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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:58 pm
by Pyro
Renwood TWA wrote:Why why why? maybe because he didnt say anything about ANY of the other statement i made in the post Myabe? i know if i saw someobdy talking about "Most advanced Myth AI unit behaviour ever"

I myself would ask something about it if somebody else said it.
or at least say "sounds kinda neat"
Not all of us think like you Ren, some people won't reply since you appear to be easily insulted. Others won't really be interested in how the AI is until they see it.
Renwood TWA wrote:But nope, people who dont like me dont read what i even say and only focus on the negative only.

Its funny to watch really.

I'm sure some people aren't reading this thread period. If it were really funny, you wouldn't be offended.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:10 am
by Souly
Ok I helped fueled this...

but realy this aint funny anymore!

Ren , dude fuck, relax man and the rest who's also got panties up there ass...

Ren you might not be 100% guilty but man realy you take this shit up the wrong way, just be the better "man" make you project the best you can, call it what ever the fuck you want! IF people dont like the name...fuck them 2....just chill, might be good if you all leave the dude alone now, no matter how wrong or right he is!

Also to much stuff has been said,so there's no reason to go and try and desipher all this shit and come to one good, positive out come!


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:04 am
by Lord Raven
Out of curiosity, what has Ren made before? I would like to check it out.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:26 pm
by Renwood TWA
you can find an old version of the stuff ooga and i have created just in the form of units, weapons and magics. the tagset is just for testing the ballance out and isnt represenitive of the amount of each of the units that are playable in the tagset. Its got some all new units, as well as a lot of placeholders. We also have a ton of maps in production some so large you might not ever see the edges of the map.

We will have the first public demo of a myth phof level from the campain for people to play pretty soon. (2-4 weeks i belive)

It will give people a good cross section of the types of things to expect from us in the future.

Also by then we will be on version 48 or 49 of the our farewell tagset (MythIV TWA tagset) The version that you can download from our website is Our Farewell Tagset b39 (TWA tagset) (downloads/tagset section) just to give you an idea of the changes and addittions between b39 and the next public beta b49 (the same time the demo is out) Get b39 in the downalods/maps section. at

Anyways we got tons of all new stuff people have never seen before in myth wating to be discovered and enjoyed by all in a properly mythy setting. I hope the first public playing of the demo level will be full or allmost full!


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:58 am
by lank
I do belive you only read the first sentence of my last post lank, then made your response. thats very fair of you.. thanks so much.
i read more of your post than that, but i didn't feel the need to respond to the rest of it. especially seeing as most of it was a copy & paste of an earlier post and i hadn't felt the need to reply to it then.

i was going to hold back from commenting on the negativity until then, but that comment i responded to just took me past the line and i couldn't not respond. why did i respond? because i'm fucking sick of the fucking hypersensitivity and acrimony you keep showing. yeah, people were critical of how you chose to name your plugin, the pomp and ambition you showed being greater than most people might have thought was realistic (shall we say) and potential consequences that could crush the community based on how we were interpreting your not wholly coherent posts at the time. and then you went fucking berserk, it seemed, and you keep wanting to have the last word with some jab on haters and negative people or something. i'm fucking over it and while i might not have forgotten the whole thing for a while, i'd be quite happy not to care if you didn't care about such a petty thing and blowing it right out of proportion in relation to the actual arguments people were making.


Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:00 pm
by Renwood TWA
lank you have no idea of wich you speak.



Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:57 pm
by Zeph
alright babies, let Zeph have the last word!!
I declare this discussion CLOSED!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 10:20 pm
by oogaBooga

its funny, everyone thinks ren is being hypersensetive-

coming from someone who has actually met ren in real life and knows his personality, i've got to say the only people who are actually getting truly upset, and having their feathers actually ruffled, are lank and others who respond in such a fashion.

People working themselves up over ren's half-serious rants, while I sit back shaking my head in disappointment.

Of course you couldnt be expected to know what rens personality is like, since all you have to go on are words made of text, with no inflection, and no sarcasm, and most of all no way to actually have a dynamic dialogue where responses are organic and not some list of disorganized thoughts which seem to predominate most of ren and everyone else's posts.

Anyhow i'm not taking sides, if anything i'm on both, considering who it is that is taking part in this thread, but i will leave you with this bit of truth:

You're all taking this far more seriously than Ren is.

Make of that what you will - no doubt there will be some sort of mocking retort, based on that last sentence, but so be it! Doesnt change the truth of it.


