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Wikipedia on mYTH
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:09 am
by carlinho
So they say the article on the myth community on myth is going to be deleted unless somebody can prove credits or links..or...
anyone has any idea on how to beat the system and keep it alive?
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:29 am
by Archer
Or, if we're feeling internettish, sauce plz?
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:02 pm
by Cobalt 7
Great, first the Anti-Webcomics crusade, now this.
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:28 pm
by Archer
Yeah, I saw that. I see no deletion proposed, just a cleanup suggestion and a suggestion that the information in the article be split into a few different articles, which IMO is a good idea (unit lists have no place in the article about the entire series, but do have a place in the article about the individual game).
Basically, I'm not seeing a problem here.
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:19 pm
by vinylrake
Archer wrote:Yeah, I saw that. I see no deletion proposed, just a cleanup suggestion and a suggestion that the information in the article be split into a few different articles, which IMO is a good idea (unit lists have no place in the article about the entire series, but do have a place in the article about the individual game).
Basically, I'm not seeing a problem here.
While it appears that the current approach is to suggest edits and a different organization of the page(s) there was some debate last year about the whole thing being deleted because of (If I remember correctly) A) lack of organization (one huge page containing every subject under the sun related to Myth - which is very unwiki like), and B) an almost complete lack of references/attribution for the content.
There was enough heat on the subject that I was concerned about the content being lost which is why I created the languishing
Myth Community History Project.
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:36 pm
by Welly
I think the whole idea of a Myth community page on wikipedia is terrible. It's mindless self-congratulatory air that no one else on the entire earth cares about.
We know who we are, we appreciate our groups... and we should keep it the heck away from a website that is struggling to be a respectable source of knowledge on topics that are of universal importance.
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:17 pm
by carlinho
I'll try minimizing my ego then...hehehehe

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:54 pm
by Khadrelt
Universal importance? Have you seen some of the articles in there???
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:09 pm
by Welly
Khadrelt wrote:Universal importance? Have you seen some of the articles in there???
Yes, but remember I said "struggling to be a respectable" source

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:58 am
by vinylrake
Welly wrote:I think the whole idea of a Myth community page on wikipedia is terrible. It's mindless self-congratulatory air that no one else on the entire earth cares about.
Well, "mindless" might be a bit strong, but I agree completely about the self congratulatory air. No one outside of the myth community, (and I suspect many of us IN the myth community) really care who was the "best" player between 2000-2001. The fact that when I posted a note on the forums here last year that announced the myth community history project and asked for volunteers and got absolutely NO responses (other than Elf who had already volunteered) is all the proof anyone should need that it's not a topic of interest even in the myth community.
Welly wrote:We know who we are, we appreciate our groups... and we should keep it the heck away from a website that is struggling to be a respectable source of knowledge on topics that are of universal importance.
Conceptually I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to save for 'posterity' some of the Myth community history. I think it's really just the level of proposed detail vs. wikipedia's 'general interest' guidelines that is a mismatch. I don't see any problem with a wikipedia page listing the major Myth tournaments and game servers and community sites, but if one were to really explore all the aspects and nooks and crannies of the Myth community suggested on the Wikipedia discussion page one could easily end up with as much Myth content as exists in the wikipedia entries for some entire countries. That's just wrong.
If anyone is interested in saving for posterity that level of detail it belongs on a Myth related website, not a general interest encyclopedia.
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:23 am
by Myrd
vinylrake wrote:but if one were to really explore all the aspects and nooks and crannies of the Myth community suggested on the Wikipedia discussion page one could easily end up with as much Myth content as exists in the wikipedia entries for some entire countries. That's just wrong.
If anyone is interested in saving for posterity that level of detail it belongs on a Myth related website, not a general interest encyclopedia.
Hey, it doesn't stop that much information being there about Pokemon or any other such subject on Wikipedia....
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:33 am
by Cobalt 7
Myrd wrote:vinylrake wrote:but if one were to really explore all the aspects and nooks and crannies of the Myth community suggested on the Wikipedia discussion page one could easily end up with as much Myth content as exists in the wikipedia entries for some entire countries. That's just wrong.
If anyone is interested in saving for posterity that level of detail it belongs on a Myth related website, not a general interest encyclopedia.
Hey, it doesn't stop that much information being there about Pokemon or any other such subject on Wikipedia....
The worst part? I got in a rever war with an 11-year old when I tried to add in "So I herd u liek Mudkips" into the Mudkip page.
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:07 pm
by vinylrake
Myrd wrote:Hey, it doesn't stop that much information being there about Pokemon or any other such subject on Wikipedia....
One could argue that pokemon 'deserves' more detail because of it's somewhat wider appeal than Myth. seriously, myth had what - a few hundred thousand people who bought the game(s) (a rank guess) and Pokemon is/was a worldwide phenomenon enjoyed by millions and millions with the game, a television show, a movie, several software/game titles and more merchandise and product branding than a sane person can bear.
But even taken all that into consideration, there's plenty of inconsistencies in what is in wikipedia.
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:51 am
by The Elfoid
It's been due 'cleanup' forever. After I re-organised the page and made the MWC/tournament ones from scratch I left the thing to run itself and it has.
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:52 am
by Autumn Demon
The article on Myth II: Soulblighter Tournaments is fucking awesome. As someone who didn't start playing the game until 2005, I can actually understand myth history when old skool players talk about it because of the wiki articles. Thanks to whoever put them up.
I check the tourney articles a lot (mostly for links to tourney sites) and it would be a shame if the articles were erased from the internet. I do agree, however, that wikipedia isn't the place for such articles because no one outside of the myth community gives a shit about MWC. It would be cool if the articles were posted somewhere else where mythers could easily find them.