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Myth TFL Crashes on Click

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:18 am
by Guest
I recently installed Myth: TFL, which belongs to my roommate, and downloaded the TFL 1.5 update. Myth runs and such, but the second I click my mouse or hit any button, the game crashes.

The log file is riddled with these three repeating errors:

Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3478: File uber.dll in the externals folder offsets are bad!

Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3483: File tengame.ini in the externals folder has invalid flags!

Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3495: Unable to open a file to check if it is a tag file (is tagedit or extractor open?) Err: 32

Error: File system General in .\Myth1Code\tag_files.c, line #3495: Unable to open a file to check if it is a tag file (is tagedit or extractor open?) Err: 5

Any suggestions?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:04 pm
by Eddaweaver
Mac or Windows, and does the CD you installed from have any scratches? Did the game work before installing the v1.5 update?

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:00 pm
by soratoyuki
The CD has no scratches or anything, but I imagine it's quite old.

I run Windows XP Home, and I tried to run it before the 5.0 patch, but it something like... I need Service Pack 4 to run MTFL in Windows NT.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:12 pm
by Eddaweaver
Are you wanting to play through the single-player of the game or online? TFL isn't really played online anymore, nearly all multiplaying is with Myth 2. You can download the Myth 2 demo from:

If you've got more than 640mb of RAM installed, TFL v1.3 & earlier won't start because it thinks there isn't enough RAM available - you can make it run by temporarily limiting the quantity of RAM in msconfig.exe (remember to re-enable it afterwards!), though sometimes Win98 emulation mode is needed too by right-clicking on the TFL execuable.

Failing that, you could try the v1.4 patch: ... L_1.4_(PC)

Otherwise, you can also play the TFL solo levels in Myth 2 via a plugin downloadable from the Projectmagma website. ... ch+Froogle

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:03 am
by CIK
It looks like your still running 1.3. 1.5 shouldn't be giving the above errors plus it should have a header in the myth log file.