sounds, 01wt ~ 301 village under attack
[0, 251144443] sounds, amco ~ amb cb out
[0, 263112521] sounds, mypi ~ myrmidon pieces
[0, 267624139] sounds, vihi ~ villager hit
[0, 267657401] sounds, vide ~ villager soft death
[0, 267759334] units, vill ~ villager
[0, 267760614] wind, liwi ~ light wind
[2, 1317678] collections, chfp ~ firbolg
[2, 2646422] collections, tghl ~ ghol (tfl)
[2, 3567726] collections, dwar ~ TFL dwarf
[2, 4110728] collections, thra ~ TFL thrall
[2, 4465646] collections, l1_s ~ 01 scenery
[2, 5540969] collections, wart ~ warrior (tfl)
[2, 6247706] collections, wigt ~ wight (tfl)
[2, 7341241] sounds, fisd ~ fir'bolg soft death
[2, 7605019] sounds, in3s ~ int 30 seconds remaining
[2, 7624629] sounds, inbc ~ int ball captured
[2, 7642879] sounds, in#2 ~ int ball contested
[2, 7660619] sounds, inbl ~ int ball lost
[2, 7676285] sounds, infm ~ int five minutes remaining
[2, 7694365] sounds, infc ~ int flag captured
[2, 7710881] sounds, in#1 ~ int flag contested
[2, 7728451] sounds, infl ~ int flag lost
[2, 7743709] sounds, inge ~ int game ending
[2, 7757777] sounds, in01 ~ int game on
[2, 7769601] sounds, inom ~ int one minute remaining
[2, 7786661] sounds, inpe ~ int player eliminated
[2, 7802701] sounds, inte ~ int team eliminated
[2, 7866215] sounds, inud ~ int units detached
[2, 12286336] collections, 30cb ~ 301 crows bridge
[2, 16297488] collections, 31om ~ 301 overhead map
[2, 183106059] collections, barn ~ barn
[2, 185525513] collections, crow ~ crowsbridge
[2, 186599132] collections, dwm2 ~ dwarf
[2, 187261446] collections, fa#1 ~ farmhouse
[2, 191146676] collections, inn ~ inn collection
[2, 194971406] collections, pump ~ pumpkin
[2, 200910690] collections, 22sc ~ 22 scenery
[2, 202467509] collections, town ~ townhouse
[2, 203768697] collections, vill ~ villager
[2, 295247854] collections, basc ~ basic scenery
[2, 309112460] collections, ebbf ~ eblis blue fire
[2, 312046104] collections, guts ~ guts
[2, 318802666] collections, kefc ~ key for cave gate
[2, 324014308] collections, ouks ~ outside keep scenery
[2, 331546790] collections, soul ~ soulless
[2, 335228720] collections, teef ~ teleportation effect
[2, 340724256] collections, wate ~ water
[3, 85696] collections, inbp ~ internal bar progress dialog
[3, 4966342] collections, effe ~ internal monster effects
[3, 7619968] collections, stin ~ internal standard interface
[3, 8326923] sounds, sosp ~ souless speak
[3, 8756946] fonts, co1b ~ screen high-resolution
[3, 8793122] fonts, co#1 ~ screen low-resolution
[3, 8808648] fonts, ti1b ~ system bold
[3, 8826896] fonts, ti1i ~ system italic
[3, 8844546] fonts, ti1p ~ system plain
[3, 9180260] string lists, fifl ~ ch00 fir'bolg flavor
[3, 9180801] string lists, fina ~ ch00 fir'bolg names
[3, 9181063] string lists, fisp ~ ch00 fir'bolg spelling
[3, 9181077] string lists, dwfl ~ dwarf flavor
[3, 9181822] string lists, dwna ~ dwarf names
[3, 9183048] string lists, ghfl ~ ghol flavor
[3, 9185419] string lists, sofl ~ soulless flavor
[3, 9186379] string lists, thfl ~ thrall flavor
[3, 9187659] string lists, wafl ~ warrior flavor
[3, 9960880] interface, stin ~ standard interface
[3, 28126508] sounds, amka ~ amb katydids
[3, 34623052] sounds, amri ~ amb river
[3, 35269616] sounds, amsm ~ amb smoke
[3, 36438642] sounds, amtr ~ amb treefrogs
[3, 37331030] sounds, anta ~ animal tail
[3, 37360918] sounds, araf ~ archer arrow flame
[3, 37537260] sounds, arbo ~ archer bow
[3, 37570930] sounds, arhb ~ archer hi bow
[3, 37664230] sounds, arch ~ archerpull
[3, 37680640] sounds, arfa ~ arm fall
[3, 37997132] sounds, baho ~ barrel hoops
[3, 38016530] sounds, bapi ~ barrel pieces
