GodzFire wrote:Wonderful, since people still living in 1990 have 640x480 monitors we have to suffer.
Theres one thing I agree with godz about.
I have absolutely no sympathy or pity to people using ten year old computers. Even the marathon community realized how ridiculous catering to those kind of people is.
look at me - ive been broke forever and I still managed to cobble together a dual core pc with 9800 GT videocard (for cheap). you dont even have to spend half as much as I did (800 dollars) to get a computer that will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER slow down on myth no matter whats happening.
Carlinho needs someone to donate him a used PC - i'd do it but I only have this one computer. If I had a cheap PC lying around i'd buy a 30 dollar dual core 2.7 GHZ cpu (or maybe 40 dollars on craigslist) and just give it to him and send everything to him free of charge.
As much as I wouldnt want to lose carlinho if it ever came down to being able to make myth better or cater to people stuck a decade in the past, I wouldnt hesitate to choose the former. Besides, most people running older computers are on macs - because almost any joe schmoe with a horribly crappy PC can still upgrade it for 30 dollars at a time.
Pc parts are ridiculously cheap. Self-built PCs are retardedly cost efficient, especially when you do it piecemeal.
Oops, I went off on a rant.
Sorry guys!