model size...
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:51 pm
Model size for placement on mesh...
iron's model guide says this....
"Important: don't let your model exceed 128 cells in size, as that's Myth's limit."
does this mean cells the model actually occupies or the total square box the model placement outlines?
example an L shaped building maybe only covers 90 cells though say 140 if x and y directions are added up and the negative space (voids) included..
iron's model guide says this....
"Important: don't let your model exceed 128 cells in size, as that's Myth's limit."
does this mean cells the model actually occupies or the total square box the model placement outlines?
example an L shaped building maybe only covers 90 cells though say 140 if x and y directions are added up and the negative space (voids) included..