I just finished a new map and need some people to test it. Make sure everything works right, and also what people think about it.
Dog Fights!
It is different than most maps. It is ment to be like a real dog fight. You start out training your dog, by killing stuff (chickens and pigs) and "vetting". Vetting makes a huge difference in how your dog will perform when the fight starts. A chicken is worth 1 vet a pig is worth 3. An enemy dog 5. Each time you vet your dogs attack is slightly increased. On average a good vet number after the training period is 25-30. The can vet to like 250, but would probably never get that high. Unless vets were allowed. Which would be interesting.
A dog Cannot be killed during the training period. If its health is reduced low enough it will be teleported back to its corner. It will stay there until the "fighting" round starts.
After the "training" period is over a horn will sound. All the dogs are teleported back to their corners. Their Jmen owners will heal them. They will then be teleported back into the ring and the "fighting" round begins.
During the "training period" you are in control of the dogs, killing things and vetting your dog. After the training round. When the "fighting" begins, the dog's AI takes over. The dogs are scripted with different random actions. Attack, flee, etc.. The better vetted your dog is the much better chance it has to win, but any dog can and does win. I have had 30 vet dogs lose to 5 vet dogs. Doesnt happen much, but if the 30 vet dog is a pussy (randomly flees alot) it can easily lose.
The Deceiver, the host of the "Dog Fights" stands in the middle of the ring. He controls the action. He makes the chickens and pigs appear. He teleports the dogs in and out of the ring. He also encourages the crowd to participate. He randomly yells "KILL". The Duff and Arcs in the crowd will randomly toss bombs and shoot flame arrows. Adding another hazard for the dogs. As the fight goes on the crowd grows larger and larger. More and more bombs and flames are launched. There are also highly explosive barrels that can be set off and cause massive damage.
Also the Jmen owners will randomly throw out sacks of meat. The sacks can contain some guts, or a pig head, or a ham, or all. The Hams and Heads, are bonus artifacts for your dog. By eating a Ham you dog will for a short period of time be invincible. Small glowing orbs will be circling it. If your dog eats a Head. Its attack strength for a short time will be increaed. Small skulls will be circling it. Picking these items up will greatly increase your dogs chances of vetting more and winning.
Each dog has 1 special attack "Fury" This attack does ALOT of damage. You can either use the "fury" attack yourself during training. Or your dog will randomly use it on its own during the "fighting" round. A "fury" attack at the right time has made a losing dog win quite a few times.
The game types are Assasin and BC.
On Assasin the dogs are the targets. So the dog that kills the most other dogs is the winner, but it may not be the last surviving dog.
On BC (this is where I need to see for sure if things are working right) the last dog to survive is the winner. Since chickens, pigs and other wolves give BC points. To make the last dog to survive be the winner. I added a "trainer" peasant to BC. The "trainer" is in the corner with the Jman dog owner. When there is only 1 dog left. All the "trainers" of the losing dogs. Are teleported into the ring. The surviving dog gets to kill all of them. I tried to set the BC points for the "trainers" high enough so that when the last dog kills them all. He is guaranteed 1st place. With out making the BC point value too high. Let me know if this is working right.
I enjoy scripting AI fighting and thought maybe others would to. To me it is fun to watch the dogs fight. Just to see what happens. Its always different.
I tried to keep the BC points on this map reasonable. So that maybe it could be played rank, and people could in a way. Gamble there ranked points on Dog Fights.
Hope you enjoy it, and I welcome all comments.
Thanks Sam
new map - need testers
Sounds like a really cool concept, but you have to realize this will never make it into ranked play due to the fact that there IS randomness involved, and even if you play really hard and kill tons of stuff, as you've outlined, an AI fury could wipe you out and give the win (in BC to last surviving dog) to some other player that was afk all game. That would be complete bullshit and a cause for complaint.

- Posts: 118
- Joined: Tue May 04, 2004 5:53 pm
Thanks for the reply Graydon. The scenario you stated is a possibility, but would be very rare. The Fury attack will take about half of a dogs health. The more kills your dog has the more likely it is to win, but anything can happen. You are probably (but hopefully not) right about it not being played rank. I had read somewhere at PM about maps for ranked not allowed to have random winners. I am hoping though that because there is no advantage given to anyone on this map and by killing more stuff (playing better) you do increase your chances of winning, plus no one is forced to play. Only people that are willing to take a gamble with their points will play. So hopefully it will be allowed in ranked. I have tried to keep the points down, and with the AI fighting I dont think it will be a map people would whore on.
I still am not sure that everything is working right. If the BC points are correct to make the last dog standing the winner. So try it out with a few people and let me know how it works.
Thanks Sam
I still am not sure that everything is working right. If the BC points are correct to make the last dog standing the winner. So try it out with a few people and let me know how it works.
Thanks Sam

- :) Da Cid (: McCl
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- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:45 pm
- Location: Perth Australia.
- Posts: 118
- Joined: Tue May 04, 2004 5:53 pm
Thanks Cid (and the rest that played) Did everything work right? I liked the dogs fighting on their own at the end. I think it is more realistic, but if more people like being in control of the dogs the whole time. I could make it so on say Leg the owner does keeps control over the dogs. With a few ppl or a full 8 ppl playing that could be fun. You attack a dog another attacks you from behind etc..
Thanks Sam
Thanks Sam

some people have creatively twisted minds.... not that thats a bad thing..
keep up the fun work...
Im thinking Sam the butcher is the only one that could of come up with a game that tosses out meat scraps to dogs...
keep up the fun work...
Im thinking Sam the butcher is the only one that could of come up with a game that tosses out meat scraps to dogs...

if one does not learn from the failings of the past they are likely to suffer its return.