EDIT: One more thing: Souly's last post makes the most sense out of all the ones ive read, even mine.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:51 pm
by Arthim
admitedly, i said that my preveous post was going to be my only one, and obviously that is no longer true, anyway, this conversation has gone beyond ridiculous. I am not pointing any fingers at anyone, but this argument has been going on for months at least and has acheved nothing. please stop argueing ad do something productive this whole thread is a waste of time

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:31 am
by Death's Avatar
I would just like to point out how awesome Ren's answer to Raven's question was.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:01 pm
by A-Red
oogaBooga wrote:Of course you couldnt be expected to know what rens personality is like, since all you have to go on are words made of text, with no inflection, and no sarcasm, and most of all no way to actually have a dynamic dialogue where responses are organic and not some list of disorganized thoughts which seem to predominate most of ren and everyone else's posts.
All the same, it doesn't do one much good to make enemies. Sometimes text is all we have. Clarity matters.


Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:51 pm
by Renwood TWA
To take a que from Iron......
So how are people doing with the whole 1.7 testing?

I've been testing maps, films and stuff i seem to see that sometimes in multiplayer games that the flags are halloween colors (black and orange)
and also the green for YOUR units on the overhead in coop or 2 team games seems to have gone from LIGHT GREEN for Your teams units OR your units, to Much Darker and harder to see green.

Umm other then that lets see.. Detail textures are pretty fuckin sexy and look great....maybe TOOO high res though (imagine that!) where they end up looking better when you have the camera zoomed in closer to the mesh then you really can use to play the game in combat, unless you are zooming in to pick up the good puss or something and the camera is zoomed out pretty far from the mesh. There is a problem some have noticed where the detail textures start to look like noise when you zoom out to normal max or mid camera height. the textures are too high res sometimes and end up adding too much noise (BTW this is GOOD kinda beacuse it shows how myth can have SUPER high res terrain maps now)

This feature just needs to be tweaked a little to get it the right scale for each of the maps its used on.

Love the ProjIntoMon BTW sweet stuff indeed!!! Thanks Magama Types!

O and BTW are you guys currently trying to do public testing on 1.7?

I have not been releasing it to others because i thought it was a private build (302) and wasnt for the public yet. If its good to go and you guys say its ok, then ill start to promote it and release to others that want it( many have asked about it), if that time has come.

O and it would be real handy to get a version of seems to work and. I had to hit save after ANY changes i made in 1.3 loathing back in the day...WE have a LOT of ALL new maps coming out and they are at the perfect point to add the detail textures to them.......soo if Oak being buggy is keeping it in house, PLEASE release it anyway! Loathing (and maybe fear?) were buggy as fuck, and i was happy to have a chance to use it in the first place! HIT SAVE AFTER EVERY CHANGE! hhehehe


Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:20 pm
by pompey
Renwood wrote:NOt only would your extreme lack of testicular fortitude make you cower in fear if a 12 year old girl attacked your mothers in front of you

here my impression of you sissies.
It's true. I'm not really sure how anybody would get a mixed impression of Renwood's personality. (I too am hoping to keep this to a one-post maximum, Arthim ;) )

In the spirit of Raven's original post, I don't think it's any surprise that I would prefer to deviate from Myth 3's visual style and storytelling. It's been mentioned before but TFL's dark, hopeless mood is infectious. If there were a return to the series, and I'm not sure how prolific in maps this would make the game, but I would enjoy a first-player run through some of the off-handedly mentioned battles (e.g. "The battalion was left to defend against the inexorable siege while we traveled north"). Writing this I realize that seems like all I would enjoy is a plugin for M1 or M2. Heh, is that so wrong of me that I enjoy the games enough that I'd be happy with simply more content?

I agree with some earlier posts that modernizing the physics engine would be delightful, adding momentum and some ragdoll physics. However I have to say that for the workload, the M2 engine accomplishes amazingly complex and visually appealing interactions given its fundamentally 2D nature.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 5:19 am
by vinylrake
Death's Avatar wrote:I would just like to point out how awesome Ren's answer to Raven's question was.
DA, if you are looking for an example of Ren's previous work, you could take a look at Raisan Barn 2.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:20 am
by Renwood TWA
Good point VR thanks...i belive its on the tain as well as MWC07 site. And FYI guys i had Permission from Ferrex himself to finish and release that map.