[3, 38221600] sounds, bobo ~ bottle bounce
[3, 38565310] sounds, brar ~ broken arrow
[3, 38577496] sounds, brsp ~ broken spear
[3, 38758426] sounds, busm ~ burning small
[3, 40013312] sounds, dwce ~ dwarf celebrate
[3, 40109518] sounds, d de ~ dwarf soft death
[3, 40161718] sounds, dwta ~ dwarf taunt
[3, 40583268] sounds, dwpa ~ dwrv para
[3, 40660266] sounds, dwwk ~ dwrv world knot repair
[3, 40711314] sounds, expl ~ explosion
[3, 41361454] sounds, flae ~ flaming arrow explo
[3, 41397512] sounds, flhi ~ flesh hit
[3, 41504990] sounds, goat ~ ghol attack
[3, 41552396] sounds, ghhi ~ ghol hit
[3, 41611158] sounds, gosd ~ ghol soft death
[3, 41647556] sounds, ghsw ~ ghol sword
[3, 42036984] sounds, gubl ~ guts blood
[3, 42320360] sounds, hefa ~ head fall
[3, 42957320] sounds, inhe ~ internal hey
[3, 43313132] sounds, jrhe ~ jrmn healing
[3, 43604578] sounds, lefa ~ leg fall
[3, 48874788] sounds, melo ~ melons
[3, 48892622] sounds, mefa ~ metal fall
[3, 53352370] sounds, ph05 ~ ph tain effect
[3, 53413426] sounds, phte ~ ph teleport
[3, 54059862] sounds, rabi ~ random birds1
[3, 54174248] sounds, ra01 ~ random birds2
[3, 54721716] sounds, racr ~ random crows
[3, 58224044] sounds, ravi ~ random village
[3, 59971780] sounds, sach ~ satchel charge
[3, 59983868] sounds, sapi ~ satchel pickup
[3, 64328434] sounds, sohi ~ soulless hit
[3, 64400226] sounds, sobo ~ soulless' bones
[3, 64713026] sounds, stab ~ stab
[3, 65130414] sounds, ta01 ~ target stick
[3, 65148988] sounds, tast ~ target straw
[3, 65181200] sounds, that ~ thrall attacking
[3, 65203616] sounds, ther ~ thrall erupt
[3, 65230434] sounds, thhi ~ thrall hit
[3, 65302712] sounds, tofa ~ torso fall
[3, 65479876] sounds, trfr ~ trow freeze
[3, 65558072] sounds, trpa ~ trow parts
[3, 66547054] sounds, vodm ~ vo dwarf move order
[3, 66615744] sounds, vods ~ vo dwrf sel
[3, 66648228] sounds, vowa ~ vo war atk order
[3, 66742972] sounds, vowm ~ vo war move order
[3, 66764134] sounds, vo0b ~ vo war mult atk order
[3, 66780952] sounds, vo08 ~ vo war mult move
[3, 66803406] sounds, vows ~ vo war sel
[3, 66913510] sounds, waar ~ warrior arm
[3, 66918670] sounds, waat ~ warrior attacking
[3, 66937312] sounds, wabl ~ warrior block
[3, 66958576] sounds, wacl ~ warrior clanks
[3, 66994422] sounds, wahe ~ warrior head
[3, 67008142] sounds, wahi ~ warrior hit
[3, 67034472] sounds, wale ~ warrior leg
[3, 67049620] sounds, wasd ~ warrior soft death
[3, 67109760] sounds, wato ~ warrior torso
[3, 67166856] sounds, wala ~ water large
[3, 67193942] sounds, wame ~ water medium
[3, 67217488] sounds, wasm ~ water small
[3, 67245246] sounds, wawa ~ water walk
[3, 67273544] sounds, wiat ~ wight attack
[3, 67318854] sounds, wibu ~ wight buzz
[3, 67551860] sounds, wipb ~ wight pak bnce
[3, 68200943] string lists, dwsp ~ dwarf spelling
[3, 68202075] string lists, ghna ~ ghol names
[3, 68202474] string lists, ghsp ~ ghol spelling
[3, 68205440] string lists, ince ~ internal console errors
[3, 68205465] string lists, incb ~ internal control bar strings
[3, 68205477] string lists, indl ~ internal difficulty level
[3, 68206793] string lists, infn ~ internal formation names
[3, 68208018] string lists, ings ~ internal game sound strings
[3, 68217346] string lists, inne ~ internal netgame endings
[3, 68220343] string lists, in05 ~ internal progress strings
[3, 68220442] string lists, inrf ~ internal replay filenames
[3, 68220546] string lists, insm ~ internal selection modes
[3, 68220792] string lists, insp ~ internal selection popups
[3, 68221127] string lists, in#1 ~ internal string localization
[3, 68228075] string lists, sosp ~ soulless spelling
[3, 68228130] string lists, spaa ~ special ability archer
