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Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:16 am
by vinylrake
Lord Raven wrote:
In the category of "Which monster is the most ridiculous because it doesn't fit into the overall campaign?" I would say it's a tie between Myrkridian Giants, Mahir, Ghasts, AND Mauls.
I actually liked Mahir. An ancient, shadowy evil is certainly the kind of thing I can see being summoned to act as a kind of personal bodyguard/elite assassin style unit by an unspeakable evil such as Balor or Soulblighter.

My only real gripe was that they weren't mentioned at all anyplace else.
Thus the "most ridiculous BECAUSE it doesn't fit into the overall campaign".
Lord Raven wrote:A shadow that can steal the life out of something really is the kind of thing I'd imagine Balor/SB would be using to sew terror into enemy ranks with midnight assassinations of high ranking figures etc.
If SoulBlighter were a tailor he might 'sew' terror, but my guess is you meant that he might use mahir to 'sow' terror. ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:36 pm
by Lord Raven
It's 3am and I've spent the entire day teaching Korean children the difference between wandering and wondering. I'm allowed to make a typo in the heat of the moment :P
Thus the "most ridiculous BECAUSE it doesn't fit into the overall campaign".
That's the point I was making. It does fit the campaign, it's just not adequately set up. Mauls, Myrkridian Giants, and Ghasts just felt like they were in there to up the unit count. The Mahir fits perfectly into the Myth universe, it just wasn't adequately hyped.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:38 pm
by Jagman
No dissing the myrks. They have a rich history, sound mean and tear the crap out of everything. As for looks, if I see them in game I either think about the Gate failure postgame (oh, you're stuffed Alric) or how they ripped those warriors to pieces. MG's - exploding skulls.. hrmm. Too confusing to have an opinion on :P A bit of a hax, yeah, but wasn't that an attack left out of TFL? Trow bombs or some such..
Mahir? Yeah they came out of left field but there wasn't much opportunity to comment on them. Strange that they're placed on Gonen's Bridge, too. Anyway Chimera is canon and the mahir have alot to do with Cartucke so I'd say SB brought a few with him from the Untamed Lands. Which is actually VERY black company.
Willow Creek sucked (really sucked vs. Crow's Bridge) but ghasts are fine. Paralysis is just an odd way of implementing "the slimyness".
Ermine sucked too and those bones the bre'Unor are holding don't look quite as effective as butter knives but my vote goes to..
..the maul. And I don't even know why, they just irk me.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:59 pm
by vinylrake
Lord Raven wrote:It's 3am and I've spent the entire day teaching Korean children the difference between wandering and wondering. I'm allowed to make a typo in the heat of the moment :P
np. I just found the imagery of the big evil guy with a needle and thread amusing. Guess that's why they call him "Sew-lblighter"? <rimshot>
That's the point I was making. It does fit the campaign, it's just not adequately set up. Mauls, Myrkridian Giants, and Ghasts just felt like they were in there to up the unit count. The Mahir fits perfectly into the Myth universe, it just wasn't adequately hyped.
Ok, I can buy that. I'll agree they aren't as jarringly inappropriate as cartoon uruk-hai - er, I mean Mauls, and zombies.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:39 pm
by Baak
Ghasts for me are passable in the solo campaign, simply because I love watching all those M2 peasants being terrorized by them. In multiplayer they're a bit odd imo.

bre'Unor are funky - I just wish they were a little more accurate. ;)

Myrks irritate me when they start going berserk on each other, although it is an interesting twist to gameplay.

Have to agree the Myrk Giant is my least favorite M2 combat unit overall (if I had one to remove). I definitely prefer the Forest Giant (I love that WHACK sound and resulting physics). Myrk Giants are so annoying when there is only one left and they can just dodge/throw forever - even more annoying than Trow in this respect. I believe they are tossing "exploding skulls" - not sure where they come from though. Their death sequence is cool but not entirely well explained (to me it hints they are some magical version of Myrks).

Another on my list is Skrael - I think only because of their color - I'm not sure of the whole TFL history of these guys (I never played that far) but I guess I would expect them to "blend in" a river/water environment more.

But I think the overall award for me has to go to the M2 Peasants. They are insanely annoying. It was a great pleasure of mine to convert them to other stuff throughout all my plugins. BTW, if you ever want to really enjoy killing them, you should play StoneHeart RDF Hunting on one of the "outside" maps with extra tough units (try the Rumble maps for Forest Giants or do Marathon AW) - why? - because I made a special MiniPeasant(tm) with everything (including sounds) scaled and there are 100 in the StoneHeart to hunt down and keel like rats (yep, they even scurry like rats). It's creepy to hunt them with Spiders/Ghols/Wasps yet strangely satisfying. I occasionally play one of these maps solo and see if I can kill all 100 in under 6 or 7 minutes (it's tough because you can't auto-target them). I've been thinking of making a separate solo game of this (Peasant Hunt) just to formalize the whole thing. Of course, using RDF Rocket Dorfs or RD Giants is particularly satisfying...

