Mazz 6 Heroic
Mazz 6 Heroic
Hey Cp, we just been playing heroic mazz 6 and got to black thrall and pop doesnt seem to be working? we had a pop going for like 10 mins at least and this has happened twice.. we're debating whether this is a bug or whether its a curveball youve thrown our way:)
just a yes or no is fine, dont spoil it if its a feature :O
just a yes or no is fine, dont spoil it if its a feature :O
- buckweaver
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 10:29 pm
Ah, I see, you're casting Mazzarin's Disperal on top of the Watcher's red Dispersal. Mazzarin's Dispersal is actually damaging the thrall, just not as quickly as the red dispersal (which acutally damages thrall every other pop too, believe it or not) "heals" the thrall back up.
A perpetual red dispersal is very nasty when it occurs (three games in a row is pretty unlucky though) but there are counters to it. Without giving it totally away, I'll just say the best solution involves the Paladin. If the Paladin is already dead, it gets a lot harder, but it's not necessarily totally hopeless.
One regular dispersal won't help, but try combinations of as many super damage area of effect spells as you can muster. Five or more dispersals combined with multiple seversects might do it. Vengeances, Storm Clouds, Flame Barriers, Spheres of Annihilation, Death Bolts, and Meteors thrown in for good measure could help too if you can cast them fast enough. The best bet, however, is to lure the thrall over a fully matured Rift or two.
If you don't have enough high powered spells left, the only hope is to split the thrall up, but for that you need to have ample units left plus a lot of skill and luck.
The only other advice I can give is to concentrate on killing the black thrall faster as you first detect them, eliminating them before enough can clump for a red Dispersal to go perpetual.
A perpetual red dispersal is very nasty when it occurs (three games in a row is pretty unlucky though) but there are counters to it. Without giving it totally away, I'll just say the best solution involves the Paladin. If the Paladin is already dead, it gets a lot harder, but it's not necessarily totally hopeless.
One regular dispersal won't help, but try combinations of as many super damage area of effect spells as you can muster. Five or more dispersals combined with multiple seversects might do it. Vengeances, Storm Clouds, Flame Barriers, Spheres of Annihilation, Death Bolts, and Meteors thrown in for good measure could help too if you can cast them fast enough. The best bet, however, is to lure the thrall over a fully matured Rift or two.
If you don't have enough high powered spells left, the only hope is to split the thrall up, but for that you need to have ample units left plus a lot of skill and luck.
The only other advice I can give is to concentrate on killing the black thrall faster as you first detect them, eliminating them before enough can clump for a red Dispersal to go perpetual.
I can't think of any reason for that happening other than perhaps the Myth engine's projectile limit being temporarily overrun - but that usually turns off the dispersal entirely. Can you please email me a film of this happening to the same address as win submissions? Incidently, there is no special difference in dispersals, or black thrall, between Heroic and other difficulites.
Hi, I'm CRC, a Japanese Mazz freak.
I was on that game.
Area effect does not to work under certain condition it seems.

I think this is it. I saw, A) dream didnt work, B) elec's strike didn't hurt ghost mort but heron attack did, C) mega para arrow didn't freeze watcher but normal one did, D) elec's bolt didn't blow vile. All of these were happened on that game (one truth sent I believe).ChrisP wrote:I can't think of any reason for that happening other than perhaps the Myth engine's projectile limit being temporarily overrun - but that usually turns off the dispersal entirely.
Area effect does not to work under certain condition it seems.
yea actually, come to think of it I've had cases where I used chain lightning (i think this happened near the end of a game) on a group with elec to no effect (ie. you can see lightning spread across the pack of ghols, but they're all still alive, unhurt, & attacking). Usually I just thought I was seeing things.
Thanks for the films, Truth. The problem is the engine's simultaneous detonation limit is being overrun. I believe Myth can handle up to 96 simultaneous area of effect detonations. Apparently, enough dispersals going at once can breach that limit, and all the lich whirlwinds that were flying around at the same time didn't help either. I'm still surprised that many explosions were occuring at once as it sure didn't look like it, but perhaps some weren't showing visual effects. By the way, some pops were still damaging thrall; if you look closely, occasionally a thrall would still die or get hurt.
Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about it even were I to release a patch. I know it doesn't happen every game, though it is just as likely to happen on any difficulty - not just heroic. If it does happen again, use melee to kill as many area of effect attacking monsters as possible - especially liches to keep them from casting whirlwinds and fire fountains. Otherwise, keep running till it hopefully eventually dies out.
Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about it even were I to release a patch. I know it doesn't happen every game, though it is just as likely to happen on any difficulty - not just heroic. If it does happen again, use melee to kill as many area of effect attacking monsters as possible - especially liches to keep them from casting whirlwinds and fire fountains. Otherwise, keep running till it hopefully eventually dies out.
- buckweaver
- Posts: 45
- Joined: Tue May 25, 2004 10:29 pm