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Eliminating the multiple redundant Categories

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:07 pm
by GodzFire
If you upload something currently at the Tain, you are presented with 19(!) different upload categories, with many overlapping.

1) Conversions
2) Coops
3) Coops/Netmaps
4) Demos
5) FFA Netmaps
6) Films
7) Interfaces
8) Map Packs
9) Mapmaking Resources
10) Misc
11) Netmaps
12) Scenarios
13) Solos
14) Solos/Coops
15) Source Code
16) Tagsets
17) Team Netmaps
18) Tools
19) Updates

However, if you go to the SiteMap (, you'll notice that for each game there are actually only 12 categories

1. Conversions
2. Demos
3. Films
4. Interfaces
5. Mapmaking Resources
6. Misc
7. Netmaps
8. Solos/Coops
9. Source Code
10. Tagsets
11. Tools
12. Updates

Could we maybe get those two to match?

Re: Eliminating the multiple redundant Categories

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:16 pm
by Myrd
The ones given when uploading convey more information.

For example, if you upload a plugin with category "Coops/Netmaps", it means it can be played both as Coop and as a Netmap, one such example is Acts of Piety.

So someone could browse Coops and see it and can also browse Netmaps and see it.

Though it does seem like we're missing Map Packs from the sitemap list.

Re: Eliminating the multiple redundant Categories

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:45 pm
by Pyro
When you go to a page for an item, you can click on the Type they are listed for. Then you are shown a list of all items with the same type.