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model size...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:51 pm
by Point
Model size for placement on mesh...

iron's model guide says this....
"Important: don't let your model exceed 128 cells in size, as that's Myth's limit."

does this mean cells the model actually occupies or the total square box the model placement outlines?

example an L shaped building maybe only covers 90 cells though say 140 if x and y directions are added up and the negative space (voids) included..


Re: model size...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:56 pm
by Graydon
I've never read that limit before, but I suspect the footprint of a single model would have to be very large to exceed even 128 square world units. Best bet would be to try it. Make a basic box building shape at 11x12 world units and see if it loads. I'm pretty sure it will, in which case the line in Iron's guide means 128 world units on one edge, or the limit was lifted along the years and its no longer a relevant limit to pay attention to.

Re: model size...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:54 am
by Melekor
MAXIMUM_CELLS_PER_MODEL=128 is defined in the code, but it isn't used anywhere. If Myth ever enforced this limit, it doesn't anymore.