Clem of Creation graciously gave me permission to host all the Creation maps/plugins on the OoH site (just before the end of PlayMyth back in March 2007). Amazing, eh? I thought it was pretty neat, especially since he and I had our little differences once upon a time (seems like a lifetime ago, really). I've always respected the work he and Creation did, and didn't want to see it vanish. It's an impressive body of work and part of Myth History imo.
Part of the discussion I had with him was about mirroring the original Creation sites: Creation Games, The Seventh God, and his site, Clemapalooza.
It's taking me a while to get to this due to work/life demands, but after a thread on MariusNet came up regarding "Maps by Clem?" and the Myth III maps of his/Creation's which I include in the Myth III BIGZIP file on the OoH site (complete with original documentation/manuals), I decided I'd take a look at just how complicated it would be to get the sites mirrored relatively quickly.
Well, long story short (yes please!), I took a day off of work since it was minus-8 degrees F here this morning (good excuse, eh?) and whipped out a good chunk of the mirrors.
Basically, I did them in reverse: the Clemapalooza site is up with downloads, as well as the awesome The Seventh God (with the updated 1.4 version in both zip and 7-Zip formats). I'm working on the Creation Games site (there are some intertwined download links on it, so it will take me a little longer).
So here they are - remember that some links will be broken forever, but many will work (and the Creation Games ones will be improving over time when I get a chance to work on that site more thoroughly):
- The Seventh God v1.4 (by Creation)
Creation Games (still working on the links)
Clemapalooza (Clem's site with downloads)
I also plan to someday(tm) release a completed version of an uncompleted map Clem gave me permission to finish. Kewl, no? I'm thinking of waiting for Oak and Patch 1.7 to really make it something interesting. It's a beautiful map imo and high on my "Myth To Do" list.
Clem gave me permission to host it all - including downloads - on the OoH site, but expressly said that none of the material was to be hosted anywhere else. Thus none of it is on The Tain, nor should it be posted there (or anywhere else). So just grab the downloads from the OoH site and enjoy.
I'm very pleased he gave the go-ahead for me to host it all, because to me I believe they should be available for people to play -- they're all too dang good to have disappear.
So enjoy and Happy Holidays everyone!