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Map where you're defending a castle?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:37 am
by Raflegan
I remember this co-op map from years back, can't remember the name at all. But I remember you were in a castle like fortification. It was like Landing At White Falls in reverse; you had to defend from an onslaught entering the area from multiple sides; it was set at night and I believe there were free standing torches as graphics (possibly) within the castle. It was a pretty good looking color map. Brownish cobble-stone ground within the castle etc. I think there were lots of Myrkridia coming at you. Does anybody know the map I'm talking about or where I could find it?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:43 am
by Floyd
its not set at night but sounds alot like the first level of UMS. really nice colormap and the only enemies are myrks and myrk giants besides moagim.

Re: Map where you're defending a castle?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:14 am
by Welly
Raflegan wrote:I remember this co-op map from years back, can't remember the name at all. But I remember you were in a castle like fortification. It was like Landing At White Falls in reverse; you had to defend from an onslaught entering the area from multiple sides; it was set at night and I believe there were free standing torches as graphics (possibly) within the castle. It was a pretty good looking color map. Brownish cobble-stone ground within the castle etc. I think there were lots of Myrkridia coming at you. Does anybody know the map I'm talking about or where I could find it?
Floyd is probably right, it sounds like Under Myrkridian Standards (won a mill award back in the day).

There was also a Castle Defense by Ian Simms (I think, too lazy to check) which had a new Balista unit, giant crossbow on wheels. It was daytime, but there was a silly nighttime mesh also.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:52 am
by Gjallarhorn
Other than UMS, there's a map called The Siege, where you defend the same castle, but it's actually too easy, even on legendary, with Alric's Dispersal Dreams. Guess you aren't looking for that one.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:09 am
by Enculator
there is one in the plugin called group of coop (I think).

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:43 am
by Tireces
It could be "Myrmidons Revenge" plugas as well

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:29 am
by vinylrake
Tireces wrote:It could be "Myrmidons Revenge" plugas as well
I am guessing it's Myrmidon's Revenge - the solo where you defend the White Falls castle against hordes of myrms and other baddies.

Castle Defence - has a solo and multi map where you defend a castle (the gameplay is kind of 'unconventional' imo) There is a ballista unit as well as cavalry units.

Fall of Scales has two solos, one where you assault a castle, one where you defend.

Freedom II is a multilevel solo campaign with at least one castle siege style map.

Senex Silvae has an assault the castle level.

Multiplayer fort maps:

Into the Fray is a light/dark 2 team map where dark defend the flag in the castle, light try to take it.

There is a map called Cannonball Castle which sounds promising but I don't know anything about it.

Close Quarters Multipack is a 4 start multiplayer map with each team having a fort.

Other castle/castle ruin maps include: Hvelgimir, Borderland Oddysey, Mockingbird, and one of the 2 team maps from Chimera I can't remember the name of.

Other maps that have castles which I don't know much if anything about are: Motte and Bailey,Peace in the Palace, Peace on the Ramparts, The Four Kingdoms

Siege is a 2 player map where each team has a fortress

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:51 pm
by iron
IIRC our very own Haravikk's first map (or the first one I remember him doing) was a castle defence one. Very basic plot - the dwarves have the castle & the thrall want it - or something like that.

No idea now what it was called though.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:25 am
by Raflegan
OK, where can I find these? Looked for UMS and can't find it.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:55 am
by gugusm

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 10:10 pm
by Raflegan
It's not UMS (great plugin, however), though the color map seems almost the same (the ground looks exactly like that in places), but the 'castle' is more detailed, there are flat 'walk-ways' which are only graphical (brick roads within the castle to the different entry points, but they zig zag around the courtyard) it isn't just square and simple either, the courtyard is structurally detailed as well as graphically.

The one I'm remembering has no opening intro, or scripted events like UMS (at least, not that I remember). I think it has thrall at the beginning as enemies, but lots of myrkridia also. You have dwarves and bowmen, warriors and berzerkers; I don't know if it's heron guards or journeymen though. I'm nearly positive it was a nighttime setting.

I was only referencing White Falls as the strategy, it isn't based off of it or anything, so I doubt it is Myrmidons Revenge

The Seventh God?

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:49 pm
by Welly
A good deal of what you're describing is an early level in The Seventh God solo series. But there are no thrall, the Zerks are enemies, and it's definitely not at night time.

There ARE decorative walk ways with comp-controlled arcs standing permanently on them, and there is a fairly detailed color map. I think this is the one you're talking about.

Re: The Seventh God?

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:47 pm
by Raflegan
Welly wrote:A good deal of what you're describing is an early level in The Seventh God solo series. But there are no thrall, the Zerks are enemies, and it's definitely not at night time.

There ARE decorative walk ways with comp-controlled arcs standing permanently on them, and there is a fairly detailed color map. I think this is the one you're talking about.
Seventh God has new units, this was all old traditional ones (maybe it had one minor thing like the scimitar wielding myrmidons like they have in RotD and maybe rare units like BreUnor, but no "total conversion" type units) I'm pretty sure it was a stand alone map... I don't think I ever played Seventh God honestly, I know a lot of those TCs I couldn't get to run, like Jinn. The first time I saw Seventh God units was in Battle for Urbarahz beta.

EDIT, wait I played seventh god, it has the very large 'world knots' in the first few levels correct? And something about 1 or just a few locks controlled in the beginning. Lots of computer controled allies, it wasn't that. There was no computer controlled allies or anything.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:21 pm
by gugusm
Yep, there were some large "teleports" in The Seventh God.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:36 am
by Enculator
there is one also a map in the plugin named "Solo campaign v2" (or something like that) where you have to defend the baron's castle against hordes of squelettons and souless.