Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by Jon God »

WB gleep, glad to hear from you again.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by GodzFire »

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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by Flick42 »

What comes to my mind first is skeaking bodies of warrior caps instead of normally walking guys. MG has inventory "heal life/unlife" but it doesnt seem to do smth. Red dwarf cry doesnt do anything as well, it just adds "throw satchel" menu in inventory, however, it doesnt give u any satchels. Generally, DoD dark seem to have trouble with roots, it surely makes it more challenging but id prefer to have more.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by Flick42 »

enemy locks r stuck and dont do anything. they just stand where they appear.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by GodzFire »

From my personal viewing, it seems all units have a mind of their own and attack something that's off in the distance. They'll just go after a unit that's way out of their aggro range.

Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by Myrd »

I think melee units aren't set correctly as class "melee", which causes the odd behavior.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by oogaBooga »

Basically gleep DoD light is fun but we've beat it to death and back - a rebalance of DoD dark would be awesome, and we could set our sights on a new goal :P
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by zoso »

the thing that makes dark so much harder is the heal interrupts. u can't heal while u are fighting. u have to walk away from the fight and hope u can time ur heal without something hitting u during it. of course, mana heals for the myrks would help alot also, like in light.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by GodzFire »

DoD rc33 has been released.

The light version is 99% finished, as I only expect only minor balance tweaks needed. The dark version still needs a lot of balance, but is very able to be played now for a longer duration of time.

Use THIS link to download either the proper patch, or a full version.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by Flick42 »

GodzFire wrote:DoD rc33 has been released.

The light version is 99% finished, as I only expect only minor balance tweaks needed. The dark version still needs a lot of balance, but is very able to be played now for a longer duration of time.

Use THIS link to download either the proper patch, or a full version.
I have some suggestions about dod light ally units.

Would be nice if lock of elements would have spells "lightning strike\storm" in inv. 9. This makes sense and strike is the only spell that he needs to own even more :)
Zerk spells that he gains by vetting IMHO should be in different position. Cleave, as the strongest spell, should be opened at 150 or 200 kills, while "whirlwind attack" and "deflect projectile" spells are almost useless, so they should appear earlier or not appear at all.
Generals spell that allow turning enemy units (like the decivier) should be opened at 100 kills (not 150 or 200, as now), just for the reason that general is too slow to get this many kills.

Thanks godz for patching dod up!
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by GodzFire »

After many long trials and tribulations, I am happy and relieved to say that Dream Of Death has reached the RC Gold stage. It can be considered ready for release. Download it HERE. There's the full version, as well as patches for rc31, rc32c, and rc33.

Every game now should be running this version. The only remaining thing to do before a full release is to gametest for any bugs or strange issues.

A very large thanks to o3 for all his help, and the other people on the uDogs Hotline.

(PS: Point I love you)

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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by GodzFire »

Dream Of Death: Final Release Candidate 1 has been released. This will be the last series before the final release, so I am hoping I can get a lot of people to test this.

Download the full version and associated patches HERE

Known Issues
- White Mage's attack does not damage Maul and Warrior ghosts due to their gas object not set properly
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by GodzFire »

DoD Dark is constantly hitting the Objects limit. I am going to make all body parts biodegradable.

Here's an example of a projectile. What settings should I change to accomplish this.

Here's one method from an old post of ChrisP, however I have heard other people say exactly the opposite.
Projectile Limit Problems with the TFL Engine, by ChrisP

The Problem: The TFL engine runs into big problems when a large number of projectiles are present on the map at any given time. Projectiles include everything from unexploded molotov cocktails, to rocks on the ground and dead unit's body parts. On maps with a lot of units body parts in particular can really add up. Once the engine has run out of projectiles you will notice things like dwarves and archers shooting blanks, and dying units that seem to disappear rather then leave a corpse.

Solution: The first and most obvious solution to this type of problem is to limit the number of projectiles present on the map, the easiest way to do this is to reduce the number of total units. This is often not a satisfactory solution though since some maps just require lots of units (like Mazzarin's Demise). So an alternate solution is to create biodegrading units, ie: units who's body parts disappear as time passes, thereby reducing the number of projectiles present on the map at any given time. This can be achieved by making the following changes.

1. Create a new projectile group tag with nothing in it except a bunch of 'guts blood' projectiles.
2. For all the projectiles (like body parts) that you want to delete with bio-degrading: Under Promotion, select your new projectile group tag. Check off 'Promoted at end of life span', check off 'Lifespan', and finally input a random life span range.
3. Make sure the the flag for 'becomes dormant at rest' is Not checked.

That's all there is to it.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by vinylrake »

some other parties weigh in on the topic (from the mythgraveyard):


Making things biodegrade


It's easy just make whatever projectile u want 2 go away have a lifespan. And check "Promoted at End of Lifespan" in the promotion section. There, [now] you've got a Biodegradable thingy. -- hpac

Yes, give them a lifespan and that should do it for dead bodies and body parts.


I like to also give them a detonation - i.e. a small blood explosion or puff of dust or something - and then mark the detonation to occur at the end of the projectile's lifespan. That way it doesn't just vanish into thin air.


Well, first of all I personally hate biodegraders on monsters... For most non-mazz style maps its not really ever a problem. If theres a proj limit (1024) being hit, its probably the monster attacks or scenery doing the damage, not neccesarily the number of enemy dying at once. So unless you make the monster parts biodegrade immediately after creation, while they have lifespan they are counted as proj (1024) until they burst to become nothing, which may cause more problems if your hitting the proj limit. If you leave "becomes dormant at rest" checked in the projectile, as soon as it stops moving it becomes an object (8000+ limit). If you are running into that object limit (8000+) and its not a scenery problem, then a biodegrade might be a good idea. Or, my favorite, scripting a bunch of tiny little spiders to run around to old battlefields and pick parts up as artifacts that expire after a few seconds.

--Fury IX


How do I make a "Bio-degrader"? How do I make a "bio degrader"?

What you need to do is go through all the projectiles you don't think you need hanging around for ever and set a lifespan on them and make them promote or detonate on expiry, or they'll just disappear (which may be just the effect you're looking for; it's up to you). --lank

Make sure that the projectile doesn't have the "becomes dormant at rest" flag checked or it won't work :D --Haravikk


If you press shift-pagedown in-game, you can see some stats while the game is running that can help you determine if a map is bumping up against Myth's limits.

Watch the film of the game you're saying bugged out, and see what limit was getting reached. Then figure out what you can do to prevent that.
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Re: Official DoD thread! Post comments, suggestions, or bugs!

Post by GodzFire »

The Dream Of Death Guide is now complete. I ask everyone to go HERE and check it out. If you're not a fan of that color scheme, try THIS one.
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