Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

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Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by GodzFire »

I've always enjoyed being able to play Solo levels with the Light Vs Dark trick. Unfortunately, it's a relatively unknown thing. I've also always wanted to be able to use DeathMatch on single player levels. However I can't see how it would be possible via the options in Fear/Loathing.

Would it even be possible to add the functionality of Light Vs Dark and Single Player Deathmatch to Myth as an option?
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Myrd »

You can make a plugin.
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by steelaxe »

their is a plugin. here..
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Zeph »

GodzFire wrote:I've always enjoyed being able to play Solo levels with the Light Vs Dark trick. Unfortunately, it's a relatively unknown thing. I've also always wanted to be able to use DeathMatch on single player levels. However I can't see how it would be possible via the options in Fear/Loathing.

Would it even be possible to add the functionality of Light Vs Dark and Single Player Deathmatch to Myth as an option?
Go in loathing, select all your units, double click on one of them. A dialog appears.

check this option.

Open up Myth, there you have deathmatch in in your map!!

I thought you were a mapmaker godzfire, why don't you know how to do this stuff???????
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by vinylrake »

zeph c'mon, godz is asking for a mod that would let this be an option for ALL solo maps. obviously he knows how to make an individual map deathmatch.

and godz request isn't unreasonable, i'd rather have an option to select LvD-Deathmatch than have to have duplicates of every single solo map ever created in order to play LvD deathmatch.
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Pyro »

Would such a feature be worth it? Some scripts would break since they are not designed to have their units return from the dead. So in the end, would such a feature really be used much?
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Autumn Demon »

Yes it would.
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Graydon »

Sorry, how would a 'solo' level ever work with Deathmatch? It's like "Easy for NEWBIES", since you can basically never lose. Sorry, but from the perspective of a scripter and a mapmaker, where exactly is the fun in that? :(
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Autumn Demon »

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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Graydon »

Autumn Demon wrote:Never lose? Try never win.
No, from a technical point of view, explain that? How is it possible to lose if you can never die (all your units respawn)?
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by vinylrake »

Guess it depends on who is being respawned, player units or non-player units.

Respawning enemy units would sure make for some insane solo/coops.
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Khadrelt »

Why does there have to be a point? Sometimes it's fun to just go in and wreak havoc until you're tired of it…you know, dulling your blade on mindless enemies and all that… :wink:
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Autumn Demon »

Graydon wrote:
Autumn Demon wrote:Never lose? Try never win.
No, from a technical point of view, explain that? How is it possible to lose if you can never die (all your units respawn)?
Deathmatch means all units respawn... not just yours. So you'd never be able to kill the enemy.
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Graydon »


This is what happens when people who have NO IDEA what 'scripting' really entails, come onto the forums and telling mapmakers how it should be. Lol.

Ok, you've brought up a valid point. If it _were_ indeed deathmatch, the enemies would keep respawning too. But they're respawning at their original starting locations, and then have no script to make them do anything, since the first script will likely have not be seen to expire _never_ and will likely have stopped running when the new guys get respawned.

I duno, I guess I just don't understand why people would want Magma devs to focus on such a task, to allow users to play an unscripted game. You'd have about as much fun as starting up two or 3 copies of myth, firing up an LAN, and killing off the 'afk teams' that spawn.

Why not, you know, play against some actual scripted AI?

It's not worth the effort guys.

Go download that plug Pyro linked to a few posts up. Way better off with that. Or, as he suggested, make your own. At least then you can appreciate how much work it is for such a small unappealing result.
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Re: Deathmatch and LvD Options a Possibility?

Post by Autumn Demon »

Obviously in LvD deathmatch there would be no need for AI...
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