Myth World Cup 2010
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
Haha, nevermind, it starts on the 26th I'll wait till next year to put a map in there 

- Posts: 66
- Joined: Sat Jun 24, 2006 4:44 pm
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
The website issue has been resolved. Grim will take over at skysoftwebs and the old site is being put out of commission.
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
ok king, i read those forum topics you linked to and what i came away with is the feeling that no one wanted Liger to be the TO, and that no one could figure out how to get a proper MWC site up and running until Wazza zoomed in and saved the day. and now Grim is the TO. but somehow Liger is still involved.
is that basically it?
also, i got the impression from what you wrote on mnet that Project Magma was working with you guys on running the tournament or something but the only thing i saw on the mwc site is a mention that one of the members of magma (wazza) helped you guys get the website going - so if that's the case, how come you are giving the impression that "Project Magma" is helping run the tournament or is responsible for the tournament site? just because someone from magma helped you doesn;t make mwc one of magma's projects. that seems a little misleading.
is that basically it?
also, i got the impression from what you wrote on mnet that Project Magma was working with you guys on running the tournament or something but the only thing i saw on the mwc site is a mention that one of the members of magma (wazza) helped you guys get the website going - so if that's the case, how come you are giving the impression that "Project Magma" is helping run the tournament or is responsible for the tournament site? just because someone from magma helped you doesn;t make mwc one of magma's projects. that seems a little misleading.
- kingthrall
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010
hmm i see your point and inclinded to agree. Wazza zoomed in and helped us a lot i will admit but he didnt save the day, we have had cave, paris, tai and others work with us including myself and liger all fixing the DB. Wazza's major help came from fixing up the forums which i am eternaly grateful. I put up project magma because it sounds better as wazza represents P.M
The reason liger is still involved is because he is hosting all the databases on his own buisnesses webhost. Liger played the major part in actually getting the phsical myth website up! Thats why liger was always a option as TO because it was his own buisness hosting MWC.
I really honestly dont care who is TO, i just want people to concerntrate on fixing the damned website lol, and if that means asking the TO to postpone another week so be it!
The reason liger is still involved is because he is hosting all the databases on his own buisnesses webhost. Liger played the major part in actually getting the phsical myth website up! Thats why liger was always a option as TO because it was his own buisness hosting MWC.
I really honestly dont care who is TO, i just want people to concerntrate on fixing the damned website lol, and if that means asking the TO to postpone another week so be it!
- Posts: 132
- Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:41 pm
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
We all knew this MWC would be rocky. Shit like was supposed to get settled for a month ago, and it never happened. More delays are completely unnecessary but who knows how the current TO will solve the matter.
Also, I think that map is nice and am curious to see how it turns out in the long run.
In the mean time, you could also sign up (lahl advertising plz) for the 2v2/3v3 tournament, 1v1 tournament, ffa/tffa and other events @ The Myth Olympics, Falcon is also hosting his own mini-tournament as well which will feature new maps built around his mini games, including ghol riots (you better believe it). There's also a coop tournament being hosted by drunken irishmen and DEER. There will run alongside mwc to provide other things to do when your matches and "team practices" aren't (or if you just like organized play), so at least there will be something to do while shit gets settled.
Also, I think that map is nice and am curious to see how it turns out in the long run.
In the mean time, you could also sign up (lahl advertising plz) for the 2v2/3v3 tournament, 1v1 tournament, ffa/tffa and other events @ The Myth Olympics, Falcon is also hosting his own mini-tournament as well which will feature new maps built around his mini games, including ghol riots (you better believe it). There's also a coop tournament being hosted by drunken irishmen and DEER. There will run alongside mwc to provide other things to do when your matches and "team practices" aren't (or if you just like organized play), so at least there will be something to do while shit gets settled.

- kingthrall
- Posts: 118
- Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:29 am
- Location: Australia
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
and do not forget my COOP TOURNEY HERE
you dont have to be a MWC player to play in my tourney
you dont have to be a MWC player to play in my tourney

- WazzaMouse
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010
Excerpt from an email from Liger on 6/ 7/2010kingthrall wrote:hmm i see your point and inclinded to agree. Wazza zoomed in and helped us a lot i will admit but he didnt save the day, we have had cave, paris, tai and others work with us including myself and liger all fixing the DB. Wazza's major help came from fixing up the forums which i am eternaly grateful. I put up project magma because it sounds better as wazza represents P.M
I was under the impression that I had saved the day after volunteering my weekend and several evenings during the week to correct SQL queries and update PHP scripts to make the site scripts even work on Liger's server. It wasn't until after I had the site up and running others were able to work with a functional site. The previous 3 directories with the site code on the server didn't work at all. Then a week after sorting other issues the other persons you mentioned were added. If I hadn't done what I had when I did the site would look like this: http://jrtaylor.com/mwc/index.htmlOh wow man, awesome! you are absolutely incredible, cant stress that enough - you saved mwc2010 for sure!! THANK you so much. I hope you don't mind if I make a post on the forums sometime real soon giving Wazza from Project Magma super props for doing all this.
