Muirthemne Militia
Muirthemne Penitentiary
A coop created by the Muirthemne Militia. Quite entertaining with full credit going to Snakebelly.
Glaciers Retreat
This is a 6 start FFA map (good for teams). Its set in a semi winter landscape. Plz see readme for more info and legal stuff. Thx have fun! Snakebellywagonrut...
Knuckle of the Oasis
So you've got all of your units ready, the pus is ready, your heals are in abundance, and you start heading to the flag, because It's just such a fun LMOTH game. But what pops up on screen next? 'WTF, quit doubling me, lamer!' 'GFDI, I'm being doubled!' …
Clash `n Da Grass
this is my second map... i made it using photodelux, jade, and fear and loathing. this map is an edited version of clash in the cloudspine. it features a venice (like) wall in the center area, some lakes, modified hills, and a couple of taverns to the …
My first map, features lavapools and the Hellhound unit see readme file for more info..
ADT full auto
This is the latest version of everything ADT its quite large and there are maps that are not complete I am currently in the process of finishing the remaining multi maps when that happens there will be an omnipatch. But it plays fine as is save for the …
Killing Grounds 2000
A map made by the muirthemne militia. A FFA map thats so small the carnage is impossible to avoid. Excellent map and makes for hours of fun with the DrDs.
Chaos v1.0
Chaos is a map created by Zyros The Dark Elf in an attempt to make one of the ultimate- hopefully The Ultimate- Free For All. The mesh takes place in a lush colormap of a mossy-forest scattered with vine-encrusted ruins, and to aptly name the mesh, a …
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