today on mariunet - mostly regular Myth 2 and The Fallen Levels coop
starting around 9 PM GMT (proly same time during saturday and sunday)
everyone invited for some co-op mayhem
Insert text here. Divine entity of map making. Undefeated god of 1v1 map making contests that have yet to happen. Insert massive ego here Someone tell this guy to stop having so many signatures
PST is GMT -7h I think,
I'm installing latest patch, drivers and dling some stuff the tain right now ( includng M2:Wolf Age demo - cheers Revan ) sould show up on in 15 minutes.
Tireces wrote:PST is GMT -7h I think,
I'm installing latest patch, drivers and dling some stuff the tain right now ( includng M2:Wolf Age demo - cheers Revan ) sould show up on in 15 minutes.
Go to IX forums, I posted all my new releases on the madrigal tavern
Insert text here. Divine entity of map making. Undefeated god of 1v1 map making contests that have yet to happen. Insert massive ego here Someone tell this guy to stop having so many signatures