I wasn't going to post at all until I felt like my volunteer work was being discredited.
Also, Project Magma is going to shower and get ready for work now...
- kingthrall
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- Location: Australia
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
wazza, i hope you dont think I am trying to insult your efforts. All i know is you were working all the time on the forums when i was with liger on the collaboration website.
In no way am i saying you did nothing, i said you even did a major part in helping the website. Look if you think you deserve more recignition that ive given by all means take it, because when i am working with you on the collab site its usually 3-4am so i dont see all the other pieces of what you are doing.
My job and still is, to set up what you have fixed such as the forums who has permissions ect, to rescript and display the correct maps, to change the roster size limit from 9 back to 10 (because they changed their mind again), to write in the QR pools ect ect. Which you posted how to, though and i figured some of it out myself anyway.
Maybe you are correct in that you saved MWC but remember that the site has to be maintained as well not just putting it up.
In no way am i saying you did nothing, i said you even did a major part in helping the website. Look if you think you deserve more recignition that ive given by all means take it, because when i am working with you on the collab site its usually 3-4am so i dont see all the other pieces of what you are doing.
My job and still is, to set up what you have fixed such as the forums who has permissions ect, to rescript and display the correct maps, to change the roster size limit from 9 back to 10 (because they changed their mind again), to write in the QR pools ect ect. Which you posted how to, though and i figured some of it out myself anyway.
Maybe you are correct in that you saved MWC but remember that the site has to be maintained as well not just putting it up.
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
thanks for the explanation. having done a bit of php db website scripting myself i got the strong impression that someone had to have come in from outside to sort out the mess from the previous year's scripts. this specific comment is not meant as a 'dis' to Liger or anyone else he was working with on the site but you need a pretty specific set of skills to take non-working php-db scripts and debug them to make them work again - skills without which the mwc site NEVER would have worked - skills that i think it was pretty clear Liger and company didn't have.
so i'd say that wazza did save the mwc this year. couldn't take place without the work of a lot of people, but wazza's was the most crucial which the other work depended on.
sounds like a good kids bedtime book "The Year Wazza saved the MWC".
thanks Wazza.
and thanks Liger for hosting the site.
and thanks everyone else who's been doing the drudge work of db janitorial services.
so i'd say that wazza did save the mwc this year. couldn't take place without the work of a lot of people, but wazza's was the most crucial which the other work depended on.
sounds like a good kids bedtime book "The Year Wazza saved the MWC".
thanks Wazza.
and thanks Liger for hosting the site.
and thanks everyone else who's been doing the drudge work of db janitorial services.
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010
Wazza - thanks for your work on the site, it looks great. Like a mwc site should beâ„¢
- WazzaMouse
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Re: Myth World Cup 2010
killerking wrote:Wazza - thanks for your work on the site, it looks great. Like a mwc site should beâ„¢
Everyone is very welcome it was my pleasure to be able to help out. But my post wasn't seeking recognition but rather it was to present some clarification from your post. I also can not take credit nor want credit for how the site "looks" because I had nothing to do with the design template utilized. I did what I volunteered to do to help out the community. It involved fixing what was broken in several different places in the scripts. The only page that I scripted from scratch was the administration page used to place teams into separate pools without having to go directly to the database. There is still more that the site could use as it is there is still to many processes that involve data being directly input into the database. Hopefully if the site is to be permanent these can be worked out over time to simplify the process and make the future tournaments easier.
- kingthrall
- Posts: 118
- Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:29 am
- Location: Australia
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
well you prob did save MWC, I just have no idea what you had to do to fix the forums. Like i said to you before im a chef, it would be like you trying to understand (maybe you were a chef i dont know) to cook at least 200 of the same meal exactly the same.
You dont see this because your the ones eating! Like I am the one watching the mwc shape on the website!
Liger asked me to find some help, so i came to you, he asked for my help to update the database so thats why i volenteered my work. Handshakes all round
You dont see this because your the ones eating! Like I am the one watching the mwc shape on the website!
