Bugs: Formations & Alternate Preset Recall

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Bugs: Formations & Alternate Preset Recall

Post by Inicus »

A massive thanks to all the Project Magma team for the incredible work making Myth playable and adding quality of life improvements.

Two bugs that I have encountered (version 1.8.4):
1) Formation width doesn't seem to work correctly (or at least, not as I remember it). I expect short line to be about 4 units wide, and long line about 8 wide. But "short" line is more like 10 units wide. Loose line is the same except units are spaced further apart. It seems like the width of the formation is being doubled. There have been some times where it seems to function as I would expect (eg short line being 4 units wide), but I'm not sure what causes that. It might have had something to do with loading a save.

2) I tried turning on Alternate Preset Recall to have controls closer to modern RTS. Ctrl+# to set a preset. Changed the "attack ground" key to Alt, since I wasn't using that for setting presets anymore. But now attack ground doesn't work. When I press and hold Alt I get the onscreen text saying that if I click I will attack ground, but when I right click while holding Alt, it is just a normal move command instead. I am also using the setup where left click is select and right click is command.
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Re: Bugs: Formations & Alternate Preset Recall

Post by Myrd »

Thanks! I added these to the list of things to look at for the next update, although we're not currently actively working on one yet.
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Re: Bugs: Formations & Alternate Preset Recall

Post by Melekor »

1) I just tried this and it worked correctly for me. Are you sure you don't have custom formations in your local folder? (or if you had them in when you started a new game, they will get embedded in any savegames you made from that start)

2) I can confirm this one, looks like something about attack ground is not completely configurable.

Thanks for the reports.
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Re: Bugs: Formations & Alternate Preset Recall

Post by Inicus »

Melekor wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:32 am 1) I just tried this and it worked correctly for me. Are you sure you don't have custom formations in your local folder? (or if you had them in when you started a new game, they will get embedded in any savegames you made from that start)
You are absolutely right. I found an "internal formations" file in there and deleted it and now it is working normally again.
Weird, as I don't remember doing anything that could have added custom formations, but I suppose I must have at some point.

Thank you.
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