MiniPeasants(tm) await their fate on SHRDF Rumble...

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:20 pm
by Lord Raven
Another on my list is Skrael - I think only because of their color - I'm not sure of the whole TFL history of these guys (I never played that far) but I guess I would expect them to "blend in" a river/water environment more.
The Skrael never made an in game appearance. I guess Bungie couldn't find an excuse to use them. I think one of the CoD maps made use of them, though.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:54 am
by Baak
Lord Raven wrote:The Skrael never made an in game appearance. I guess Bungie couldn't find an excuse to use them. I think one of the CoD maps made use of them, though.
Ha! That's where I saw them then. Wow that was a long time ago.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:47 am
by iron
Lord Raven wrote:It's 3am and I've spent the entire day teaching Korean children the difference between wandering and wondering.
Heh, no wonder you get on the turps at the end of the day :)

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:20 am
by haravikk
Baak wrote:Another on my list is Skrael - I think only because of their color - I'm not sure of the whole TFL history of these guys (I never played that far) but I guess I would expect them to "blend in" a river/water environment more.
No reason they couldn't; units in Myth have bright garish colours precisely so that you can choose with hue-changes =)

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:17 am
by Lord Raven
Heh, no wonder you get on the turps at the end of the day
Where's my email!?

It's a rare day that I have the energy to get drunk after work. Those rare days are called Fridays, Saturdays, and the occasional Thursday.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:01 am
by vinylrake
Lord Raven wrote:The Skrael never made an in game appearance. I guess Bungie couldn't find an excuse to use them. I think one of the CoD maps made use of them, though.
The first place I saw Skrael was on the Havre River (by elijah/renaissance) mini solo campaign.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:08 am
by Lord Raven
The first place I saw Skrael was on the Havre River (by elijah/renaissance) mini solo campaign.
I vaguely remember that one. Didn't Creation use it in one of their CoD maps? Had pirates in it, too.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:08 am
by vinylrake
Lord Raven wrote:
The first place I saw Skrael was on the Havre River (by elijah/renaissance) mini solo campaign.
I vaguely remember that one. Didn't Creation use it in one of their CoD maps? Had pirates in it, too.
I don't _remember_ a CoD map with pirates and Skrael, and it doesn't _sound_ real "creationy" but that doesn't mean there wasn't one with Skrael and Pirates.

The Havre River one has the big robots from the "Worlds Collide" plugin -and I think it was Tamaerlin (I forget the first place the robots appeared other that old Queen album cover).

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:31 am
by Lord Raven
I don't _remember_ a CoD map with pirates and Skrael, and it doesn't _sound_ real "creationy" but that doesn't mean there wasn't one with Skrael and Pirates.
If I remember rightly, it was something to do with finding an artifact. Possibly an Eblis Stone. It took place on the far, northern coast.

And when I say 'pirates', I don't mean the ludicrously over the top style that seems prevalent in today's media. They had the dark warrior models and were supposed to represent some infamous pirate band combing the coast, possibly for the same artifact.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:27 pm
by vinylrake
Lord Raven wrote:
I don't _remember_ a CoD map with pirates and Skrael, and it doesn't _sound_ real "creationy" but that doesn't mean there wasn't one with Skrael and Pirates.
If I remember rightly, it was something to do with finding an artifact. Possibly an Eblis Stone. It took place on the far, northern coast.

And when I say 'pirates', I don't mean the ludicrously over the top style that seems prevalent in today's media. They had the dark warrior models and were supposed to represent some infamous pirate band combing the coast, possibly for the same artifact.
hmmm.... I don't remember ever playing this one, but when I check my sources, I found that a map that sounds like the one you are talking about. It's "CoD8: The Drowned Kingdom" from the Coming of the Dark : Coop LevelPack1.

here's the description:

"CoD8: The Drowned Kingdom

Some will remember the Skrael, a unit that was in the Myth:TFL engine but never released in any Bungie levels. We have reconstituted the Skrael, giving them more power and a personality with a wierd gargling-hissing-spitting-growling type language (courtesy of DrunkBob). The Skrael are powerful all-purpose fighters, and experienced ones can fight like berserks in close combat and send a stream of stones at the enemy from their slings. They are also fast and can travel underwater.

The Skrael Emissary, a hero-unit, is trapped up north between a conflict of the Dark and the Leixian Pirates. You must send your zerks and Skrael into a river delta south of the Drowned Kingdom to rescue him and escort him to safety.

This level can most easily be compared to "The Deciever" and "Seven Gates," due to the presence of two seperate enemies that are also fighting against each other. However, this level does not have the rigid, planned route of Seven Gates - you can develop your own route wherever you want to go - and it promotes a LOT more bloody melee fighting than "The Deciever." It is possible for there to be over 350 dead enemy units on this map depending on the difficulty level and how many battles you promote, but because the vast majority are melee deaths, there have never been any of the "too many projectiles" problems associated with other large maps."