Liger asked me to find some help, so i came to you, he asked for my help to update the database so thats why i volenteered my work. Handshakes all round

Re: Myth World Cup 2010
attn : deadman;
I haven't looked at the map but I am not running MWC per se. Only hosting the server, these decisions are entirely up to Grim who is the Head TO and has pretty much always has been since the death of bungie.net
I haven't looked at the map but I am not running MWC per se. Only hosting the server, these decisions are entirely up to Grim who is the Head TO and has pretty much always has been since the death of bungie.net
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
Was talking with Killerking, he said there's a small possibility but only in the second round or something.
While Id like it to get played, I think its best to do a more quality (as opposed to a rush) job, and that way I can release a mappack instead of just a single one.
While Id like it to get played, I think its best to do a more quality (as opposed to a rush) job, and that way I can release a mappack instead of just a single one.
Re: Myth World Cup 2010
I wrote this up before noon, quite early in the morning (forgot the exact time), and thought I hit submit, I left in a hurry but I guess it didn't get submitted since its still here on my browser, so that would explain some conflicts regarding times mentioned containing within the post.
Gonna address deadman really quickly here first though : deadman I think its best you do slow your roll with your effort and strive for quality and a full map pack then wait for the FWT (Fall/Winter Tournament), I plan on doing this in the Fall and Winter. Please send me email the mappack when its complete, I'll give it a look, and if it looks suitable for a tourney style map which I am sure it will - I will pressure whomever is going to volunteer to be the TO(s) into using it for sure
The post :
Hey guys I registered sometime here a while back mainly to praise your efforts on doing a real good job with the last patch, I was seriously ecstatic about it.
I actually had this posted this on another MWC forum and asked someone to post it here as my activation was unsuccessful (I over mention that last bit throughout, sorry); but doing a quick search for my name it seems my compliments were never posted here and it also seems many of you don't like me too much... I think most of this hate was generated and propagated by Renwood, who was justly a mutual enemy of mine, and it seems from the homepage you have your own thoughts on him, but I will go no further with that as it seems to be a touchy subject.
I just came across these forums now after registering and re-registering on this [my 2nd or 3rd email] the originally being joshsaitowitz@yahoo.com but don't waste time activating that, this one works fine.
Firstly, I would like to say I have not actually perused the forums and have been completely out of the loop. So sorry if I reiterate any points here or say something to offend a prior point. I asked drunken to make one post here (due to the account on my real email not being activated however long ago that was) to point out the website that was going to be in use for the MWC tournament - whatever else he said, I haven't read what he wrote, but he was not [and is not] my puppet or talking in my stead but out of his own volition.
Secondly, I would like to concede to the point, that we were pretty much lost without you and your work, Wazza (this will be addressed further at the end of my post in a quoted email).
However, myth wouldn't have looked like that URL, that was a rough draft I did in a matter of minutes :O
Idyllically it would have looked more like :
Having access to the site, if you want to gander at the files, you would see why that never would have been compatible with the scripts :O
Furthermore, regardless of you seeking recognition or not (I know you said you weren't, and I respect your modesty), I did ask godzfire (due to the account on my real email not being activated however long ago that was) [please note the date of the email] to post this here:
"Re: A request on the MWC2010 Overview section of the website
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 6:13 PM
"Josh Saitowitz" <joshsaitowitz@yahoo.com>
Add sender to Contacts
godzfire@xxxxxxx[edited to protect his email address].net
Hey, sorry I haven't been able to respond; I've been busy balancing a LOT of MWC stuff (not sure if you've seen the drama that expired this morning) with EVEN more stuff from clients.
I changed the thread.
I am going to do the static page changes all in one go, along with the overview section as well as change up the credits to credit Grim for being the MWC TO as well as the new staff he selects; not to mention giving better credit for Wazza for helping with the site; he really was behind virtually, I'm not a member on your site [I tried registering but I don't think it ever worked for me] please give Wazza/WarriorMouse HUGE praise on my behalf for helping with the MWC 2010 site; he did a massive amount of work and the site would have been impossible to accomplish without his efforts and I really don't want this to go unrecognized.
Also, I don't think Grim is going to be on the web collab as I'm not sure if he is using that system or the staff forum, but I'll make sure he gets the message, as he has to authorize the change."
This was in response to godzfire's request that I edit a forum post I made (already done) and a static overview page which something I have brought to Grim's attention and am still awaiting his response.
I think that summarizes everything [except my last paragraph], I don't attend these forums often as I am busy with work, so sorry ahead of time if I don't respond to any responses concerning this issue any time soon.
