could an additional soaring template be created that ... is a little less random ... something like a circle around a spot ... for use by a idle plane or say a vulture circling its prey...
right now soaring sends the planes all over the map..
Mything through the air, in the sea and on land...
Still looking for some one that can help create an alternate soaring to help make the planes idle more appropriate...""
Soaring flying...
Soaring flying...
if one does not learn from the failings of the past they are likely to suffer its return.
Re: Soaring flying...
Actually there is something messed up with soaring in general, I think. I remember when I added some flying wildlife to DoD and set them to soaring. They all made a bee-line for a single corner and bunched up there.
Re: Soaring flying...
Sometimes units set to soaring just sit in one place for me.

PSN: Jon_God