Well, today I tried switching back to mariusnet and sure enough, something is really whacked! No matter how many times I selected "Servers..." and "Marius Net" and saved it, the PlayMyth information remained.
I finally exited out of myth, looked at my files manually, and discovered the following:
- Patch Mariusnet was correctly copied to the plugins folder - GOOD
- PlayMyth v1.2.1 was left in the plugins folder - BAD
- PMI_Classic was left in the plugins folder - BAD
- The preferences/metaserver file still contained PlayMyth information - VERY BAD
This appears to be precisely what was happening to my ordermate, who is not a computer whiz, and thus was extremely frustrated. Now I can also see why my manual instructions to him didn't completely work: even though I had him manually remove the PlayMyth v1.2.1 and PMI_* file, the preferences/metaserver file was still pointing to PlayMyth! DOH!
I have no idea why this doesn't work 100% and/or why it worked fine the first time (there are no read-only files, nothing has moved, the installation looks perfect, etc.), but this is going to wreak havoc on anyone trying to switch over to mariusnet on a PC who runs into it!
I'm going to write up some detailed manual instructions now for our ordermates - I'll try to make them such that anyone can use them, but I'm about to leave on a road trip and don't have lots of time. I moved the PM stuff out and the mariusnet stuff in manually, and all was well.
Thought people should know about this one.