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Myth II Scenery Objects : created by "The Pope"

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:43 am
by juliocpaes
Hello all,

I downloaded this file (different scenarios). but it has two files that do not open:

Cathedral Cross
Cathedral Scenery

can someone give an explanation? are creations of Pope, who will have more news than this? Party Things/random_pope_scenery.dat

Re: Myth II Scenery Objects : created by "The Pope"

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:16 am
by vinylrake
when there are spacesin the url the automatic url-linker breaks.

instead of just pasting in the url you need to use the URL tags:

Code: Select all


[url][/url] ... cenery.dat

note: I did not add the %20 to replace the spaces, I just clicked the [ url ] button at the top of the window and pasted in the link from your post.

Re: Myth II Scenery Objects : created by "The Pope"

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:49 pm
by Pyro
I downloaded the file and looked at it. "Cathedral Cross" is a collection tag and "Cathedral Scenery" is a collection reference tag. Place them in their correct folders and you can use them.

Re: Myth II Scenery Objects : created by "The Pope"

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:17 pm
by juliocpaes
Pyro // Vinylrake,

ok - I understand now. :wink:

Place the files respectively in sub-folders (collection tag and Scenery) in the folder "Local". and then will make these scenarios in "Fear and Loathing."

ahh - very good. thanks ! :mrgreen: