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Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:37 am
by mmrnmhrm
Hello everyone - I hope there are still some active people on this forum. I quickly looked through the previous topics but I didn't find an anwer for my problem...

I re-installed Myth: The Wolf Age lately and planned to complete it on legendary difficulty level. Now I'm stuck on the 2nd mission "The Nest" which seems impossible! I even managed to enter the nest with 0 casualties and 0 damage by avoiding Myrkridia outside. I even got past the first "patrol" inside the cave. But even with 100% health soldiers I'm only able to take out the first Myrkridian giant and Myrkridia around it but the next giant seems to be too much. Once I was able to kill the both giants but on the same moment other Myrkridia slaugtered Connacth. Is the fight won by killing only the two giants or do I have to slay all the beasts within the Nest? I hope there aren't a third giant inside...

I've played Myth series since ´97 and completed TFL and SB couple of times quite easily - also on legendary. TWA isn't as familiar to me because playing it has never been very satisfying (video clips show only black, story isn't as good as before, gameplay sucks in many ways, the game crashes often etc). Now I'd like to complete the game on legendary but what the heck - I can't get past the beginning. So please help me. I'll appreciate any help available.

PS. I located videos of playing TWA on legendary on my search for tips or walkthroughs on internet but for some reason The Nest video is missing...

Re: Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:04 am
by Baron LeDant
okok I guess I should probably help you

The Nest is perhaps the hardest map to win solo in the myth series (although the watcher in TFL seems a bit harder).

Useful(?) tips

1. Connacht makes your other units fight better when he's nearby (attack faster). If you've won the previous level you should know this though.

2. If possible get a giant to waste its ranged attack with a hearthguard or a berserk. Try to dodge it as best as possible too.

3. Try to eliminate small groups at a time, if you can force the enemy into single file, then thats even better.

4. Yes there's 2 giants, I don't recall whether it ends with the death of the 2nd giant or not.

5. If all else fails, I could play it with you sometime. Or alternatively don't patch the game so hearthguard are actually useful.

Re: Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:08 am
by Avatara
Hello mmrnmhrm,

Are you using patch 1.3.1? I may be totally wrong here, but I've heard people say that it makes a bunch of gameplay changes, and while it does improve multiplayer, it breaks the singleplayer balance. If there was any balance to being with, anyway.

But I do know that some levels are indeed broken on legendary and require ridiculous abuse to beat on leg (Bonds of the Oghre level anyone?). Maybe a Myth 3 expert (Dantski?) can give more useful information.

EDIT: He beat me to it.

Re: Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:17 pm
by Baron LeDant
Funny you should mention bonds, its the only myth level I've never won on leg.

It's certainly doable but would be more effort that its worth.

Re: Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:20 pm
by Avatara
Baron LeDant wrote:Funny you should mention bonds, its the only myth level I've never won on leg.

It's certainly doable but would be more effort that its worth.
Tireces made a recording of him beating the level on leg. Of course it was in singleplayer with save abuse and speed reduction.

The replay is here: ... -legendary

The video is ultra boring (no offense to Tir, it's purely because of the level). Basically, he converted a bunch of oghres, went mid, and engaged iron trows one by one while absusing the dumb AI. He either soloed them with Myrdred or kept running in circles while the dorfs bombed the iron trow for like 1 year.

Re: Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:56 pm
by Baron LeDant
Actually in all the games I played of it, once I'd converted a certain umber of Oghre all the Iron Trow attacked at once. This always happened to me regardless of how many I converted

Re: Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:35 pm
by mmrnmhrm
Thanks for your tips. After trying hard for several time I was able to slay both giants. The casualities were high but after all i made it! I followed the instructions given to me and also looked for as narrow spot as possible where the first giant actually blocked the next one from attacking me.

It's quite dumb anyway that you can trick AI units to block each other or do like I did in the first mission: gather villagers in a dense group to block enemies while flanking them with your own soldiers just ignoring the casualties...

Re: Myth III on legendary difficulty

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:18 pm
by oogaBooga
Baron LeDant wrote:Funny you should mention bonds, its the only myth level I've never won on leg.

It's certainly doable but would be more effort that its worth.
Renwood is the master of that level.

He was also one of the best myth 3 players period. I would seek his advice on the matter.

He was the one who showed Fisj and everyone how to go outside on the Mygard level and defend the switchback at the edge of the level(and win) when he was a beta tester for myth 3. He pretty much knows how to beat every level by heart.

I played with him a few times on myth 3 and my god.. some of those levels are barbaric in their difficulty..