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Post by ozone »


This beta is more a test of concept. If people think its fun Ill add to it and put more time into it. Let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Remember...this is a beta so there may be some bugs. Report them here if you could...
Last edited by ozone on Wed May 12, 2010 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BaTTLeCaPS(beta)

Post by Isolder »

ozone wrote:BaTTLeCaPS(beta)

This beta is more a test of concept. If people think its fun Ill add to it and put more time into it. Let me know how it goes. Thanks.

Remember...this is a beta so there may be some bugs. Report them here if you could...
First. This is fun. More players per team would be nice.

Some things noticed during game play.. a bit hard to tell friendlies from enemies. Sometimes the units seem to get stuck on an order like the grunts stick to the flag and don't shoot back when enemy gets dropped right on top of them. The stab damage grunts do to VC snipers is pretty weak. Also would be nice maybe if snipers were a bit more accurate.. they are snipers after all. There's some issue with choppers and reloading their rockets. I didn't see them reload after the first round, but maybe I missed it..

There seems to be some issue with the units dropping around models. They tend to die if they land on a model. Not sure if you can maybe make it so the units *definitely* drop on a safe-area.

As far as unit commands.. it's a little unclear how they are working. If you have grunts selected and taunt it will have them attack all or attack flag, but the overhead text doesn't always show. When the text doesn't show I never know what my grunts are up to. Same with the assault/other units.

When it's Terries what are the units doing? Are they going for flags or just attacking enemies? A little clarity in what units do by default would be nice.

Visually.. this is personal preference of course. I'd like to see some more detail on the buildings. Maybe some old storefront signs or something.. More than just the plain ol' brick.

Oh, and smoke. I was seeing enemy team's color as smoke. Is smoke supposed to be the same color as your team color or..? A better identifier would be nice. I had my own units drop in a spot from a smoke grenade that was the same color as enemy team so there was confusion there.

This is pretty awesome.
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Re: BaTTLeCaPS(beta)

Post by Isolder »

And another thing..

When captain is in proximity to enemy units I think enemy should focus on captain more. I had units right by enemy captain and they didn't attack him. This was not good for me.
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Re: BaTTLeCaPS(beta)

Post by Jon God »

I just wanted to give a shout out to Ozone as probably the most talented map maker that's worked with Myth, and thank him for his continued interest and dedication to it. Thank you for all your plugins so far, and Battlecaps is good fun. :D
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Re: BaTTLeCaPS(beta)

Post by Point »

played several games with a lot of players
Some fun stuff...

anti aircraft guns dont seem to do much chopper can fly right over them... also
suggestions ....
should be blue uncontrollable not yellow ... all dead captains yet game not over cuz artillery alive.

Gate should open shut as a monster.. controlled by cap

the auto detach at start is confusing and not needed

units should attack the helicopters more...

snipers seem not to attract ai much at all... even when they are right by them

would help if team smoke was different


the 1min per build should maybe be ammo based meaning you have a limited amount of over all builds now its just run build run build gets old fast and leaves no strat for saving mana or using it for artillery when building units is the most important.

1 Major.... overall leader controls soldier troops that are built grunts infantry and assault... can pick up all 7 monster changing artifacts or if 7 players each could get one....

if only one leader could BE A UNIQUE UNIT -color or something besides the lpgs when orders given.

2 Captain Artillery controls artillery that is built ...
no mana from captain to fire guns though guns have mana to limit use

3 Captain helicopter support controls helicopters built cobra, huey

4 Captain air support controls airstrikes strafing, and bombs.

5 Support controls medic, doctors, supplies

6 scout captain controls scout force flag grabers, snipers

7 armor captain controls armor tanks, apcs

just some thoughts though still some fun games tonight
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Re: BaTTLeCaPS(beta)

Post by Fury IX »

I have just played it a little bit, but I think its a cool concept and for sure worth the additional work. It gives me some ideas for coop, like have the shotgun captain able to summon the AI troops, and one of each unit type becomes the officer of all the AI of his type. Sounds fun to script anyway.

It was quite confusing with the team colors the same and no selection boxes. Coop will fix that though.
I agree with point about the 1 minute ammo, it might be better with straight ammo or something to add gameplay.
I thought the autodetach worked great
The mesh looks amazing, the building are prefect for this type of battle.
No blood = terrible :(
Really miss the c4 too

AI is really missing from the myth universe, its great to see this type of battle, increasing the size of the armies without having to macromanage that many troops.
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Re: BaTTLeCaPS(beta) 1.8 myth ii

Post by Point »

re: battle caps
what this plugin truly reveals is that it would be really great if orders beyond the myth standard hold guard scatter .... could be given to units we control.... if set unit behaviors could be given by command to groups of our units we select that would be cool....

if the map action setting in monster tags could do more to affect the units in game without scripts it would open a world of possibilities.

through inventory monster switching one could through the artifacts set groups of soldier to defend an area to go heal to attack all to go seek out flags etc....


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Re: BaTTLeCaPS(beta)

Post by Isolder »

Fury IX wrote: It gives me some ideas for coop, like have the shotgun captain able to summon the AI troops, and one of each unit type becomes the officer of all the AI of his type.
I was thinking along the same lines. It really sparks some ideas up. The Captain could spawn his lieutenants who would then go off on their own spawning various troop groups and controlling them as they saw fit based on various scripted parameters. There could be specialty squads that were composed of a few different unit types.. all kinds of things.

I've been enjoying BattleCaps and I think it's pretty damn good in its current beta/concept form.
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