Lone Wolf Creations
Might & Magic - Myth
OmniPatch_#1 Siege of Rionpoint * Removed a large number of enemies throughout the map; * Added a chest with a book of healing at the beginning of the level (now there are at level = 2); Nailed Snow * Added animation for healing potions to make it clear …
The Dark Age: FanBook
The Dark Age, a fan fiction book, belong the Myth Series PC-games by Bungie© and Mumbo Jumbo©. Author: Milo “etamnanki”; ©2004 – etamnanki Art: Leflair, PrimordialSeven, Frostbitedude, Samureye I am, Mrsondaba; Formalization: MAIK ©2018 This story is a …
Expansive Interface
This interface is a small supplement, created on the basis of the Expanded Interface plugin from Pyro. It has all the elements from the Expanded Interface. How is it different? Change the resolution of the main menu to 1024x768 (for greater convenience …
Siege of Belmont [RE]
Plugin: [+] 5 levels Siege of Belmont Freezing on the Road Birka Kupel of Life Destruction (Commander) [+] Interface (1024x768) [+] RU Localization What's New in [RE] - version? Fixed bugs with the "wrong" scripts. Added textures for: walls, huts, gates, …
Shards of the Ermine [RE]
Plugin: [+] 5 levels As the Crow Flies Borogove Caer Cadarn Pandemonium Flight in the Dark [+] Interface (1024x768) [+] RU Localization What's New in [RE] - version? Fixed bugs with the "wrong" scripts. Added texture pack. (Warning! Texture Pack conflicts …
Viklund & Viking
& Nothing new. This is Fear & Loathing 1.8 by Bungie, only translated into Russian. I have long started this translation, and since much of the of tools have been translated, I did not want my work was lost. Now tools translated. Well, that's it! …
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