One note Wazza touched on that I would like to confirm, Wazza said something about being under the impression that the site is something that would be in permanent use for MWC's. Yes I made a pledge on Aki's forums somewhere that with my hosting site I would keep the hosting and db up for pretty much as long as there is a community and mariusnet or some *net to support it, and I also referenced to a problem with prior MWC's that previous hosters would shut down their site the php and correlating db and everything would be lost, so I basically took the initiative to resolve this problem and Wazza did the lionshare of the work without a doubt.
Have to meet a client right now so I bid you ado
Gonna address deadman really quickly here first though : deadman I think its best you do slow your roll with your effort and strive for quality and a full map pack then wait for the FWT (Fall/Winter Tournament), I plan on doing this in the Fall and Winter. Please send me email the mappack when its complete, I'll give it a look, and if it looks suitable for a tourney style map which I am sure it will - I will pressure whomever is going to volunteer to be the TO(s) into using it for sure

The post :
Hey guys I registered sometime here a while back mainly to praise your efforts on doing a real good job with the last patch, I was seriously ecstatic about it.
I actually had this posted this on another MWC forum and asked someone to post it here as my activation was unsuccessful (I over mention that last bit throughout, sorry); but doing a quick search for my name it seems my compliments were never posted here and it also seems many of you don't like me too much... I think most of this hate was generated and propagated by Renwood, who was justly a mutual enemy of mine, and it seems from the homepage you have your own thoughts on him, but I will go no further with that as it seems to be a touchy subject.
I just came across these forums now after registering and re-registering on this [my 2nd or 3rd email] the originally being joshsaitowitz@yahoo.com but don't waste time activating that, this one works fine.
Firstly, I would like to say I have not actually perused the forums and have been completely out of the loop. So sorry if I reiterate any points here or say something to offend a prior point. I asked drunken to make one post here (due to the account on my real email not being activated however long ago that was) to point out the website that was going to be in use for the MWC tournament - whatever else he said, I haven't read what he wrote, but he was not [and is not] my puppet or talking in my stead but out of his own volition.
Secondly, I would like to concede to the point, that we were pretty much lost without you and your work, Wazza (this will be addressed further at the end of my post in a quoted email).
However, myth wouldn't have looked like that URL, that was a rough draft I did in a matter of minutes :O
Idyllically it would have looked more like :
Having access to the site, if you want to gander at the files, you would see why that never would have been compatible with the scripts :O
Furthermore, regardless of you seeking recognition or not (I know you said you weren't, and I respect your modesty), I did ask godzfire (due to the account on my real email not being activated however long ago that was) [please note the date of the email] to post this here:
"Re: A request on the MWC2010 Overview section of the website
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 6:13 PM
"Josh Saitowitz" <joshsaitowitz@yahoo.com>
Add sender to Contacts
godzfire@xxxxxxx[edited to protect his email address].net
Hey, sorry I haven't been able to respond; I've been busy balancing a LOT of MWC stuff (not sure if you've seen the drama that expired this morning) with EVEN more stuff from clients.
I changed the thread.
I am going to do the static page changes all in one go, along with the overview section as well as change up the credits to credit Grim for being the MWC TO as well as the new staff he selects; not to mention giving better credit for Wazza for helping with the site; he really was behind virtually, I'm not a member on your site [I tried registering but I don't think it ever worked for me] please give Wazza/WarriorMouse HUGE praise on my behalf for helping with the MWC 2010 site; he did a massive amount of work and the site would have been impossible to accomplish without his efforts and I really don't want this to go unrecognized.
Also, I don't think Grim is going to be on the web collab as I'm not sure if he is using that system or the staff forum, but I'll make sure he gets the message, as he has to authorize the change."
This was in response to godzfire's request that I edit a forum post I made (already done) and a static overview page which something I have brought to Grim's attention and am still awaiting his response.
I think that summarizes everything [except my last paragraph], I don't attend these forums often as I am busy with work, so sorry ahead of time if I don't respond to any responses concerning this issue any time soon.
One note Wazza touched on that I would like to confirm, Wazza said something about being under the impression that the site is something that would be in permanent use for MWC's. Yes I made a pledge on Aki's forums somewhere that with my hosting site I would keep the hosting and db up for pretty much as long as there is a community and mariusnet or some *net to support it, and I also referenced to a problem with prior MWC's that previous hosters would shut down their site the php and correlating db and everything would be lost, so I basically took the initiative to resolve this problem and Wazza did the lionshare of the work without a doubt.
Have to meet a client right now so I bid you ado