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The 9 Vs The Fallen Lords Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:32 pm
by GodzFire
Post your comments, suggestions, and found bugs here.

Re: The 9 Vs The Fallen Lords Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:12 pm
by GodzFire
- Default primary attacks for Avatara missile units shouldn't use mana
- Default primary attacks for Avatara missile units are a bit weak; can't even kill a ghol without at least 2 hits
- Default primary attacks for Avatara missile units shouldn't fly over enemy units heads
- Avatara missile units should autofire when enemy units are in range instead of sitting there until they are hit
- Avatara melee units should autoattack when enemy units are in range instead of sitting there until they are hit
- Cu-Roi's has a nonfunctioning taunt sequence
- Sometimes the Gryphon doesn't show up
- Sometimes the FG doesn't spawn
- When the FG dies and returns to Cu Roi, he loses all of his previous kills
- Certain sections of ground are inaccessible while other sections like steep mountain sides are
- Phexios's Word of Power randomly sometimes doesn't work
- Orange Mana Regen crystals hard to see on similarly colored terrain