Doh! Sorry... it
does still exist, but is in the "beta testers" forum and thus is not visible by all...
I've copied and pasted it here - thanks for catching that, Vinyl!
---vvv----------- KotH Clock Bug? Post -----------vvv---
Played a KotH (TFL) game tonight and noticed that a player's time on the flag lagged the game clock by about 3 to 4 seconds per minute in the closing 1:15 of the game.
I've posted the
film here (zipped), and you'll need the
Trebuchets plugin from the OoH Downloads page to watch the film.
It was a very close game - and very fun - but watch starting at about 1:15 remaining. At the point where Miltiades kills my last unit at the flag - from then on no one else touches or contests the flag. If you slow the game down and do shift-F7 to keep the times up (*love* that feature btw) you'll see that his time on the flag plus the time remaining starts off adding up to between 1:24 and 1:25, if he were to hold it and no one else were to contest it.
Milt pulls a great move and blocks my entrance to the center fortress (this being on Venice) - at around that point I added up the times during the game and was thinking it was going to be really close.
But watching the film it goes from Milt having a sure win with 1:24 to 1:25 (I have 1:22 total at that point, which is what I will end the game with), to Milt's total being 1:24, then 1:23 to 1:24, then 1:23, etc., right down to the end of the game where suddenly his total ends up at 1:21 (it's at the 1:20 to 1:21 cusp near the end).
Thus you can clearly see his time on the flag deteriorates from 1:24 to 1:25 down to 1:20 to 1:21 within a 1:15 timeframe. That's 3 to 4 seconds per minute.
Would suck to lose on something like that!
Anyway, never noticed this before - usually adding up times in-game is exactly the way they end up. Only went back to check because Milt seemed sure he had a lock when he took the flag - and it turns out he did!
Let me know if you have any problems getting the film or the Trebuchets plugin. Trebs on Venice is very fun.
Slight bit of potential quirkiness: Milt was the only one of the four of us running 1.5.1 (Two Saks dropped earlier in the game too). I'm sure testing KotH (TFL) (and maybe plain Myth II KotH?) should show if this happens consistently.