server as neutral observer can chat with team and yell. this could be turned on or off as a game option.
seems harder but doable:
artillery firing in a formation: imagine fire arrows going in a line when you click a # for formation instead of all targetting one area (with one click). this could be very useful on maps like cracks
plug and play plugins: you download, extract and myth recognizes it and lets you in without restarting the game. this would also have to stop causing machines to crash when you close myth as files are being copied into the folder

seems very hard / impossible:
allow units to be allowed/disallowed on a map before a game.
this could eventually be turned into a full listing of units allowed and points allowed to spend. like, you could say disallow trow but let me have FGs instead on if i had a trow. you could choose #s etc and give the host power to be a mapmaker while he's hosting. this would change the way maps are made but could definitely have potential for game use! you could limit the # of points per map based on unit types (like a trow is 24 points so he counts as 24 unit points, not the same as trade points: you could trade in trow on the map for an 8 point mortar, 8 point lock, 3 point archer, 3 point soulless and 2 point myrmidon)
anyway, just ideas/suggestions if anybody has any interest!