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heh, TSG end

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:02 am
by AblitERateOR
Not sure if this is a bug with TSG or with myth..

I finished the last level of TSG 1.4 today, and after the epilogue, i then got put on to the myth2 epilogue, that tells about the leveler etc...
Im not sure if this is to do with how TSG ends, or if its the myth engine doing it because its reached the end of the least level, as unlike most SP maps TSG appears below the myth 2 levels, not at the top of the list.. would also be interstin to note if this meant that with TSG in, ending Myth 2 solo would bump me into the TSG scenarioes, or if i would miss out on the epilogue.

on a slighlty different note, is it purposful that you can't skip that epilogue screen? esc, clicking, spacebar, all did nothing to get past it

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 5:19 pm
by Grayswandir
I think that's default for Myth II...that you can't skip the ending (correct me if I'm wrong...)
As for going to the Myth II epilogue...its probably because the creators forgot to set the last TSG level as the "last" level in Loathing.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:58 pm
by Graydon
Nope... I actually have a feeling this is a genuine bug created by a request I got myrd to complete for 1.6

That flag in loathing for 'last level of scenario' is something I got added in for TFV, so that if we check it, we DO trigger the endgame cutscene... which we intend to change, so it's our own.

Looks like perhaps somehow the last level in TSG thinks it's last level of scenario, and is triggering the epilogue (which since TSG never came with one, it's the m2 version)

Myrd, check into this??