This game is not for fun.

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Re: This game is not for fun.

Post by Zaknafein »

The following groups of mythers have private games on specified days, and have been known to allow outsiders in sometimes:

Myth Jumpers/FCAW (bungie group)
Regular Order of Fries
Clan Plaid
Order of Hpak

and a couple of alliance players named Xap and Blake

Maybe some attempt could be made to have a monthly myth night with these groups?
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Re: This game is not for fun.

Post by spongefile »

Zaknafein wrote:The following groups of mythers have private games on specified days, and have been known to allow outsiders in sometimes:


Maybe some attempt could be made to have a monthly myth night with these groups?
This is helpful for noobs to know. Otherwise it seems like the server is all pros all the time. Which makes sense, since obviously the pros would be playing more often than anyone else ;)

I've had lots of fun with Order of Hpak now and then, unfortunately their gametime means I have to be up crazy early on a Sunday morning to play from my timezone. But a highly recommended group for any casual players closer to US west coast time.

More info on the groups for new players reading this:

For Carnage Apply Within:
Regular Order of Fries:
Clan Plaid:
Order of H'Pak:
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Re: This game is not for fun.

Post by Jon God »

I know what you mean sponge, that's why coopers and MWCers often bash heads, or hold each other in a bad light.

MWCers are pretty darn elitist, where as coopers are generally people that don't play as much/play for fun.

One thing I like about TCs, is that generally, people's skills don't really carry over 1:1 (one reason a lot of people hated WWII), and it kinda rebalances the playing field with people that have played the game for so long.
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Re: This game is not for fun.

Post by Zaknafein »

Jon God wrote:I know what you mean sponge, that's why coopers and MWCers often bash heads, or hold each other in a bad light.

MWCers are pretty darn elitist, where as coopers are generally people that don't play as much/play for fun.

One thing I like about TCs, is that generally, people's skills don't really carry over 1:1 (one reason a lot of people hated WWII), and it kinda rebalances the playing field with people that have played the game for so long.
I'm having a tournament for fun this weekend, called the Myth Olympics. It uses a lot of 3rd party plugins, like leggo, bushido, bolo, ww2, etc.

If anyone is interested, feel free to show up and play!
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Re: This game is not for fun.

Post by spongefile »

I'm having a tournament for fun this weekend, called the Myth Olympics. It uses a lot of 3rd party plugins, like leggo, bushido, bolo, ww2, etc.
That sounds awesome! Can't make it this weekend but I'll keep an eye out for next time if there is one.
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Re: This game is not for fun.

Post by ShackletonEH »

I am also a Multiplayer newbie. We may be evenly matched. Message me when you want to play. I am on India Time.

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