I duno what time zone you're in Sonix, but I got disconnected sometime on Hotline, and your text was present, asking to the 4 individuals in the lobby at the time, and you left shortly after. Gotta try and log on somewhere between 6am and 10pm Pacific Standard Time... GMT -8 to catch DA.
Graydon wrote:I duno what time zone you're in Sonix, but I got disconnected sometime on Hotline, and your text was present, asking to the 4 individuals in the lobby at the time, and you left shortly after. Gotta try and log on somewhere between 6am and 10pm Pacific Standard Time... GMT -8 to catch DA.
Damn am I really around that much? Doobie is usually around during the day as well.
sillek wrote:The Hotline server itself still shows dates.
Apache=Web Server Software
? = Hotline server Software
The dates would still be attached to the files at the OS level, my guess is that whether you can SEE the dates when you view the files/directories as displayed to you through a web server app or a hotline server app would depend on the settings on that partiucular server software. Same amount of detail is available, what you can see depends on the software used to show you the directory lists.