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Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:20 pm
by GodzFire
HERE is Briar's trailer in a much higher resolution.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:51 am
by Briariuss
Hey, thank you Godz!

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:49 pm
by deadman
Wow... That is badass.

Really badass.

Nice work Briar!

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:20 am
by Briariuss
Thank you Deadman!

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:46 am
by ThreeTigerSilverWind
Hey Briariuss--

This looks great. Hope you make the Heron Guard unit for your mod. If you do, I think I would buy the Med II Total War game just to play your mod.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:00 am
by Briariuss
ThreeTigerSilverWind wrote:Hey Briariuss--

This looks great. Hope you make the Heron Guard unit for your mod. If you do, I think I would buy the Med II Total War game just to play your mod.

Thanks..I'm planning to make all the MythII units but for the first release there won't be Heron Guards...only Journeymen.... :wink:


Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:03 pm
by ThreeTigerSilverWind
Awesome! Looking forward to it.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:36 pm
by Lord Thanos
This looks incredible... you've accomplished all of this single-handedly? Imagine what you could do with a dev team backing you up.

I haven't played the Total War games, but they appear similar to the Warhammer RTS, which I did enjoy. Overall the style of play feels more methodical and large-scale strategy oriented, as opposed to hectic individual unit tactics. This engine would lend itself well to the massive clashes that are only mentioned in the Myth campaigns.

Something I would suggest - don't worry about the Shade and his animations as of yet. His dispersal dream (if it can be implemented) will not have the same visceral impact without Gibs, and he was always more of a "hero" unit, with I believe only five or so appearing throughout both TFL and SB campaigns. I would wait until you start working on the other hero/villain units (Alric, The Watcher, etc.) at which point you will have already figured out how to make individual units function independent of squads.

Overall the look and feel is spot-on. The Ghols do seem a bit scarier this time around - but with that size of a force, it is reasonable to conclude that they are in an adrenaline fueled frenzy and are not the typical cautious Ghol we are familiar with from our previous encounters in Myth.

Great effects too, particularly the fetch lightning spell. I can't wait to try this mod out.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:17 pm
by Briariuss
I'm glad you like it...

You' re right about Shades..I won't implement for the first release...he'll come with the unique units all together in some sort of expansion.

I have to say that don't except news or updates any soon :( ...I didn't really have time to develop the mod lately..

Yeah the Ghols are maybe scarier and maybe they don't look like exactly they looked in the original game
But sometimes myhands are tied, I mean the total war engine has pretty serious limitations, it's designed to control "human skeleton type" armies only....

Very popular total-war mod for example the Third-Age total war..which based on Tolkien's trilogy and Peter Jackson's movie...the modders did pretty good job with the units...I mean awesome work...really.
but they have "Balrog" for example which is doesn't really look like as he should be...but that's just because the Total war engine very limited possibilities...

Anyway..I'll try to speed things up...and give you this mod guys as soon as possble


Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:31 pm
by oogaBooga
I am probably not the only one who will agree that it's probably better if you take your sweet time instead of rushing to get something playable out the door. Dont get me wrong - I will FLIP if it comes out soon, but considering how much polish you've put on the existing content, I say keep doing it at whatever speed/pace you were working at before - its working.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:27 pm
by Baron LeDant
ooga wrote:I am probably not the only one who will agree that it's probably better if you take your sweet time instead of rushing to get something playable out the door.
don't go pulling a civ5 or I guess more appropriate for these forums, a myth 3 on us

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:50 am
by killerking
I like the trailer, but I don't own Total War :(

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:28 am
by vinylrake
such a perplexing problem. if only there were some way to solve it.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:34 am
by oogaBooga
Im going to buy total war just for this mod.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:59 pm
by Briariuss
This is the perfect solution :wink: ...and thank you for supporting....I'll try to continue my best...actually I'm almost done with the modelling work of thrall, myrmidon, soulles...texturing then...(which also gonna take some time)... :cry:

And for the first release as I've already decided that I was going to skip Shades...the Trow(my personal favourite) and the Fetches are left....

-Animation changes...
-music and sounds replacements....
-improve normal maps.
-changing UI
-and then testing...

:shock: Uh..that is a lot...but I really enjoy modding so I hope you guys won't give up on me...
I actually started to develop the campaign I have a working Myth strat-map in total war!!'s pretty rough...but I hope I'll find a professional scripter and some other folks...whos willing to help me...
but let's just finish the custom-battle's too soon to speak about campaign..
