I gather this is something that some of you have asked at least once in your Myth lives, and that question is "can the Myth kill count extend beyond 250+? (it was originally 255)
I'm sure it's a simple software issue that will never be changed but is it possible? - maybe I should just let my units die, and not worry about it.
If it can be increased does anyone think it should?
Last edited by pitabox987 on Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Death's Avatar wrote:Kills beyond 250 are still recorded, you just don't see them till post game.
I'm quite sure they're not. It displays "250+" - even the kill ration stops at ".250" --- been working with myth tags for 10 years know them quite well.
Either solo or multiplayer 'endgame stats' (whether shown with fancy postgame artwork in solo mode, or in a formatted metaserver data sheet shown in the multiplayer post-game) kills are recorded past 250. However individual units wont display more than "250+". Excluding Mazzarin's Demise, this huge number is more than enough for any single player mission. I don't think there's a need to increase the limit, but then again, I'm not saying I'm against it. I still have yet to place a vote.
You're both incorrect. Originally, the limit was once a unit had gained enough kills to make his sheilds go all the way across the top status bar. On original Myth TFL at 640x480 resolution, this amounted to ~30 kills depending how long the units name was.
You're both incorrect. Originally, the limit was once a unit had gained enough kills to make his sheilds go all the way across the top status bar. On original Myth TFL at 640x480 resolution, this amounted to ~30 kills depending how long the units name was.
Gray, you know what Myrd meant. Myrd wasn't talking about how many shields appear on a status bar, but the limit Myth tracks kills for each unit. The current limit is 255 which appears as "250+".
I'm not against raising the limit, but I doubt it will be of much use either way.