obnoxious artifact
obnoxious artifact
I've got a monster with an artifact that adds a local projectile group to the monster by overriding its monster tag. On my level, I script the monster to receive this artifact...and lo, the lpgr starts up. However, I find I'm unable to remove the artifact later. I've tried Remove Artifact and Switch Artifact to null, and the stupid monster just sits there happily smoking. What can I do?
I'm guessing the artifact does get removed. Just the local proj group isn't being cleared.
If that's the case, the only way to clear it, is to give it something else that will replace the local proj group (a unit may only have one at a time...), ... or confuse it... since the stars are also a local proj group...
If that's the case, the only way to clear it, is to give it something else that will replace the local proj group (a unit may only have one at a time...), ... or confuse it... since the stars are also a local proj group...
Sounds like the map action is either not being triggered or it isn't properly linked to the right unit. Place a debug flag on that map action and run the map. When it gets to the point where the map action is suppose to remove the artifact check the myth_log and if it says nothing from the map action then you know it isn't being activated. And if it is some error it will shed some light to what you may have missed.