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SF2 -- public beta bug thread

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:17 pm
by ozone
here is the link

Special Forces2 -- public beta

enjoy :D

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:26 pm
by rifthead
A bug I found just playing it myself:

Tanks machine guns only work for the first 5 seconds of the game. Their mana drains down automatically and then they can only use the main gun.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:39 pm
by Zeph
I thought you had fixed that bug already ozone :D

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:56 am
by ozone
rifthead wrote:A bug I found just playing it myself:

Tanks machine guns only work for the first 5 seconds of the game. Their mana drains down automatically and then they can only use the main gun.

thanks rift

Great job

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:25 am
by Roc
This is only beta and I already love it :D a thousand thanks to you ozone!
It really shows that you have spent some time to do this.

I think I would definitely pay for the finished plugin.

edit: I discovered something strange. The Green Beret can launch 4sec nades and red smoke grenades with his launcher :D not a bug?

Re: Great job

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:53 am
by ozone
Roc wrote:I discovered something strange. The Green Beret can launch 4sec nades and red smoke grenades with his launcher :D not a bug?
No actually that isnt a bug... Most units can pick up the others ammo and use it. I think it adds a lil twist to gameplay that any unit could have any weapon. If you notice any other soldier unit can pick up the nade launchers on the ground and use them as well by targeting half way to target. This may not seem "real" but it is FUN and to me thats more important...


Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:58 am
by ozone
Great testing last night guys/(girls?)...

I found some things I need to fix and tweak but besides those it went really really well. Im happy with it and it seems people were having fun. All is good in SF2land....more to come...alot more.


weee! mini CHOPPER!

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:17 am
by Renwood
Are you going to keep the bullets can dmg tanks bit?

maybe take out bullet dmg vs tanks, but have nades and other splosions do more dmg to them to make up for it?

I had a lot of fun playing it the other night. ill have to just bug hunt next time i host it instead of just playing it. ~8^)

Keeping the flag going in SD with mini-chopper on LMOTH was some funny shit.
I think mine lasted 3 mins or so. i got to use my flight sim ground based turret dodging skills in myth! didnt think THAT would ever happen!

took the 3 heavy MG gunners shooting at my chopper 3 mins to bring it down!

Nice work Oz, when ooga gets back from christmass break we will have an all new batch of splosion sprites for you to pick from.

seeya and GOOD WORK Loved the Swimming FISH!!


Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:08 pm
by Scratch
There's one stubborn village woman in the (SE?) corner (next to the plow repair shack) who sometimes just refuses to board the copter, facilitating the need to subject her to "meeting her maker".

Sometimes it seems that although snipers can shoot you, even though you are in sight range, you have to rotate the camera or wiggle it to make the little priçk stay there. Sometimes the model just covers it up since only part of the body sticks up past the roof peak. Not a big deal.

The games (coop and multi) should end when all the player controllable units die. Right now you gave to cancel the coop and in multi you hafta kill all the radar. I think I remember you and Zeff mentioning it was an easy fix. If so.... nm this paragraph.

Another thing, THE VILLAGE IS VERY MUCH ANTI-RAMBO. It would be nice for the team captain to be able to auto-nuke some ramboing fool who won't listen to orders! (j/k, mb)

Oh yeah, why are some fish targetable as enemy? Hidden surprise there?

One last thing, are you going to finish the first Village map with the all-new models on it? You know, the ones with McDonald's and some with store signs with some WW2 Order names on the them?

Nice stuff mang! :)

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:47 pm
by carlinho
I didn't catch yet any bug but it's really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm having a blast playing it!

nice work oz!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:25 pm
by ozone
Scratch wrote:There's one stubborn village woman in the (SE?) corner (next to the plow repair shack) who sometimes just refuses to board the copter, facilitating the need to subject her to "meeting her maker".

Sometimes it seems that although snipers can shoot you, even though you are in sight range, you have to rotate the camera or wiggle it to make the little priçk stay there. Sometimes the model just covers it up since only part of the body sticks up past the roof peak. Not a big deal.

The games (coop and multi) should end when all the player controllable units die. Right now you gave to cancel the coop and in multi you hafta kill all the radar. I think I remember you and Zeff mentioning it was an easy fix. If so.... nm this paragraph.

Another thing, THE VILLAGE IS VERY MUCH ANTI-RAMBO. It would be nice for the team captain to be able to auto-nuke some ramboing fool who won't listen to orders! (j/k, mb)

Oh yeah, why are some fish targetable as enemy? Hidden surprise there?

One last thing, are you going to finish the first Village map with the all-new models on it? You know, the ones with McDonald's and some with store signs with some WW2 Order names on the them?

Nice stuff mang! :)
Any way I can get a screenshot of this lazy peasant woman that wont board the huey? ARRGH!


>Ill look into the snipers...I think I know what your talking about...(damn myth models)

>I have fixed the no end game on death already on village co-op and will also find away to deal with the radar when no other units live...

>I tried to force teamwork with SF2 was one of my major goals when working on it.

>Yes the map with Mcdonalds will be released in time. As will many other maps.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:26 pm
by ozone
carlinho wrote:wow!
I didn't catch yet any bug but it's really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm having a blast playing it!

nice work oz!!!!!!

Thanks for checking out my work carlinho...glad you liked it. More to come.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 10:32 pm
by ozone
FIXES for final so far:


Captain - I made it so after you call for airstrike or airdrop you can throw right away. As it was in pb1 there was a delay. Now there isn't. Also the CAP now has a melee attack when set to everything but c4. When set to c4 I just dont have the attacks (limit of 4) to add it there. :x


Village co_op - game now ends when all players dead. Somehow a link in one of the map actions got changed. My fault.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:36 am
by vinylrake
Ozone - NICE WORK! I've only played the Village a little, but it looks and plays really well.

I was just writing up a 'bug' because I thought my medic couldn't heal after picking up a sword - then I noticed the text and saw that it must have been a WRENCH that he picked up so he can repair machines! That is seriously cool!

Fun conversion, can't wait for the rest of your maps!

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:52 am
by vinylrake
ok one smallish bug/quirk - if I don't micromanage the helicopter when I am near one of the corners of the map - a single attacking enemy unit will cause the helicopter to retreat to the edge of the map - OUT of wqsselectable map space - making the game impossible to finish.

I tried backing in to the space from different angles but no matter what i do I can't get a visual on the copter so I can't select it to move it.