[3, 68230044] string lists, thsp ~ thrall spelling
[3, 68231891] string lists, wana ~ warrior names
[3, 68232536] string lists, wasp ~ warrior spelling
[3, 267689137] string lists, 30sv ~ 301 subtitles
[3, 267703135] string lists, vifl ~ villager flavor
[3, 267703474] string lists, vina ~ villager names
[3, 267703669] string lists, visp ~ villager spelling
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Good piggy))
I tried to upscale pig creature (and it went well in terms of texture).
But in game its just 4 times bigger)
Any way to scale bitmaps? I tried to find something in Oak, but found nothing.
I'm afraid the same will be applicable for vegetations and all the sprites not tied to polygons. Maybe it's easy fixable.
I tried to upscale pig creature (and it went well in terms of texture).
But in game its just 4 times bigger)
Any way to scale bitmaps? I tried to find something in Oak, but found nothing.
I'm afraid the same will be applicable for vegetations and all the sprites not tied to polygons. Maybe it's easy fixable.
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Here is pig collection from local
With all the sprites and alphas being upscaled.
I didn't touch shadows cause I don't know if it will make any difference.
I found an approach to upscaling:
1. Batch upscale with ESRGAN model DeviantPixelHD.
2. Batch convert to grayscale bmp
1. Batch convert from bmp to png (bmp behave strange on stage 2)
2. Batch color replacing for blue (transparent indicator) background color to gray or black
3. Upscale using ESRGAN with several models. For each texture I receive 4 or 5 images, from which choose the better.
4.Batch convert back to paletted bmp using extracted collection's palette.
It's a really easy process with a lot of automation, just time consuming. Not time consuming like CONSUMING. Just a lot of micro automations, which I'm too lazy to unite in one process. And the structure of the Myth engine with a lot of micro collections with like 1 or 2 sprites in them. But each collection need to be proceed separately with its unique palette.
With all the sprites and alphas being upscaled.
I didn't touch shadows cause I don't know if it will make any difference.
I found an approach to upscaling:
1. Batch upscale with ESRGAN model DeviantPixelHD.
2. Batch convert to grayscale bmp
1. Batch convert from bmp to png (bmp behave strange on stage 2)
2. Batch color replacing for blue (transparent indicator) background color to gray or black
3. Upscale using ESRGAN with several models. For each texture I receive 4 or 5 images, from which choose the better.
4.Batch convert back to paletted bmp using extracted collection's palette.
It's a really easy process with a lot of automation, just time consuming. Not time consuming like CONSUMING. Just a lot of micro automations, which I'm too lazy to unite in one process. And the structure of the Myth engine with a lot of micro collections with like 1 or 2 sprites in them. But each collection need to be proceed separately with its unique palette.
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Yes. It can be controlled by the "Scale" / "Scale Fraction" in the object file, which is editable by Fear or Oak. "pig object" is the tag in this case.Akven wrote:Any way to scale bitmaps? I tried to find something in Oak, but found nothing.
I'm afraid the same will be applicable for vegetations and all the sprites not tied to polygons. Maybe it's easy fixable.
EDIT: to obtain the same scale as the original, you should divide the original object scale by how much you scaled the bitmaps. e.g. if you scaled your bitmaps by 4x, object scale should be divided by 4.
