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This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:51 am
by Soukie
Hello my MYTH II friends.
Well I purchased MYTH II so I could play with everyone. Wow, it is a fine stand alone game and I followed the very nice update on how to do it. Heavens I even asked politely to figure out how to play the PvP portion. I will be honest I have never played MYTH II so I am new, althought I think this is a moot point in the gaming. I have tried my best to play without asking players from the board for advice since I know time is valuable and lets be honest....Who wants to help a new player. I think about my history and I understand. This game is not what I remember from my past. Players are not polite and they do not care if you are learning. I purchased this game thinking I could enjoy some times of my past. Wow!!!! OMG I was so wrong!
20 New Zealand dollars spent to relive some fun. I was mistaken.
Please take care.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:04 am
by Platinum
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:35 am
by Melekor
Sorry to hear that Soukie. This was unfortunately entirely predictable though. The community has more than its fair share of trolls and antisocial personalities these days (case in point being the above poster), and the mnet lobby quite often seems more like 4chan than anything else. </rant>
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:43 am
by Jon God
I am sorry to hear it. If you ever feel like playing coop, which I believe promotes much more friendly behavior, let me know.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:52 am
by £N
Oh! So all my attempts to help you were for nothing! :]
u just had a bad day mb ??
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:11 am
Soukie wrote:Hello my MYTH II friends.
Well I purchased MYTH II so I could play with everyone. Wow, it is a fine stand alone game and I followed the very nice update on how to do it. Heavens I even asked politely to figure out how to play the PvP portion. I will be honest I have never played MYTH II so I am new, althought I think this is a moot point in the gaming. I have tried my best to play without asking players from the board for advice since I know time is valuable and lets be honest....Who wants to help a new player. I think about my history and I understand. This game is not what I remember from my past. Players are not polite and they do not care if you are learning. I purchased this game thinking I could enjoy some times of my past. Wow!!!! OMG I was so wrong!
20 New Zealand dollars spent to relive some fun. I was mistaken.
Please take care.
BAH !! Donut give up so quickly mb ?? After you went through ALL that effort to get M:TFL up and running, why stop now when you hit a little bump in the road with MII ?? :oO
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:44 am
by juliocpaes
THE MYTH series games : initially maybe can sound boring, I've felt like you.
but :
over time : I seeing/learned as good is MYTH: real time strategy;
in MYTH, you do not control big armies in battle, but small groups of units (platoons) to win campaigns.
also, I loved the MYTH because of the powerful editors that accompanies the installation.(fear & loathing).
if the MYTH is for you : "This game is not for fun", we have no blame for this, we are not the creators, just fans.
Therefore, before you buy, could have first downloaded
the demo of game, if you liked could then make an investment your 20 New Zealand dollars.also, on internet (youtube) have much videos de players that post your best moments of game.
I think / invite: you should continue to play MYTH, and you'll enjoying the MYTH, though being an old game.
I sorry for all, by my bad English, isn't as good a native-English speaker.

Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:25 pm
by bluseychris2
It was like that at times when I was 16 and playing. I'm coming up to 30 now, the same behaviour is in Spiral Knights, whatever the newer FPSs are, MedianXL/Diablo 2, Doom/Doom 2 online. You get that, you just have to bare with it.
My advice...stick with it and play some Co-op. Co-op will get you playing and learning with other people. Then you can apply what you are learning there to SP and PvP.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:54 pm
by Soukie
OK how do I se up co-op playing? Is that something through the multiplayer option? I will get on and ask.
Thank you all.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:41 pm
by bluseychris2
Start a Multiplayer Game. Select to be host, then go and click on the options button. Having done that click on the Co-Op box then the map you want. You also have the option of turning on Anti-Clump or vTFL gameplay. I prefer anti-clump. If you want to use a custom tagset such as a Rocket Dorf Fest tagset, click on the Tagset Button and load the tagsets you want.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:22 pm
by Elfinstone
I hope it works out for you and you find some help from some players.
I visit marius net everyone in a while, but as a day 1 myth player, I do have to say my last experience (though a few years ago) on peer v peer was socially less than I had hoped for.
Maybe it's changed on that front.
Great game though and my kudos to those that have kept developing it.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 5:11 am
by kingthrall
If you dont like the game then that is fine. I live in Australia (VIC), and so my timezone is similar to you own. Most games are played in the morning local time which does not suit me well. However ive taught about 6 odd mythers in the past two weeks about this game no joke.
Such examples How to collect the good pus from healing your wight, how to block with trow ect. What you fail to realize is your opponents mostly play this game now for over ten years. They know every trick in the book and it is very difficult to simply waltz in and teach someone everything in one lump sum and throw them into the wolves in a team game.
Im not saying I am an expert either but there is a whole chain of counters to learn and because of the veteran community status it is very easy to feel outplayed.
You can add me or PM me if you wish to learn and be a part of my order that does not discriminate and only has a few simple rules.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:16 am
by Mılk Man
Soukie I host "FFA Club" with cool people who aren't asses on tuesdays at 10 PM EST (I think that is 3 PM wednesday your time). You are welcome to come play with us.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:05 pm
by Two Smoking Guns
Well that is about 16 US dollars, imagine how I feel about spending $50 for M3, which was never right.
Still wish I could return it.
You can play in my noob games anytime.
Re: This game is not for fun.
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:11 pm
by spongefile
Again, it's not about the game being too hard to be fun, it's about other players' behavior towards you if you're not as good as they are.
It's stupid to get angry at a noob.
- everyone has to start somewhere
- not everyone has the time to dedicate to hone their skills (or even the inclination to do so).
Let me explain: Myth can be loads of fun even if you never learn most, let alone all, the tricks in the book. That's one of the things that makes Myth amazing even after all these years. You can still laugh your ass off if you lose in some spectacular fashion, all because of Myth's glorious perfect randomness and built-in sense of humor. This game still has young dev JOY in it in a way that few games do. It can be fun the way dodgeball or kickball are fun; light and full of the unexpected. Or it can get deep and serious like chess. You (in theory) get to pick how you want to play from one day to the next.
Unfortunately pro soccer players who've spent years training to be top dog get annoyed when some couch potato comes to kick a ball around to let off some steam. The two have entirely different goals and motivations, and the pros will be pulling their hair out when the potato lands on their team.
The only way I've thought of so far to resolve this sort of thing is to help people find other players with similar playstyles, or at least others tolerant of their playstyle. (my vague attempt to help this happen can be found in the Myth iPhone app I made.)
If anyone has any concrete suggestions on this front, I've been kicking this around for ages and am always curious as to what others may have thought of.