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Stuck units, no obvious cause

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:39 am
by Zaknafein ... nt-edition

This map has been having issues with units being stuck at the south starting location, for the 2 team meshes. The particular units stuck seem to change each time. There is no impassable terrain at their starting location, or models, or clumped units. Any advice?

Re: Stuck units, no obvious cause

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:38 am
by Pyro
Advice? Sure, don't give plugins a long name. "TE" would have been better than "Tournament Edition", specially since it got cutoff to "Tournament Edit". If all tourney editions stuck with TE, they would be easier to find using the plugin filter by typing "te". Also, test the maps a little better so you don't end up with issues like the one you see. :P

I looked at the map. It has left over scripting from its original. It only happens to some because the actions don't always trigger correctly during the start of the map would be my guess. Some of the actions in the script make the units "held". They are not stuck, the map is just holding them. Deleting the script fixing the problem.