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Shadows can't be upscaled because they have fixed resolution. It would just make the shadow bigger in game.Akven wrote:Here is pig collection from local
With all the sprites and alphas being upscaled.
I didn't touch shadows cause I don't know if it will make any difference.
I found an approach to upscaling:
1. Batch upscale with ESRGAN model DeviantPixelHD.
2. Batch convert to grayscale bmp
1. Batch convert from bmp to png (bmp behave strange on stage 2)
2. Batch color replacing for blue (transparent indicator) background color to gray or black
3. Upscale using ESRGAN with several models. For each texture I receive 4 or 5 images, from which choose the better.
4.Batch convert back to paletted bmp using extracted collection's palette.
It's a really easy process with a lot of automation, just time consuming. Not time consuming like CONSUMING. Just a lot of micro automations, which I'm too lazy to unite in one process. And the structure of the Myth engine with a lot of micro collections with like 1 or 2 sprites in them. But each collection need to be proceed separately with its unique palette.
If you could do it by hand for some of the scenery collections (scenery = vegetation, etc), I would be curious to see how it looks. As I mentioned we already have a plan for monster sprites.
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
I'll try vegetations next, just testing engine for now
I changed maximum and minimum scale - and the pigs became normal size.
The only two problems are:
1. Out of sync (I think I need to restart level or something like that)
2. Pigs sometimes are falling through ground texture (maybe I need to restart too)
Asides from this I think I worked out the technology.
For solid white/black alphas there are two ways to make them:
1. ESRGAN upscale, convert to 1bit white/black image, convert to grayscale bmp. This method allow upscale alphas to stay in 1bit white/black mode with crisp pixelated edges.
2. ESRGAN upscale, convert to grayscale bmp leaving antialiased edges.
I found second way to be more good looking cause it smooth sprites a little on the edges.
I changed maximum and minimum scale - and the pigs became normal size.
The only two problems are:
1. Out of sync (I think I need to restart level or something like that)
2. Pigs sometimes are falling through ground texture (maybe I need to restart too)
Asides from this I think I worked out the technology.
For solid white/black alphas there are two ways to make them:
1. ESRGAN upscale, convert to 1bit white/black image, convert to grayscale bmp. This method allow upscale alphas to stay in 1bit white/black mode with crisp pixelated edges.
2. ESRGAN upscale, convert to grayscale bmp leaving antialiased edges.
I found second way to be more good looking cause it smooth sprites a little on the edges.
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Map 1 houses:
01 ba1 textures
01 baker_textures
01 butcher textures
01 ruin1 textures
Soon I will begin level 1 scenery
01 ba1 textures
01 baker_textures
01 butcher textures
01 ruin1 textures
Soon I will begin level 1 scenery
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Something is wrong with the scale factor, I'm doing something wrong.
But textures are ok
This is level 1 scenery
But textures are ok
This is level 1 scenery
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
I found one nasty bug in Oak
I load textures for granary in RAW format
But for some reason Oak decided that two textures are in RLE format. And they are bugged ingame
I tried resave them several times, tried to convert them in Oak, even converted them to RLE bitmap and tried to load. Nothing helps.

Upscaled tavern
I load textures for granary in RAW format
But for some reason Oak decided that two textures are in RLE format. And they are bugged ingame
I tried resave them several times, tried to convert them in Oak, even converted them to RLE bitmap and tried to load. Nothing helps.

Upscaled tavern
Re: Myth 1&2 AI Upscale Future Attemt
Akven wrote:I found one nasty bug in Oak
I load textures for granary in RAW format
But for some reason Oak decided that two textures are in RLE format. And they are bugged ingame
I tried resave them several times, tried to convert them in Oak, even converted them to RLE bitmap and tried to load. Nothing helps.
Upscaled tavern
You're right. The RLE/RAW conversion function is broken since my change to keep bitmaps compressed in memory. I am creating a fix, but for now you can use build 123 where it should still be working.
This is an issue of alignment, not scale. When you replace the bitmaps, they still keep the old alignment and bounding box, which makes no sense if the resolution has changed. You would have to use the sequence editor to manually adjust this.Akven wrote:Something is wrong with the scale factor, I'm doing something wrong.
But textures are ok
This is level 1 scenery